Well, you’ve finished the Master Cleanse, now where do you go from here.

You’ve already cleansed your body, and probably feel terrific for having done so… but some of those old (bad) habits might still be lurking and you don’t want to fall back into a regular cycle of eating junk food.

The good news is that the moment you finish the Master Cleanse is the perfect time to implement a new diet. I say that for a couple reasons:

After You Finished The Master Cleanse – Short Term

How you break a long fast is extremely important. You need to gradually ease your way back to solid food after having completed a couple of extra days of juices. You need to come of the Master Cleanse properly. Here is a schedule that works.

Days One and Two After Your Cleanse

Drink several glasses of fresh orange juice (8 oz) throughout the day. The orange juice will prepare the digestive tract to be able to once again properly digest and assimilate solid foods. Don’t gulp it — drink it nice and slow. If you have any difficulties during the transition increase the amount of water.

During the afternoon of day two prepare yourself some vegetable broth. This should not be canned soup that’s full of preservatives, rather make yourself some fresh homemade soup.

Days Three and Four
Drink orange juice in the morning, for lunch eat raw fruit, and at night eat fruit and/or vegetable salad. No eggs, fish, meat, pastries, bread, milk, tea, or coffee. Milk causes mucus and creates toxins in the body, and it’s known to cause problems in the stomach and colon…

Day Five
You are ready to start eating normally again. This will be your first day of a regular breakfast with solids. You should have your glass of lemon and eat fruit, vegetables, berries, or seeds for breakfast — nothing else. If you have gas or other digestive distress go back to day two and repeat days two, three, and four. You may have to do this a few times until your digestive tract is ready to process solid food again.

It’s highly recommended that you begin to take Probiotics after breaking the cleanse. This will replace the good bacteria that was removed when you cleansed the colon. The good bacteria keeps the gut balanced and it also produces Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12, and K. Don’t take the Probiotics while you cleanse. They’ll just get pulled out of your body.

During your cleanse is the time to start to retrain your brain about your eating habits. You’ve got a fresh slate, why not take advantage of it, and begin to live a healthier life, and what you eat is the place to start.

First of all, you should eliminate all processed, refined, and fast foods from your diet. Justify them how you like but the bottom line is that they are not good for you.

Increase the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables you eat. You should have a minimum of 5 servings a day.

Eating a healthy diet will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. It also means that your body will be able to better hold toxins at bay. Eating healthy will also help keep the weight you lost off.

Coming off the master cleanse just takes a few days. Follow these steps and you’ll be set.

After You Finished The Master Cleanse – Long Term

Okay, lets go over some of the different ways you can “keep a good thing going” and maintain, or in many cases improve your health after you finish the Master Cleanse.

When I’m not doing the Master Cleanse my daily diet is a combination of three different diets:

1. Raw foods diet
2. Alkaline diet
3. Liquid Diet *mostly liquids*

Before we get into these 3 I want to share with you a few things I’ve learned about leading a healthy lifestyle.

First of all whatever type of diet you choose to follow make sure it’s not too complex. I’ve tried a lot of diets, and the ones that require complex meal preparation, scheduled eating, and spending hours a day in the kitchen preparing the food are the ones that never worked out.

Lets see, I’m hungry, should I spend the next 2 hours chopping, slicing, dicing, boiling, and baking or just toss a frozen pizza into the oven.

Also stay away from diets that don’t allow any flexibility in your eating. Atkins is a good example of a diet that doesn’t allow any wiggle room in your choice of foods. Atkins does work, but even a small amount of carbs will throw you off the diet.

The 3 different diets I’m going to recommend are easy, flexible, and require almost no preparation for the foods you’ll eat.

You might be thinking this is some horrible diet that wont let you eat any of my favorite foods. Don’t worry. I know that feeling well because being locked into bland, boring diet is another reason most people don’t want to follow a healthy eating plan.

My advice is simple. Take the worst of your current diet (pre Master Cleanse) and replace it with some of the things I going to tell you about. I’m taking about the potato chips, fast food, candy, and soda. That’s the stuff that’s really sabotaging your health to begin with.

One final thing. You don’t have to choose just one of the diets I’m about to tell you about, In fact my daily eating is a combination of all 3. Take the things that will work best for you from each of these, and apply it to your diet.

Alright lets get started with the easiest one – The Raw Food Diet….

The Raw Food Diet

The Raw Food Diet is relatively simple to follow, and it’s very good for you. Basically you eat raw fruits and vegetables.

The average person who’s currently leading a life of junk food consumption will have a hard time with the Raw Food Diet, but after you finish the Master Cleanse you’ll naturally crave this type of healthy food so you’ll have a much easier time following the Raw Food Diet.

Any fruits and vegetables are fine, but try to use organic, and always be sure to thoroughly wash the produce before you eat it. Even if it’s organic you never know who or what has touched it so always wash the food before you eat it.

The foods should be fresh if you want to get the maximum benefit. Frozen fruits and vegetables are okay, and you can use canned as long as it’s packed in water not syrup. But whenever possible use fresh fruits and vegetables.

Remember when I told you about how I felt easy preparation was important to a successful diet? Well, this ones about as easy as it gets. Grab it – wash it – eat it!

How I use the Raw Food Diet:

I use raw foods for snaking and side dishes.

There’s not much to cover with the Raw Food Diet. Your local grocery store is stocked with a variety of raw foods to choose from so you shouldn’t get bored with this way of eating.

The next diet is a little more complicated, but it’s recommended by nutritional experts from around the world as a way to energize your body, lose fat, and help cure disease. It’s called the Alkaline Diet…

The Alkaline Diet

Most people probably haven’t put a great deal of thought into what I’m about to tell you, but it’s something that effects almost every bodily process. It’s your body’s ph level.

If you can picture a scale. Starting at zero you have acid. Moving up the scale to 14 you have alkaline, or base as it’s sometimes referred too. A healthy ph level for your body is between 7.36-7.4 which is slightly alkaline.

What does this have to do with you? Well if you’re like most people you’re likely consuming many acidic foods, and keeping your body in a slightly acidic state. I say slightly because your ph levels will not vary much because your body will buffer the excess acid, but this leads to other problems which I’ll cover in a bit.

Why Is Acid Bad For You?

Many of the things that can compromise your health thrive in a acidic environment. Things like bacteria, fungus, and other microforms flourish in acid.

Having too much acid will also prevent your body from absorbing vitamins, protein and other vital nutrients which can lead to fatigue

Your Body’s Natural Defense Against Acid

I get worried anytime I hear someone say that what you put in your body doesn’t make a difference, and that your body will naturally balance itself out no matter what you eat. This is what opponents of the Alkaline Diet claim. While they’re right about your body having mechanisms to neutralize acid in your body, they’re wrong about that process not having any effect on your health.

To deal with excess acid your body tries to buffer the acid (neutralize it). It does this by stealing important minerals from your bones and other places. When it adds these minerals to the acid, the acid becomes neutral. That takes care of the acid, but causes other problems…

Your body takes the calcium out of your bones and moves it into your blood to get your pH more alkaline. But then your bones don’t have enough calcium. So they get brittle which can lead to osteoporosis.

This calcium builds up in different places in your body. For instance, some of it can build up in your joints, giving your painful arthritis. Too much calcium can end up in the liver and gall bladder, too. That causes liver stones and gall stones.

Another buffer your body uses to neutralize acid is cholesterol. Your body DELIBERATELY makes extra cholesterol to bind with the acids and protect your tissues from them. So this extra cholesterol is actually protecting you. But it causes strokes and heart attacks.

A third type of buffer your body can use is hemoglobin. Unfortunately, it has to steal the hemoglobin from the red blood cells, and this can cause anemia.

Your body will also use magnesium as a buffer. It pulls the magnesium out of your muscles, making them small and weak.

So you can see that just because your body has a system in place to deal with acid you should still try to prevent your body’s ph level from getting to the point that it has to use them. Here’s how you can do just that:

Sounds easy enough right? But before we get in to that lets look at the benefits of the Alkaline Diet.

Acid Forming Foods

To start with, acid forming foods are not the same as foods with an acidic pH.

Some foods that contain lots of acid–such as lemons–are alkalizing! How can this be?

When your body burns food for energy, “ash” is left over. The left over ash is either acid or alkaline. Alkaline ash is easy for your body to use and it alkalizes your blood. Acidic ash isn’t easy for your body to use, and it makes your blood more acidic.

Here Are Some Foods That Leave Acidic Ash:

Foods That Are Alkalizing:

Looking at these two lists you’re probably thinking that almost everything a normal person eats is acid forming, and there’s no way you could eliminate all those foods from your diet! I agree, it would be a very difficult for the average person to go without all acidic foods, but just by cutting back on some acidic foods and eating a few more alkaline foods you can make a big difference in the way you feel.

For more about the Alkaline Diet there’s a book called “The pH Miracle” by Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford Young. This was the book that got me interested in the Alkaline Diet, and I recommended it to anyone who wants to really understand the science behind this diet.

One more thing about the Alkaline Diet. Emotions and stress levels also affect your body’s ph level.

Negative emotions and high stress cause your body to be acidic. It shouldn’t surprise you that these things have a very real physical impact on your health. On the other have positive emotions such as happiness keep your body more alkaline.

Liquid Diet

This brings us to my final recommendation for your post-Master Cleanse diet, the liquid diet. And we might as well get the most obvious liquid out of the way first which is water. Preferably filtered water. Water is so important that it should be the corner stone of any healthy diet.

