master cleanse cheat sheet

How To Do The Master Cleanse In 7 Easy Steps

1. Get your mind right

The Master Cleanse is a challenge. Make sure you stay positive and motivated by writing out your goals, and always having inspirational books and videos on hand to keep your spirits up.

Also, try to avoid TV. The food commercials can be very tempting.

2. Remove unnecessary food from your home
This can be hard with if you live with others, but at the very least get rid of, or donate the things that tempt you the most.


3. Assemble supplies

Gather everything you need for the Master Cleanse before hand. Going to the grocery store, and looking at all those goodies in the middle of the cleanse can drive you to cheat.

Also pick up some books and dvds to keep your mind busy while doing the cleanse.


4. Ease into the Cleanse

For first time cleansers this is important. Start with replacing one meal with Master Cleanse lemonade (the lemonade recipe is on the next page) and eating only fruits and vegetables for your other meals. And no, you can not fry the veggies. Steamed or raw only.

On the 2nd day replace two meals with lemonade, and one with fruits and veggies.

For the 3rd day try to do the full cleanse without eating, but leave yourself the option of eating a little bit fruit or vegetables as a snack if you have to.


5. Start the full Master Cleanse

Spend the next 4-10 days doing the full Master Cleanse. The ease in makes the Master Cleanse gentler because you're not shocking your body by going directly from your old diet to the Master Cleanse. This means you'll be less likely to get headaches and food cravings.


6. Ease out of the Master Cleanse

Start with juice, and work up to whole fruits and vegetables before returning to your usual diet. Your stomach will be tender, so avoid heavy foods for the first few days.


7. Make permanent lifestyle changes

Is there a nast habit you've been meaning to kick? After finishing the Master Cleanse you'll find it easier to quite smoking, drinking, or eliminate junk food from your diet.


To find out more about the Master Cleanse click over to the next page. You'll discover the benefits of doing the Master Cleanse, the recipe for the lemonade, and more...

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I'm a coach & advocate for quick, natural solutions to health problems. My Master Cleanse Book has been enjoyed by over 56,000 readers and was recently updated with special cleanses for beauty & weight loss. However, I am not a doctor. I care about your safety and encourage you to make sure you're in good health before following the advice on this site. You can learn more about me here.

- Raylen Sterling, author, publisher