I mentioned in the beginning of this guide that the liquid diet was my favorite. I like it because after doing the Master Cleanse staying on a partial liquid diet is really not that hard, and most of you who finish the Master Cleanse will find the transition fairly simple.

Like the other diets I talked about you shouldn’t stay on a 100% liquid diet, but replacing just 1 meal a day with liquids can shave 1000’s of calories a week off your diet. Not to mention give you more energy.

The staple of this liquid diet is meal replacement shakes, or protein shakes. If you’ve never tried some of the different shakes available they’re actually very tasty, not at all chalky tasting like when they first came out.

Most brands are filled with vitamins, minerals, and of course protein. Speaking of protein I’m willing to bet many of you are not getting enough. Some people think that drinking protein shakes is only for body builders, but that’s not the case. Anyone can benefit by replacing a carb filled meal with a protein shake.

Here’s another tip: If you’re trying to lose weight, but you’re always hungry. Have a protein shake first thing in the morning. It will fill you up, and give you more energy throughout the day.

You have a lot of options for protein shakes, but I suggest going to a vitamin store and talking with the sales person. Some brands are geared towards hardcore body builders, and unless you’re lifting a lot of weights you should steer clear of these. Ask for something that could be used as a meal replacement. They come in a lot of different flavors, but when in doubt go with vanilla because you can always add some fruit and blend it up to make your own custom shake.

I drink at least one protein shake a day, usually in the morning.

Other liquids:

Tea: Another favorite of mine is tea. I prefer green and white tea. There’s been a lot of talk about the benefits of drinking tea. It’s been linked to everything from a cure for cancer to helping with weight loss.

I also find it gives me a boost in energy, and unlike coffee it doesn’t make me jittery.

If you find the typical green/black/white tea too bland for your taste you can try some of the herbal teas which come in a variety of flavors, or you can always mix some fresh fruit juice in with the tea to spice it up.

Fresh Vegetable Juice: I have to come clean here. I bought one of those expensive juice machines and only used it about 6 times. I loved the fresh juice, but the machine had so many pieces which had to be washed after every use that I could never fall into the habit making the juice

If you don’t mind the clean up, fresh vegetable juice is one of the healthiest things you can put in your body. One piece of advice. If you go shopping for a juicer find a machine that’s easy to clean up.

Fresh Fruit Juice: Fresh fruit juice, like fresh vegetable juice is very good for you. Fruit juice do tend to be higher in calories then vegetable juice so you don’t want to drink too much. A glass a day is good, and stay away from concentrated fruit juice because it’s loaded with sugar.

Coffee: Yes, coffee is high in caffeine, but it has almost no calories, and many people love how it tastes. It’s okay to drink coffee, just don’t add any sugar, whip cream, or any other calorie filled condiments. A little cream is fine, and so are flavored coffee’s. I like hazelnut myself.

To recap here’s my top choices:

Putting Your Post-Master Cleanse Strategy Together

Here’s how I use these 3 diets After I finish the Master Cleanse.

This is just my preference, and you should do whatever works best for you. I start every day with a glass of water, 1 protein shake (or meal replacement shake), and a cup of green tea. I can’t think of a more perfect way to start my day.

Throughout the day I drink plenty of water, and if I want a snack I’ll usually have a piece of fruit. I eat a normal lunch, and a normal dinner. I try to keep my lunch and dinner healthy, but I’m not overly strict. I’ll even have a slice of pie every now and again. Ala mode of course.

I’ve always been a late night eater. I don’t know why but I just seem to lose all my will power after 8pm. But I’ve managed to tame this tiger by drinking wheat grass juice when I get my late night cravings.

The funny thing is I don’t really like how the powdered wheat grass tastes, but after drinking it for a few days I actually started to crave it. Just like when you’re thirsty your body tells you to drink water, well now my body tells me to drink the alkaline green drink.

It really does help get rid of my late night snacking. If you would rather not drink the powdered wheat grass mixed with water you can use capsules, but they will take a little longer to work.

That’s all there is to it. When I follow this diet I’m never hungry, and I don’t feel in any way deprived. The biggest change is switching to a liquid breakfast, but once you see how satisfying it really is I don’t think you’ll miss the 1,500 calorie bacon, eggs, toast, pancakes, cola breakfast.

One final tip…now that you’ve worked so hard to flush all the waste and toxins out of your body with the master cleanse you don’t want to go back to poisoning your self.

One of the simplest things you can do to keep chemicals and other waste products out of your body is invest in a home water system. It’s shocking just how bad public drinking water is for you, and bottled water isn’t much better.

I tried a couple water filters before I found one that not only removed almost all the bad stuff from my drinking water, but was affordable as well (it’s actually one of the cheaper units on the market).

221 Responses

  1. Would you provide some examples of your breakfast protein shakes? If you are making your own, what do you put in, how much protein, etc? If you buy, are you buying Smoothie King and if so, what kind? Or are you buying packaged ones like Slim Fast?

  2. hank you this information was very helpful. I will try incorporating all 3 diets into one but I have one question is it ok to have yogurt as a meal replacement?

  3. On my 14th & final night of this cleanse HALLELUJAH!!! Feeling so accomplished I cant believe I actually did it wow. 18 pounds & I am determined to keep it off! Thanks for the tips. After this my discipline is on a whole different level. I went grocery shopping yesterday & got mostly raw, liquid& vegan foods. Thanks Girl I am SO READY! ????

  4. I have been on the master cleanse for 30 days and I feel great plenty of energy. Im coming off of it and when I finish the exiting of the master ceanse I needed some information on eating correctly. Your information is very beneficial to me.It will definitely keep me on track. Thank you for sharing your strategy to keep up my momentum.

  5. I am on the 3rd day of the m/c and learning all about this change! I am impressed at the taste and combination of the drink, not a bad flavor and tolerable. I have no headaches , but have lower back pain, which I had from the onset but has magnified on the m/c. I am hoping that will subside. I am heading towards 10 days as a first timer. I am enjoying the weight drop so far it has been a breakthrough. Hopefully I will be a wise eater and a healthier person at age 69. Better late than never. Thanks for all the info and insight , sincerely a m/c fan!

  6. I’m on day eleven on the cleanse. Striving for twenty one days. The last time i did fourteen . I cleanse for times a year and it really works.

  7. I had been doing the ten-day master cleanse once or twice a year since the mid-90’s and always felt great. If you’ve done it a few times, there are no headaches, etc. because you’re probably not very toxic. (A side note about the headaches: Before starting the cleanse, if you drink regular coffee, begin substituting decaffeinated about a week before so that you’re drinking straight decaf for at least a few days before you begin. Some headaches are just from the lack of caffeine.) Anyway, after I moved away from the warm climate I lived in, I got out of the habit of doing the cleanse every New Year’s Day because of the cold weather. After four years of no cleanses, I knew it was time to detox. I had a headache, and actually threw up at the end of the first day. I’ve felt fine from the second day on, and am now on day four. I’m going back on my old schedule – thanks for reminding me of how great I always feel on this diet. (And there’s so much more time in each day with no cooking!)

  8. I went on the mc diet for 2 weeks, lost 9 lbs. I am struggling with 3 serious health conditions, dangerously high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, sleep only 2 hrs and wake up and go back to sleep… this pattern goes on all nite every nite.l

    please help me!

  9. Hi I’m planning on going on the lemon cleanse and this article makes me so excited! I can’t wait, I know now that if I stick with it I can still keep it off with some of these diets.
    I think I’ll be doing what you are, a mix of all three. But, I wanted to suggest something for the liquid diet. I actually live in Japan and one of my favorite teas is called “Mugicha”. Mugicha is a barley tea and is very healthy. It is also caffeine free which is another reason why I like it because it leaves you without the jittery feelings but still energizes you. I love the taste and it can be served hot or cold. It is my favorite drink and I would suggest that you try it if you can find it. It is easy to find in Japan, but you can find places to buy it in the US also. The taste is a little weird at first, but then you get used to it. Try it!

  10. Today I started the 3-day Master Cleanse and so far so good. I drank the SWF which was not as bad as I thought it would be. I’m down 2 lemonades and I’m just trying to stay positive. I used to be stick thin prior to having my son seven years ago but my eating habits are horrendous. I’m average sized (size 12) but I’d like to get down to at least a size 8 (which would be great because I’m 5’10). I’m doing this not for the weight loss, but moreso to get my body ready for eating healthier. I’m excited and I know I can make it til Monday night! LoL (I read your post on the 3 day cleanse as oppose to a failed attempt at a 10 day cleanse).

  11. I completed the 10 day Master Cleanse for the first time. The evening before Day One, I drank the Salt Water flush. My son drank one with me too and he swears he felt no effect at all. My bowels loosened up and I went about 4 times before going to bed ( a 2 hour period.) No cramps and no pain at all. I kept a journal for the first 5 or 6 days and stopped only because my work schedule got busy and is still hectic. Day One, I felt really good. Day Two and Three I had an awful headache through out the day. A little relief came when I’d actually drink the lemonade. I pretty much lost any appetite after the 3rd day. I would feel hunger but not for food. I was determined to stick with the liquids only. I am so proud of myself for completing the fast and not cheating at all except twice. Let me explain: Both times it was totally “unconscious eating.” Sitting in a meeting for 2 hours, I was on my second candy mint when I realized I was on my liquid diet which sent me running to the trash to spit it out. The other time, I was washing fresh blackberries and putting them up to freeze and ended up eating 3 berries and not even know it until I was finished putting them away and thinking, “boy were those berries so big and juicy!” This experience has been an eye-opener for me!!! I continued to cook for my family and constantly stopped short of picking up dropped morsels and putting into my mouth, or tasting along the way…. I am on Day Two coming off the fast and committed to NO Dairy for two weeks. I already see the benefits of learning self control and I really can make better choices! I started at 181 lbs. and now weigh 165. Oh, and the recommended amount of daily lemonade was 6 minimum up to 12. The 6 was all I really had time to fit into my schedule with water in between. I was always satisfied and I am soooo happy and feel good now that I don’t want to ruin it with junk. If I can do it, anybody can!! (The swelling in my glands on each side of my throat have shrunk and don’t hurt anymore.)

  12. I done with master cleanse but i do’nt understand during the diet it make you go pee alot at frist day or going # 2?

  13. Hello my friend and I decided to do the 10 day MC we are on day 8 and he’s been a CHAMP about it I’ve been the COMPLAINER. He had done the 10 day MC for the 1st time back in 2007 that’s when he went thru all the CHANGES… Pains, Acne, BadOdor, Bad Breath,Etc he got it all. He said he was TOTALLY POLLUTED. He has tried to do it at least once a year since then and has not been able to complete a 10 day total. But it my have to do with the fact that we live together and it would be hard when one is doing it and not the other. But this time around I think he was not as polluted because none of the symtoms were there and I do try to help him eat HEALTHIER. He says he feels really GREAT! As for me this is the 2nd time in 5 years for me I was doing it for the detoxifing part but I’m still glad that I’ve gone from 150 to143 so far, 2 more days to go!!! The hardest part will be the coming off. Not so much for me I’m basically a healthy eater. He wants FOOD!!!! Thanks For the Great Advice.

  14. I completed the 3-day master cleanse two months ago. I forget where I read about the hormone reset feature, but the after-effects have been miraculous for me. I am obese and my body was poisoning itself to the point that I could tolerate no medicines, vitamins, perfumes, etc. Overnight I seemed to be allergic to everything. EMF was a nightmare. Trying to lose weight was a joke. I had zero energy levels. The master cleanse turned everything around. and the book was a blessing. I knew exactly what to do and why and was surprised that I tolerated the diet. No hunger, just missed coffee.

    Friends told me the dangers of too much citrus which you may wish to address in future. It was just a little nagging worry.

    The salt water flush was so powerful that I only did it once a day. My bowels turned liquid from the start. Now, after all this time has passed, I never know when I will be surprised by a liquid elimination. It usually only happens once a day, usually following a normal bowel movement. Can you give me any explanation for this? Is the liver continuing to detox? What could be causing this?

    All in all, I am so thankful for the turnaround in my body’s sensitivity to everything. I plan to go for the 10-day cleanse in Oct.


  15. Thanks Raylen for those wonderful tips. I actually done wiht the MC and I fell wonderful but I was a little scared about the eating. After reading your diet, I kind of have an idea what to look for. thanks!

  16. Kimberly, sounds like you may have been deficient in some vitamins and.or minerals such as calcium or magnesium; however, for a person with out major deficiencies, the maple syrup and lemons have a great deal of the vitamins and minerals needed. I sometimes took a supplement while on the Master Cleanse (15 days) but you have to be careful which time because most say take with food. I lost 18 lbs by the way. I believe I could have lost more but I was traveling most of the time and had to premix my drink in a gallon container for use all day; Not optimal because the lemon juice loses the enzymes after short while after being squeezed. Next time (in 3 weeks) I will go for 7 days while I’m not traveling and do it right.

  17. I did the MC for only 2 days, as my body had such bad aches and pains…I couldnt even sleep as I tossed and turned so much from leg and back aches. i know the sick feeling and the headache was normal for some, but I hadnt read anywhere that they had suck bad whole body aches constantly…so I gave up but did follow a healthy eating plan from my 3rd day on…I would like to try the master cleanse diet again after a month or so of healthy eating as long as I dont have the same body aches..I think my body was lacking vitamins and minerals or something…and I got scared… Did anyone else have such issues with it? I am now doing mostly Alkaline diet but will now do the protein shake in the morning instead of my normal egg white and oat meal breakfasts.. 🙂

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  19. Thank you so much for the email regarding where do you go after completing the MC. I am certainly putting a plan together, I was bothered by Acid Reflux and will return to the Great Taste No Pain plan which is so in line with your advice on Acid and Alkaline. It’s healthy food combination and probotics, that have really helped me i n the pass. My problem was adopting the lifestyle of my eating habits, I’ve actually lost weight with a more alkaline diet. I’m on day 6 with the MC, I’ve lost 8 lbs and looking forward to the finish line. 🙂

  20. I did the MC for five days and lost 10lbs I have pcos and doctors tell me it will take me twice as long to loose weight than anyone without it, well not on this diet I’m hoping do do one week on weekends off for a few months I have to go to a wedding in June and I don’t want to be the fat bridesmaid that has to go sideways down the aisle ! 10 days is hard for the first time with the salt water I used epsom salts and sucked on a lemon in-between gulps I read on one website if u feel the need to fart don’t !! Use that wisely after doing the saltwater flush it took about half hour with me and I was on for ages… Would recommend first time do this on a night and not in a morning to see how your body takes it !! I didn’t mind the flavour of the juice but re omen if you go out take the same amount of water as lemonade and sip from each to make it last longer at the end of the five days I only had one meal a day of fresh fish or prawns I sneaked in the odd chocolate also ( Im only human ) and lemonade for the morning make sure on the saltwater you take water to bed I felt very dehydrated in the morning of the first one if it won’t send you to the toilet try adding some more salt good luck everyone who is starting I’m starting again in the morning and it will be hard as I’m on holiday on tuesday but if I’m going to do this I have to make sacrifices !

  21. I’m on day 3 of the MC and I’m taking it day by day. This experience so far has made me reconsider all of the poor food choices I have made in the past. In the past few days I have been looking up new recipe ideas for a new healthier lifestyle! This cleanse is not only for toxin removal or weight loss, but it is also helps renew your mental state. Since food is not an option and this isn’t the most pleasent experience, all you can think about is how to keep the weight off when you are done in order to not have to do the MC regularly.

    I’m 21, female , 5’9″ and started at 141 and I am now at 135. Six pounds in three days! Feeling good about that, but as everyone should keep in mind, keeping this weight off is the challenge!!

  22. Hey there, just completed day 5 of the MC, this is the first time im doing this diet and i am feeling lighter and slimmer. I have lost 3kgs to date. It has been so hard and pianful especially the cramps but i have survived. Looking at doing the whole 10 days. Thanks for the tips… Will definitely be adopting your diet.

  23. Hello,
    I am on Day 5 of Master Cleanse and so far so good. I am 24 years female 5’8 and was 185 pounds so far I have lost five pounds so 180pounds at the moment…Best of luck to everyone..

  24. I am starting the diet today and so far so good. I drunk my salt water in the morning and a cup of lemonade so far. Im starting at 167 pounds 🙁 but I need to lose a lot of weight within the next couple months as im going on vacation with my boyfriend. Hopefully this works!

  25. Hey everyone, greetings from Colombia! today was my second day of the MC and even though I am not doing it exactly as it should be (could not find the Mapple Syrup organic but with sugar – So i am just having 1 tbs per glass) I have lost 2 kilos just in a day and a half! I have felt very proud of myself i am a huge foodie and I thought I was not going to be able to last a day! I am ready for day 3 and from what I have read tomorrow will be good for starting working out a bit!

    My main motivation is myself and to give my body this chance to heal and feel better, I am a smoker and I have not smoked for these two days either! I am quitting for good! Not even craving it!

    Thanks for postimg on the diets, I think I will go withbthe raw foods diet after the MC !

    Abrazos desde Cartagena Colombia!

  26. Hi there !
    Reading this is a great motivation for me.I have been on MC once last year, I sometimes used to forget I am in the MC and often wonder what to eat for lunch or dinner. But all said and gone, i lost a clean 2 sizes and my friends actually started calling me the ‘wonder women’, with the way i play with my weight.
    My brother even got a birthday cake with a ‘Sleeky’ on top of it. But I had to travel abroad for 4 months and i completely lost track of my weight and I am now looking like a bloated angel. I hate myself for the way i have turned into as my formals dont fit me anymore. Instead of the smart dresses i used to wear, i am wearing layers now to cover flabs.

    So decided this time to start the MC again. I wanted today to be the first day, but i forgot and ate cup noodles for lunch. That is all i had from morning, so immediately i had a lemonade with cayenne pepper. officially i am beginning from now. i want you guys to push me or lash me to an extent that i feel embarrassed with my less determinations. Please do the honors.

    I will complete this MC fully for 20 days and will fit my favourite formals back. My sweet tooth also has to be brought under control.

  27. Today is day 6 of my 10 day MC. Feeling really good and have a lot of energy. Can’t say I’m not hungry, but I can handle it! I weighed myself yesterday on day 5, and have already lost 14 pounds!

  28. Today is my first, I dont even know how much I weight, but I know I am getting over weight. We let u guys know by tomorrow. This is my first time.

  29. so i am procrastinating on doing the clense everytime im up and ready to go people say that i shouldnt because im just going to be starving myself!!! but i had my son eight months ago and i havent dropped any of the baby weight and i feel just horrible does any one have any advice on what i should do ?

  30. I am doing another 3 days of the MC. For my first time, a few days ago, I did a 5-day MC as was suggeted on one of the sites. I felt good and my blood sugar levels ( I am diabetic) stayed within normal range. I think it’s because I wasn’t injesting anything white or starchy:-) Then for four days I ate VERY lite because the MC left me with little appetite:-) I drank the lemonade twice a day, the laxative tea in the evening and ate soft veggies, lite soup and homemade fruit smotthies. I only gained 2 lbs. I had lost a total of 10 in 5 days. Today I started the MC again for only 3 days. I feel good…look lighter, fit n my clothes better, and know that my food choices will continue to be different and healthy for me when I finish this one as well. Prior to starting the 5-day MC I had done a suggested 3-day “pre-start”, which included fruit, veggies, no dairy, no meat even fish, vegetable broth and diluted orange juice. It made a difference, but it made my total MC journey 10 days, because I did the pre-start for 5 days instead of 3. While my husband chose not to do the MC with me, he went on an all-fruit journey, used the laxative tea, eased off with light soups and lost 10 lbs as well. I can see myself doing a 5-day MC once a quarter. I found the last 6 hours to be the hardest…but it was worth it to not give in and stay the course:-)

  31. I’m going to start the MC Cleanse on 8/8/11; anyone one to start with me? This will be my first attempt at the cleanse and may need a buddy. I AM SO PUMPED AND READY TO GET FIT!

  32. Today is my last day of Master Cleanse (10 days) and I feel great, I’ve done this before, it’s my 4th time in a yr to 2 yrs. I am 53 years old, 5?3? and my starting weight was 190 lbs and finished at 180 lbs. Free of lower back pain, joint pain in my hands/fingers, I have lots of energy, now I need to look up what to do after MC, what to eat, I want to change my eating habits and this is a good start w/MC. I use liquid Cayenne pepper instead of powder, it gives a kick to the Lemonade, I also tried the capsules, but I prefer liquid. I encourage you to do it, you will not regret it.
    GOOD LUCK ! ! !

  33. Hi. 55 years old, 230 pounds of depression and misery when I started. On day 8 now and feeling really, really good! My body has needed this for a long time. I haven’t really had much of a problem but I don’t have a job now and can just sit in front of the TV or go to sleep if I feel badly. Just want to thank you all for your comments and help – I am at a HUGE turning point in my life and this fast has helped 100% emotionally, spiritually and certainly health-wise. Namaste.

  34. Hi, Im currently 5ft 138 pounds, age 16 and looking to loose about 20 pounds. Im a work out girl, looking for something more settle and give my legs a break. So I hope this Lemonade detox works, if it dont it’ll still be good for the body

  35. I completed the Master Cleanse this past Friday. I read the Master Cleanse by Tom Woloshyn. The book is a great tool, that will ensure you are successful at completing the cleanse. It was very easy and I feel great. The first night I had a dull headache but all was good after the first day. If you get cold or tired you are not drinking enough of the lemonade. Tom tells you this in his book. I am 56 years old, 5’3″ and my starting weigh was 173 lbs and finished at 162 lbs.
    The biggest gain was the loss of arthritic pain in my joints and increased flexibility in my whole body. I am a dragon boat paddlers and after a practice was the only time I got hungry. I would like to do the cleanse again next month.

  36. I completed the Master Cleanse this past Friday. I read the Master Cleanse by Tom Woloshyn. The book is a great tool, that will ensure you are successful at complete the cleanse. It was very easy and I feel great. The first night I had a dull headache but all was good after the first day. If you get cold or tired you are not drinking enough of the lemonade. Tom tells you this in his book. I am 56 years old, 5’3″ and my starting weigh was 173 lbs and finished at 162 lbs.
    The biggest gain was the loss of arthritic pain in my joints and increased flexibility in my whole body. I am a dragon boat paddlers and after a practice was the only time I got hungry. I would like to do the cleanse again next month.

  37. I finished 10 days of the Mater Clense. This was my first time. I did it backwards. I didnt read all the instructions until after I started. I have gotten great result. I was not hungry the entire time I was on the diet. I am now eating veggies and fruits, and yesterday I had a few strips of chicken in my salad. Anybody out there trying this Master Clense, Stick with it.

  38. Hey! I wanna try this. But can u ear anything at all or u just drink the lemonade for the whole day if u can eat what is it can anyone help me??

  39. I decided to go on the MC for 10 days. I’ve had a difficult time sticking to anything… this one was different!
    I went on as I was feeling sluggish, had lots of aches and pains, didn’t sleep well at night, couldn’t get up in the morning… ugh! I’m also overweight so the loss wouldn’t hurt my feelings either.
    I did well. I cooked almost all the way through my cleanse, I also work a couple evenings a week in a pub that serves amazing food and that wasn’t a bother either.
    within 5 days, I didn’t have aches and pains, fell asleep easily, woke up totally refreshed, and had lots of energy. In the first couple days I could have had a wee nap… 🙂
    At day 9, I decided I would go a couple more days so took it to 12. I might have gone longer but we are headed away on vacation in a few days so I wanted 4 days to ease out… which I’m so glad I did.
    I attribute my success to easing into the cleanse as it suggests in so many resources.
    I plan to implement the MC into my life regularly. I’ll do the next one just after our Canadian Thanksgiving… *my Birthday* and then I plan to do the cleanse every 4 months or so… along with the seasons 😉

  40. I am on my seventh, and last, day of my first MC. When I first started I figured I’d try it and if I didn’t feel good I’d just stop. I feel amazing! I wish this didn’t have to be my last day, but I am have to travel tomorrow and I think it will be too difficult to keep up while helping with my best friend’s wedding. Anyway, I am thinking of eating lightly for a week and then going back on for another week. I have been sleeping a little more each night than before, but I feel great – lots of energy without all the soda and caffeine I used to have to use. Thanks for the tips on how to eat to keep up this good feeling after I finish. I am excited about how I look and feel and really want to keep it going! Good luck to everyone trying this for the first time – don’t put too much pressure on yourself and you’ll find that you can do it without any difficulty and you’ll feel so much better on so many levels!

  41. Day 18 on the mc. I’ve lost 14 lbs. (5’2″ started at 168 lbs.) I’m feeling great and planning on going to day 30. Headaches come and go, usually when I’m not drinking enough water or need to eliminate. I wish the weight loss was more. I love today’s blog on the foodstyle to live after the cleanse. I’m going to follow that and hopefully drop some more weight in the process! For the milk replacement question, my family likes coconut milk.

  42. I’ve done the 10 day M C- stayed on course the whole time. 2 days before finishing, i started to get hungry … and I mean hungry!!! (I must add that a lot of stress was brewing at the time). I finished and started eating everything I was missing that I loved! That lasted two days.

    I know that I have to get off this tangent! that I am on! Reading Raylen’s advice (above) will help, l hope! I plan on doing the ‘Peak 8’ exercises (Dr. Mercola’s website) along with Raylen’s advice.

    I will keep you updated with my journey.
    Many successes!

    Ernestine (Buffy) Mullin

  43. I just finished my 8th day on the cleanse. I feel really good like I could keep going for more than 10 days, but I still get those out of no where urges to eat regular food. In the evening I wanted to “eat dinner”, and I found if I laid on my stomach, on my bed, and watched a movie or TV show on my computer it went away pretty easily. I think mainly because I was laying on my stomach and it masked the “hungry” feeling. Maybe it could work for some of you guys.

    Question, have any of you people that finished the cleanse actually had a clear, pink tongue?


  44. I am starting MC tommorrow. This will be second time. My eating has been out of control lately. I feel sluggish, slow and just down right tired. I know this will get my flesh under control and help me flush out toxins in my body from unnecessary eating of pizza, burgers, etc, etc. etc. I am 207.4 pounds. I have never been 200 pounds in my life. It’s scarry. I am ready to get started.

  45. This is my 2nd time doing the MC and i have noticed each time i come off the MC and eaze out of it i have troubles haveing a movement if you know what i mean….does anyone have any recomdations???

  46. I did my first MC two years ago for 30 days. I’m currently on day 2 of my newest one I will try for another 30 days.
    Keesha, if you have headaches, I suggest rubbing a little peppermint essential oil on your temples. Works marvelously.

  47. Hello all I thank God for all your help.this is me and my hubby’s second day.I have the worst headache.I wanted to know If a womens monthly cycle affects her symptoms.I startedted the same day as the MC so could my symptoms be worse.all n all I’m doing good but I’m still hungry.I’m doing it as part of a fast but I do want to lose,when do most people see the loss. No matter what I’m stickin it out.

  48. I just started my cleanse today. I’ll be doing a 10 day cleanse and making a healthy diet change at the end of this cleanse. I’ve been using the master cleanse for decades now and I have successfully brought my weight down gradually. I know that when I am not on the cleanse that I must exercise regularly in order to continue with the progress and goal that I set for myself. I liked how someone said that they used it as a spiritual cleanse -as I’ve also been know to call it by that name in the past. It is a time when I journal with insightful thoughts into my own future and the future of others. I am always excited about the cleanse and the effect that it has on my psyche. Strength and perseverance is what will get you through these days. Making the cleanse a regular part of your year is the best practice that one can do. I have and am grateful for that.

  49. Hello everyone I completed the cleanse about about 2 weeks ago and I’m more energized and focused . I started the mc before Halloween so I missed out on all that candy but I managed. I’m a type 1 diabetic and I did just fine but I just had to check my sugar levels about 15 to 20 times a day. But it was well worth it all. I went to visit my diabetic Dr and all of my blood work was very good. A1C came down from 8.7 to 7.7 also my cholesterol ldl & hdl were great. I was very proud of myself. I really enjoy reading the different blogs. thank-you. everyone keep up the great work.

  50. Hey, i am starting the MC on the 21st of this months, i would like to know if there is anyone else planning on doing it at the same time or around the same time so that we can get in coms and be motivators for eachother..???

  51. Hi all

    M so excited I successfully finished my 10 day MC diet on 27 October 2010 and am very happy with the results. I fit in a hot pant I last wore in 2005 before my little girl was born in 2006.

    I am now in my easing phase until next week and then will start a healthy eating lifestyle with healthy interesting meals.

  52. hi i am 5 ft only and i weighed 172 lbs. I started my MC 2 weeks ago and made a break in the middle of the cleanse just to break the rythm. I lost 18.7 lbs in 2 weeks cleanse this is my best time dieting ever

  53. Hi guys, I am on day 11 of the master cleanse. Planning to do 20 though. I really want to change my diet afterwards, not that I am a huge junk-food eater, but I love chocolate, cookies, cookie dough….you’ll get the picture. I would like to know if anybody knows how I can replace milk. I usually have one cup of decaf coffee in the morning but cannot stand it without milk. Milk on the other hands builds up toxic mucus, so what can I replace it with? I read some stuff about soya and rice milk, but there are also tons of pros and cons. Any suggestions??

  54. Hi, I started the Master Cleanse Program October 8th, 2010. I am currently on my 5th day and I have already lost 8 lbs. I feel really great as far as having energy and I haven’t been hungry or uncomfortable. I would recommend this program to anyone who needs a weight jump start and a refresher in feeling good. My skin is clear and it has a glow and my hubby loves my extra energy.

    Thanks Master Cleanse 5 more days to go :O)

  55. So I am starting the Master Cleanse tomorrow YAYAYAYAY!!!! I have done a lot of research for the past couple of months and I am now ready to change my life by starting with the Master Cleanse. I am 29, 5’7″ and weigh 230 pounds. I am doing this detox because every time I have dieted in the past I never got the boost of energy that everyone else gets which I think is caused by my pipes being clogged from 29 years of unhealthy eating habits. I have tried so many diets over the years, weight lost shakes, fast diets, Atkins, diet pills from over the counter, phentermine pills prescribed by a dietitian and Weight Watchers. I do it for a 3-4 months, lose the weight and go right back to my same eating habits. Which each and every time results in me gaining weight back and sometimes more then I lost 🙁

    I have learned that losing weight is also a mental change and until you tackle what your problem is you will always go right back UP on the scale. Sweets are my weakness and I have always lived by the saying “I Live to Eat”… This is because I love food, LOL!!! I eat when I’m happy, when I’m bored, when I’m stressed, when I’m sad, when I’m scared someone else may eat it before I do (LOL) and when it’s there and I know it taste sooooo GOOD!! I am trying to teach myself to “Eat to Live” not “Live to Eat”.

    I am really looking forward to having ENERGY more then anything!! Everyday I am up by 6:30am and by 7pm I am exhausted!! I have children that I want to be able to play with & keep up with so that I am around to see them grow up and have Grand-babies for me 🙂 Most importantly I do NOT want to pass my eating habits on to my kids which I see my daughter has inherited my sweet-tooth already as a toddler…..SMH. So my goal as a parent is to teach my kids to “Do as I do” not just “Do as I say”!!

    Wish me luck!!!! 🙂

  56. 6 to 12 and the ingredients are 2 tbs organic lemon juice 2 tbs organic maple syrup grade b 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper and 10 oz of filter water

  57. Hay i am thinking about going on the master cleanse but i hav a few questions and i waas wondering is any1 can answer them 4 me??????????
    1. How many times do u drink the MC a day???
    2. What are the ingredients ??????

    If u can plz answer these 4 me it would b great
    Thanks xxxx

  58. I’m on Day 6 of the MC and have had zero side effects. I’ve lost about 6 lbs form my mid section and feeling pretty good. I still have tons of cravings from time to time for Pizza, burgers, etc. but I get past em pretty easily. My trick was that I put the start date on a calendar (about 3 weeks before the big day) and during that time I stopped eating all junk food. I also cut back on the amount of food I ate overall. This mentally prepared me for this 10-day task. I should have no problem finishing this and will probably eat junk food now and again but certainly not like before….


  59. thank goodness for all the encouragement from the blog from Raylen
    I read it everyday to keep me focused
    an on my 5th day and lost 4 lbs a bit of struggle at first but I use each day as a stepping block to a healthy person I am 74 and so I want to thank you again for helping me thru and looking forward to the 3 different diets believe me the alkaline work I use drops in all my liquids

  60. Hey there, i have been doing this for many years. I started out a few years ago and lasted a day. I then made it to four days and the last time i fasted i made it to 9. I would not recommend trying to do 10 as ten is alot. I would set a smaller goal like 3-4. Once you do that 3-4 is more mentally doable then 10. Once get more experieince and seeing how your body reacts you will more prepared to do more days next time. For me, even though i work 40 hours/week. I sleep alot the first few days. I also find it essential for to work out thruout the fast. Sweating, for me, is really important. Good luck have fun. dont make it a chore it is really a journey into yourself without. I would not worry about 10 days at once. Good luck. you will succeed

  61. Hi This is my 2nd time doing the master cleanse. The first time i didnt even last a day. I am 5 ft 4 inches and am 33 years old with 163 pounds. My goal is to do the master cleanse for 10 days. I am have been reading the stanley burroughs book and read that an ideal formula was to use it with fresh sugar cane juice which i was able to obtain in a hispanic neighborhood. I am nervous and am afraid that i will quit, i want to do this. I am actually hoping to find some kind of motivation, advice or words of wisdom. thank you

  62. I am 24 yrs old 5’3 and 125 pounds. Today is my day of the Master Cleanse. I am doing it to detox and lose weight. I used to be 110 pounds in college and plan to get back down to that weight through diet and exercise. I am going to do the raw diet after 14 days of MC. However, I am worried I am not going to drop 15 pounds on this diet? Anyone else with my height weight ratio? Let me know how it worked out for u

  63. I’m finishing day 30 of my 30 day fast! I can’t believe the time has gone by so quickly. I did 10 days of the Master Cleanse, 10 days of juice fasting, and back to another 10 days of the Master Cleanse. From what I read about juice fasting, people attested to losing massive amounts of weight. I gained two pounds in 10 days of juice fasting, and didn’t eliminate for six straight days. I used the salt water cleanse, vigorous exercise, and a laxative tea, and NOTHING! I enjoyed the flavors on the juice fast, but became very discouraged with the lack of weight loss for the effort. I decided to juice fast in the middle of my cleanse just to give myself a break from lemonade. Overall, the entire experience has been wonderful. I have so much more clarity of thought, and I used this time for spiritual reasons, and to aright my relationship with food. I’ve lost 33 pounds during my fast, and intend to use this as a huge catapult for the rest of my weight loss goals. I know there will be some initial weight gain, but I certainly don’t intend on putting the weight back on. I’m wearing clothes that I had in my “wanna be” box (clothes I wanna be wearing), and I feel great. I would encourage anyone to do a longer fast like this. You can do it!!

  64. How do I go about ordering the hard copies of your book and the bonus books. I’m not interested in having them downloaded to my computer. I would rather have a book I can refer to. On your site it sounds like I’m paying for a download and not the hard copies. Is that true or am I misunderstanding? I’m interested in the 37 dollar package. Thank you for your response.

  65. Some of us have never used a credit card before.The reason being online fraud inmy country.
    To buy any thing abroad under $100,needs extra $100 – for the transfer charges in my country;that makes the product very expensive yet we need the product that you sell.
    How do we overcome such an hindrance without being much much generous in both ways see?

  66. I completed 10 days on the lemon cleanse. I felt great, no hunger, lots of energy, lots of brainpower. I lost 10lbs. After I came off the diet i went back to my old eating habits. I really wasn’t that hungry and only ate one meal a day. No veggies..I gained 5lbs in a 2 days. I will go on another 10 day round and will try to find mental strength to eat veggies when I get off. It is very hard to do. I promised myslef to eat healthy when I get off the cleanse…why is it so hard?

  67. Today is day 4 and I am cranky, and still a little hungry. Once I drink my lemonade mix , the cravings stop. I too have notice my skin, much cleaner and clearer. 🙂

    I’m doing the fast for ten days…. I hate the SWF !!! It hurts my stomach and makes me gag!! I prefer a duplicate dose of the Smooth Move tea. Overall I feel great, I wake up with more energy than before…and am less tired. I’ve notice my body temperature… I’m always cold is this normal? Anyway…. I’m really determined to change the way I eat after this!! I definetly do NOT want to gain the weight…. I thinkim going to change to Vegeterian!!! Is it safe to do the lemonade diet during your menstrual cycle?

  68. So, I was planning on starting the cleanse this passed wed but a friend told me just to start tuesday and quit putting it off. I had already eaten breakfast but took her advice and started the cleanse. I made it through the rest of day one and through day 2 until dinner time and than I had stopped by my grandma’s to bring her some things and she had just made dinner and I couldn’t resist and I picked and took a couple bites and than ran off and left so I wouldn’t completely ruin everything. Well, that didn’t work, I got home and my boyfriend was eating and everything just went down hill from there. It is now friday and I have spent the last two days half assing the cleanse, carrying the cleanse with me but not really using it. I have a chick at work that has done it before and was on it two weeks and had success. She is going to start it tomorrow and has given me the ispiration along with all these other blogs to commit and try again. Also another funny bit, so today I was fighting myself not to eat junk and I ended up losing the battle and went and got chinese, well you should have seen what my fortune cookie said! you have iron will power which is why you can suceed! I was not even a 1/4 through my meal and I stood up and walked to the garbage and through it out. I am starting my MC tomorrow and will reach my goal.

  69. I just started the MC yesterday and woke up this morning with a pounding headache. Is this normal??? I am very commited to sticking with the MC, but the headache is just awful!!

  70. My hubby and I are starting day 4 tomorrow. He has been very encouraging and has great will power which makes me want to succeed with him. (I’m so lucky!) Day 1 was the hardest for me (I’m a big girl). I know it may sound crazy, but I look up recipes on all the yummy, healthier foods I’m going to make after the cleanse. It helps pass the time and shows me a smart reward for when it’s time to start eating again. Does anyone else get super excited about the thought of a salad? 🙂 I really can’t stand the lemonade. The maple syrup tastes like caramel which I absolutely cannot stand. (My husband loves it.) So it’s really hard to drink. I tried cutting the syrup down to half, but I’m finding (logically) that I don’t have as much strength. Did anyone else have a problem with achiness? My husband and I have both had days where our bodies ache like we have the flu. Maybe my body’s just sore–similarly to after working out. My body has had to work on functioning and digesting harder than normal for 30 years; now that it’s not doing so, it’s sore. Good luck everyone! You can do it!

  71. Hey Ladies and Gents,

    I’m on DAY 8 of the Master Cleanse and feeling fabulous. My mind is clear, energy is up and my clothes are falling off…in a good way. One tip that might interest the few who don’t like doing the salt water flush, USE LEMON! I added a lemon to the salt water and it really helped distract from the salty taste. Also my skin is radiant. The only trouble I’ve had is an urge to chew something, but it passes quickly so just keep powering through! I’m going to do ten days and then the 3 day after program. This diet has been great, just get through the first three days and I know you all will have success! You can do it!
    Be Strong and Healthy,

    P.S. Don’t tell a lot of people you’re on this diet. They’ll try to discourage you and make it easier to derail your progress. Don’t listen to the them. It’s worth the sacrifice to feel so good!

  72. Hi,

    Thanks for the info on the three diets. I’m just coming off the 10 day MC and it’s very useful. I’ve done the MC several times (as well as other cleanses) so I had some ideas about what to expect. Luckily, this was a really easy one all day, every day. The only problem I had was a lot of trouble sleeping although my energy was still great during the day. Anyone have any ideas about the sleep issue? Thanks, Piper

  73. I am starting the Master Cleanse today. Since March 1 I have lose 14 lbs just by being healthy and exercising. Im ready to take it to the next level. Im a 23 yo mother of 2 under 2. I was a model 5’10 and 130lbs now im 175 🙁 But I have faith in myself and I will be myself again. Thanks for all your advice!

  74. I am so excited, long story, will keep is short and to the point. After a long ‘family issues’ time with my mothers health and brother,,,,I finally had the opportunity to do something for me with no distractions! 21 days on the Cleanse/fast! I am so excited! I was working with a natural path, and feel incredible! Yes there were a couple ‘hard days’ as my husband did his own eating,,,,a couple meals I blessed him by making, and found out why I stayed ‘out’ of the grocery stores etc. Oh my the smells! They weren’t ‘bad’ smells it was the smell of food!LOL. Today I still have good energy while eating soft foods for 3 days or so, and juicing and eating healthy! ya hoo. Diane, Iowa

  75. Hi, Everyone.
    I am a first timer at MC. I’m at my 9th day of MC. Feels great! I just want to inform those who are having second thoughts of getting into the program or those that want to quit- YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT WASTES, YOU HAVE TOO MUCH TO GAIN OUT OF DOING THE MC. And more than the physical health benefits you could reap from it, I’ve gained strength inside and out. I’ve proven to myself and to my husband that I CAN DO IT. And it gives me a positive view that I can totally revolutionized by eating habits now. I am confident I can do it. Btw, i already lost 10 lbs. as we speak. Feels great to be healthy, clear thinkin’ and sexy (ha! ha! ha!)
    I’m 5’3″ and I’m currently 120 lbs. Thanks so much to MC and thanks so much for the after MC diet.. I will follow it by heart.

  76. Hi everyone!
    My wife and I are completing Day 4 of the Master Cleanse together.
    I’ve had severe headaches at the end of day 2 into day 3, but now I’m feeling much better and I have a lot more physical energy and spiritual strength. My wife has done this twice. In fact, on the last day of her first Master Cleanse (before we were married) I called her and from that point on we’ve been together. This fast has a great deal of significance for both of us.

    We’re expecting great things to come from our fast both physically and spiritually and want to encourage you all as we journey together.

    Let’s all be thankful for what we have:

    – A great detoxifying fast which heals and cleanses us and the man who created this fast
    – The discipline to stay committed and finish strong
    – The desire to want to become healthier
    – A body which can endure a fast of this type (We could have a disease like diabetes which would be difficult for those who wanted to try the master cleanse)
    – Friends, family, spouses (I love my wife we’ve been married 751 days … sorry… I couldn’t resist) and fellow bloggers who share this journey and may encourage us

    Love and Faithfulness to All!

  77. I am on day 6 and I have lose 7 pounds already. I have more energy, but I would have more if I drank more lemonade, but I really didn’t enjoy the taste of it with the cayenne pepper in it. But i plan on staying on it for 21 days. i need to lose 35 pounds while im on it. Wish me luck!!

  78. I am on day 4 and have lost 7 pounds. I have done the salt water flush 3 days and it is difficult to stomach it. I have switched to the laxative tea. I haven’t had the experience yet of expelling like some of the others. I am not hungry, but still have a little headache.

  79. I started the MC on 2/1/2010 and completed 10 days. I found it very easy. There was one day I felt a little weak but it soon passed. I have lost 6 pounds and 2 inches off hips. I will complete again in 6 months.

  80. Hi, Im 54 on thyroid med for decades,I think its harder to lose weight and keep it off. Heres my story: Third time on MC, so far day 13 although on day 3 I cheated at a big dinner, anyway … I have only done the salt flush once this time, Instead smooth move 2X a day, “I did gain all the weight back from the first and second cleanse,but I quit weighing myself, and a few months latter all the weight was back”OCT-JAN as usgal I wont let that happen again! DAILY WEIGH-IN
    I feel day 3 is the hardest, I try not to be around when someone is eating, I do 30 EZ min on the tredmil am.work full time
    so far 16 pounds!

  81. Today is day 11 for me and the momentum is still strong. My plan is to continue the Cleanse for another 8 days (19 days in total ) and then do 3 days of easing back into regular eating. To date, I’ve lost 10 lbs which really impresses me and others I’ve told about the Cleanse. I’m considering starting up the MC again Ash Wednesday (Feb. 17) and follow it during Lent season. Is this too soon after completing the first cleanse? 29 days will have passed.

  82. my name is maxine venson. someone rsponded to a message i did not post. iwent 15 days, and did the ease out. ihad no problem at all. i also lost 25 pounds and inches i am doing great and will be going on it again after the holidays. i did so great i am having to make myself eat.

  83. I have started the Master Cleanse and I have decided to use the Smooth move herbal tea and the Psyllium as the laxatives of my choice. I could not find the powder psyllium so I got the capsules. the book only talks about how to take the powder. The instructions on the bottle of psyllium capsules say to take 1 to 4 capsules a day . Each capsule is 500mg. I am confused as to how many I should take since this dietary supplement is used mostly with food intake….does anybody know???? Please help….

  84. I am finishing my 9th day of the cleanse and my goal is 14!!!. This is my first time completing the MC. I feel pretty good. Days 2 and 7 were quite difficult for me. I didn’t go on this cleanse to lose weight. I wanted to remove the toxins from my system. I have noticed that my skin is becoming more clear. I have had acne since I was 12 years old and tried EVERYTHING out there, including Accutane. Accutane worked, but the acne came back after a year. The MC truly has improved my acne. I have lost some weight, which is okay 🙂 I will do this cleanse again in 3 months! I love it.

  85. Hello guys!

    I started the MC 5 days ago, so far I believe I lost 5-6 pounds, I weigh 150, 5’10. I am excited about the weightloss so far and looking forward to more result in the next 7 days left. I just hope that I can keep the weight off, I am willing to follow the after plan correctly. Has anyone experienced alot of weight gain back several weeks after?

  86. I am on day 3… everyday I think to myself, I am getting better, I am not as hungry, but when I am at work, during lunch, and see everyone bring food, it smells so good, it is very tempting and so hard… but I am a strong woman, after all, I only have 7 more days left, right?

    I have lost 4 lbs in 3 days. I do the SWF every night since I cannot do it in the morning (wake up too early and have too much to do to spend my morning in the toilet). It works just fine. I hope that the days get easier for me, I see that since I am losing weight, I am feeling more happier and confident about myself. I am 5’1 and weighed 141 when starting, now at 137 (26 years old).

    I am already thinking of all the healthy food I’m going to be eating when I get4 off this diet, and I honestly can say that the last thing on my mind is junk food, and I sure was a junk food lover… not anymore though, 3 days and I am really disgusted about the food that I had put in my body… If I am going thru this now to clean myself, the last thing that I want is to harm my body afterward.

    Good luck everyone… the mind is stronger than the body… focus, if you put your mind to do this, or anything else, it can and will be accomplished.

  87. Okay,so I started the Master Cleanse diet 6 days ago and everything is going as planned. I never lack energy unless I’m hungry and that’s when I drink my lemonade. I have lost 9-10 pounds and I too have seen that scarey looking stuff in the toilet. I’m starting to crave food though because when my husband cooks for our 3 children and himself it smells so damn good. It’s not that I’m hungry, because If I am I just drink my lelmonade. It’s more like being humans we are creatures of habbit. I’m going to try to go all the way to day #10, although I did have a nightmare that I was eating one day as if I had never started this program. Thank God it was only a dream. Will power is the key!

  88. Today is my 1st day on the Master Cleanse. It’s so inspiring to read all of the comments regarding results, trials, and what to expect. I am 5’3″ and wt. 175 lbs. This is an all time high for me. I have cut back on fried foods and stopped eating red meat for the most part. It just seems that no matter what I do, I can’t seem to break this current wt. My normal body wt. is around 155 lbs. That might be a lot for some my height, but the way I’m built it seems to be normal for me. My main problem is I carry my wt. in my but and gut! LOL. I hope this Master Cleanse will at least jump start my wt. lost program so that I might be able to wear my clothes again and not hate looking in the mirror at my big ……. I will flag this website and check back in periodically during my cleanse.

  89. I just completed my 10th day of the Master Clenase Diet and feel great and lost 10 lbs. A few weeks ago my daughter told me she just completed it and said she felt great and lost weight. She told me all about it and since I was feeling sluggish all the time and had some weight I wanted to shed thought I’d give it a try. I didn’t know if I would be able to go 1 day let alone 10, but I did it!. I had a headache for the first 2 days, but after that had more energy than ever before. Woke up early ready to go, which I haven’t experienced for a very long time. I went all day long without that afternoon slump!! I always had to force myself to get up dragging through my day with little energy. Now, I’m up at 6 am, leaping out of bed. I can’t say I wasn’t hungry, I was at times, but not to the point I couldn’t handle it. I know they recommend not having food in the house, but I didn’t. I made breakfasts, lunches and dinner for my sweetheart and was never tempted because I kept my focus on my goal, my new healthy lifestyle. I will be making the Master Cleanse a part of my regular routine a couple of times a year.

    Thank you for my new healthy me

  90. I am on my 4th day of the cleanse. I have to admit I thought I would be starving but really not hungry at all. I have put a little too much cayenne pepper on one or two occasions but have more or less enjoyed the lemonade mixture. I will continue to stay with the program for the next 6 days and see what happens. So far have renewed energy and feeling pretty good about everything so far. Also need to mention that I am sleeping better and waking up with a lot more energy than I used to have. Thanks for all of the information on these blogs. It helps to see what others are experiencing.

  91. Hi, im kate and i am starting my cleanse tomorrow july 16! and i just wanted to say i feel more prepared for the cleanse and what to expect after my cleanse thanks to this information! thank you so much!

  92. I am starting the diet today again.. i plan on goin on it for 14 days… the last time i did it…was last year and i lost 11 pounds in 7 days… the first day i lost 3 pounds… so i am excited… a little weak.. but i know i can find the inner strength to do it… i really am interested in the weight loss.. im 5’2 … 183lbs… so i will come back and 2 weeks and tell my results… i dont do the salt water flush because it is just to harsh for my stomach.. instead i will replace it with a basic colon cleanser…. in the morning and evening… thanx for all the inspirational letters! i cant wait for my results! –Age : 26 Detroit, MI

  93. I did it! I am so proud of myself, today is my 12th day and I am feeling GREAT! the cleanse was easy, simple to follow and it REALLY WORKED!..I’ve lost 10 lbs and I am back to my HS weight..I am 42, have 2 teenagers and weight 119lbs(I’m 5’2)..I was able to work out 4X a week..1hr cardio.. I had the energy..HUGE plus drinking the lemonade when ever I felt hungry…I must say the worst part for me was the caffeine withdrawals in the morning..but they went away day 4..I will be doing the cleanse in Sept again…Now time to introduce solid foods..I’m planning on doing the raw veggie diet starting tomorrow..!Good Luck Everyone!!!!

  94. I found this article very informative! I have completed the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet several times in the past year for anywhere from 3 days to 14 days at a time (one cycle every 3 months). I have kept most of the weight loss off, but I find myself eating junk food when it’s around the house. My husband likes hamburgers and milk shakes, so I compromise and eat half with him at times, but it makes me feel guilty afterwards. I am starting the 10-day cleanse today, and I plan to continue for 21 days if I feel ok. My husband started it with me today also. I read Diane Bertin’s comments about introducing lactobillicus. I use probiotic acidopholus after the cleanse to reintroduce good bacteria, since both good and bad bacteria get swept away. Also, I will share this information about the combination of the three diets with my husband so that we can both keep the weight off after we finish the Master Cleanse. Let me know if you have any further information to share that would help with staying on the cleanse for an extended period of time over the 10-days. Thanks so much!

  95. This is day 8 for me and I am contemplating coming off of it tomorrow. Feel fine. Did not have side effects and can’t say that I feel aas wonderful as I see some people talk about. That being said, my thinking seems to be more clear and I am very cognizant of my thoughts and articulating them. Wondering of fresh jucie is a substitue for orange juice. I have a great juicer and make great vegetable juice. Any htoughts appreciated. i will definitely do this again. Thinking about doing it for 8-10 days every 2 months. Goo dluck everyone

  96. Dee: I think the workout may have something to do with it.

    Also, is your SWF ratio 32 oz and 2 teaspoons sea salt?

    From what I read, each time someone does MC , it is different than the last, you may lose that water towards the end.

  97. Hi everyone,
    Happy to see that so many of you are doing you cleanse. This is my second time doing it after about a year and half. The first time I cleanse it was wonderful. I stay on th program for 40 days without any bad effects. Lose about 12lbs. I started my second cleanse on June 13th. I have four more days to go. This time the results have been a little surprising. I started out weighting 161 and on the three day I had went down to 157. I am felling great. I workout everyday at the gym for three hours feel good in fact my working helps to surpress my appetite and gives me so much energy. I am never tired. But the last couple of days I have been gaining weight. I went from 157 to 158 to 159 to 160 which I am at now. I hate this because I do need to lose weight and hoped to lose at less 12 pound on the cleanse and continue to lose after I get of. I do not want to stop the cleanse I feel so good. In fact I would like to continue for maybe 20/30 days. I don’t think I will do 40 again but I would like to do more than 10 days. Has anyone out there experience this happening to them. I have done everything the diet calls for and no I have not cheated. In fact I have not had to use any of the mc secerts. If anyone has some other secrets for losing this weight please contact me.

  98. Hey, this is my 2nd time doing the Master Cleanse (first time the end of January 2009). Things are going well, it is day 4. As of this morning I have lost 5 lbs. The 1st day was hard, the 2nd was a breeze, the 3rd day was mediocre, today is good I’m even thinking about walking on the treadmill a few minutes this evening. Although exercise is not needed to lose weight and is definitely not advised if you don’t feel up to it. I do advise that if you are just starting out if your body says I need to lay down, lay down. Typically if you drink the lemonade (with “all” the ingredients or supplement the cayenne pepper with the capsules) you will have an ample amount of energy except you may find yourself going to bed a little earlier than usual. Anyways, I will keep checking the blog and give any advice wherever I see fit. Good luck to the MC newbies…hang in there!!

  99. i havent tried it yet cause i bought a different kind of maple syrup, seems like there’s no stuck in our place. what will i do?

  100. I came off the master cleanse May 3, 2009. I lost 18 lbs. I now try the raw food diet and alkaline to try to keep the weight off and loose more! I have to give the diet one big thing, if you keep drinking the drink when yu get hungry it will take the hunger away.

  101. I am on 10th day,feeling so great and lost some pound,will do anything not to gain it back. am so proud of myself.Day 2 was pretty hard for me bt i managed to pass.It’s great guys go try master cleanse.

  102. Hello, I have been on many fasts over years, mostly up to 3 weeks, on just water, and an enema, each time I had a big (dancing show) coming up, and feel I have ruined my metabilissm, my boyfriend, hates the idea of not eating.
    My question?? what is the salt water flush?? Is it an enema, or do you drink 1ltre of salt water?? I would appreciate it if someone would advise me. I look forward to reply, Many thanks,
    God bless you/


  104. Hi, I finished MC a week 1/2 ago and I feel great, thank you for the info. of three different diets. That was my concern after the MC, then what……… Great info. for all of you out there try Master Cleanse you would want to do it again.
    After the 3rd or 4th day, you have past the test, go for it.
    Main thing of this DETOX is to flush yourself every day.

  105. I dont have any conditons like yourself. I have had Kidney Stone Surgery twice which is why I am doing it, but I have read the book twice and I know for a fact it IS NOT SAFE TO DO IT FOR JUST 3 DAYS!!!!!!!
    ” The Complete Master Cleanse” Tom Woloshyn

    I purchased my copy at Borders. It is smart to learn for yourself rather than from a website blog. The book is very very helpful even goes into conditions like yours and the benefits and precautions(Like doing it for 3 days)

    Please read the book so as not to have a bad experience and give the Master Cleanse a bad name in this media driven society that we live in.

    Good luck with it!!

  106. Hi Raylen
    I have finish the 13 day plan & I didn’t find it hard at all and I feel great I lost 9.25 lbs & I am still losing thanks a lot for this wonderfull cleanse and all your hints
    Shirley Dornan

  107. I started the MC right after Ash Wednesday as a form of Fasting, little did I know that it benefited me a lot:
    1) My painful knee got diminished 2) My cholesterol level was normalized 3) I could zipped up my jeans without trying hard and 4) I finally realized that I am a person with good discipline…eventhough I am the one preparing meals for my family I could control my appetite bec I have always Jesus in mind “He wasn’t been tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread”…but I know this MC could not be perfectly realized without asking for the Divine intervention of God…I lose only 10 lbs for 10 days cuz I couldn’t tolerate the salt water flush in the morning..the first day I drank it I vomited and felt really sick inside..the following days I just used organic peppermint tea..and just like the others who experienced “no bowel movement for three days” I also experienced that…After the 10th day, that was the chance I moved a lot after eating apple and lettuce…I felt refreshed after that…to date, I am not taking rice but only bread or sweet yam as substitute and found out that I am beginning to gain weight again…my food consist of fruits and vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, zuccini, spinach, pechay, brocolli (steamed), tomatoes, sweet pepper) and I also go for fish….I am planning to go for it after 3 months…if I did it the first time, I could the next time..by the way, my daughter, Dorina, was on MC, again and she felt great…but she discard the maple syrup since she presumed that maple syrup, itself, is fattening…

  108. Hi,

    Getting ready to begin the MC. I only plan on doing 3 days since I had gastric bypass some years ago, I don’t want to over do it for a first timer. If i see that my body can handle more, then I will add more as I go along. There are already side affects from the surgery, so I hav to be percautious.

    I fell off of the bypass diet and have gained some weight, so I think begining with the MC prior to a new diet and exercise program would be smart… I hope. Let me know if anyone else thinks different?

  109. had a great week on the cleanse…. still drinking the lemonade during the day ’cause its just so gooood! my daughter loves it too! noticed the biggest change post cleanse.. skin is vibrant.. no more “puffiness”. best detox ever… and super easy!

  110. this is day 8 for me..i am very tired, i get bursts of energy..i have lost wieght, i am a little cranky though, iis it ok to have broth aswell..what about tea with nonfat milk?

  111. My husband and I are on Day 3 of the 10-day program. We would love any encouragement. This is both of our first times to try something like this, so we are struggling together. The lemonade is easy for him to drink, but I have a hard time finishing even the first liter. Will it be less effective if I don’t drink the entire 2 liters every day? We’re both doing the 1-liter saltwater cleanse every morning, as well as the laxative herbal tea every night…


  112. Day 12 on the cleanse and feeling good. Going for 21 days (3 weeks). After the first 3 days it was tough but you got to stick with it. I have not had any cravings for sugar, alcohol, or any junk food. I do crave food at times but not like chomping down on some greasy burger. After I finish I plan on eating right and let myself eat junk once or twice a month. I figure there’s no need to eat like a health nut all the time and once in a while is a reward. Anyways good luck to all.
    Lost 12lbs in 12 days.

  113. just started the MC 2 days ago.. impossible to drink the recommended amount of lemonade. Water is unappealing unless I’m @the gym. I must say i have no cravings for food but for my favorite chewing gum and COFFEE!! Have an important cocktail on the 7th day… Is it terrible to break the cleanse with a simple martini/champagne and then restart the next day??? feedback please….

  114. My daughter & I are going to start the MC in 2wks I will be on vacation @ that time. I love to hear all the success stories.My friends have been doing this for about 2yrs and I’ve seen results. I currently weigh 153 pds and I’m 5’3 I’m 40 yrs old and will be 41 in march. My body was always muscular and after my last child I gained a big stomach and my face is fat. I’m really determined to do this and would like to know anyone else starting.My goal is to lose 20 pds and get rid of the spare tire and the fat face. Wish us luck and keep us in your prays. Thanks again for the tips…..

  115. Hey! I am starting the master cleanse today!!! yayyy
    I still havent eaten anything, I just woke up actually, and I read most of the comments, I feel super motivated, lets just hope I am still motivated by day 10! I dont think I am going to be doing exercise between these 10 days, my exercises are veryyyyy tiring, I run for 40 minutes, and I dont want to trip or faint, so I am thinking about just doing some yoga on wii fit, sounds kinda stupid, but I swear it does me good =).
    If I find this website again i’ll come back to talk about my progress (hope i have! lol)
    anyways, i am also thinking about going on a raw food diet when I finish the cleanse, it will be veeeeery hard but I’ll go all in!

  116. i did the master cleanse for 6 days i could not take it any more i felt like i had to eat something because i started to feel bad but i started again today and i want to go the whole 10 days this time.

  117. i recently finish the master now i am on the raw i want to stay raw its been 3days since i am on the raw diet but it is very hard however i am not giving up i to do it for 30days maybe but no cook food i feel much lighter i try to buy organic and eat the fresh food i cut out all starches such as bread rice pasta and junk food i want to become 100% raw vegan which i want to have a flat stomach so when the summer comes i can buy me some new cloths

  118. I did the cleanse for 12 days in Jan/08 and lost 15 lbs. I went back to old habits and gained back 20 lbs. I just finished my 2nd one for 10 days and lost 10 lbs. I felt great on both cleanses and did not want to stop because I am an emotional eater and need definite boundaries. I cheat on every diet but this was the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I am sorry to say that after a few days that I have started overeating again and have gained back 5 lbs. I still look better, with smaller waist and less puffy face (I’m 42 ). I am going to start these 3 diet guidelines tomorrow (now that my son’s b-day cake is gone!) and begin drinking more water and exercising consistently. It’s only been 1 week, how much damage could I have done? I have to say that I have been disappointed in the taste of all of the unhealthy things I have eaten. It’s just old bad habits that are not enjoyable anymore. Thank you all for listening. Stay with it – this really works! (I did not lose as much weight this time because I was irregular with the laxative tea & flush.)

  119. I first did the Master Cleanse in December 2007, with the Burroughs book. After 10 days, my blood sugar had become normal with no medication after several years as a diabetic. I felt so much better that I stayed on the cleanse another 10 days until I could figure out how to eat when I stopped the cleanse. I chose a vegan lifestyle with about 50% raw food. I remain diabetes free after 13 months!

    Thanks for your work and blog to help people learn about the Master Cleanse.

    Geary Davis, L.Ac.

  120. I did the Master Detox starting Dec. 31/2008 for 7 days and never had any cravings, I felt great throughout which very few of my friends believe but it’s true. Ilost approx. 15lbs and this diet email could not have arrived at a better time. You basically told me I’m on the right track. The wieght is still off, I eat sensibly but as you said I don’t make a fuss of it . Thx.

  121. Raylen,
    I thank you so much for the information provided – for After The Master Cleanse – Keepin the Momentum Apr 15, 2007. The 3 diets are wonderful and the foods that are Alkalizing. This is just the information that I was wanting and here it was in my email this morning! May you have a blessed day today.

  122. First I cleansed my colon with a cleanse by New Millinium and that was 8 days then I went right into the Master Cleanse for 21 days and have another 23 days to go. To date I have released 20 lbs. I am full of energy and love every drink. I have learned a lot about my eating habits and beliefs especially since i started on December 7, 2008 and did it over the holidays. For me I love this cleanse for it is a fast way to release the weight that I have put upon my physical body. I read the complete master cleanse book by tom wolsley and followed it very closely. I appreciate the information on what to do after the cleanse.
    Light and Love Your Way

  123. I am almost finished with my Master Cleanse Journey. Today is my 38th day, but only the first 20 or so were pure. The rest was strictly liquids, but included vegetable juice and the occasional decaf coffee with a little milk. I have great energy, tend to get a little cold in the afternoons, my skin is great, and I look really good. I am 62 years old a surfer among other sports and thanks to the master cleanse (and avoiding gluten) I am healthier now than I was at 40. I am looking forward to adding some protein to my diet, but do not miss sweets, fatty or salty foods. Will try the after the cleanse regime, but will use the lemonade drink as my breakfast meal instead of protein.

  124. I plan to start Monday. I need to lose a few pounds before a reunion. The reunion is in 3 weeks so I figure I can stay on for ten days and then begin a very light diet. I am worried that once I eat(healthy foods) that I will gain the weight back. Any suggestions to keep the weight off?

  125. I have tried to begin the Cleansing and have falen on Day 2. There are many reasons for it but the fact is that I had not planned to be invited to a wedding Reception and so, was not ready to say no to the menu. Enough said, I am now starting again. I want to be successful on this program, but I think it is for the wrong reason. I need to kick start my metabolism and get rid of between 15 and 20 pounds. I have a history of yo yoing. Although I have maintained a weightloss of over 60 pounds now for two years. I had originally lost 80. The cleanse is right for me I know, however, as an active Baptist Minister, staying away from food is difficult. I am trying now to focus on this being ten days of a Spiritual Fast, not simply a cleansing. Thanks for reading. God bless. Pastor Dale

  126. I had completed 11 days of the MC about a week ago. I now am crazy for Veggie Soup. I didn’t know what to eat or drink after the cleanse. Lo and behold, this article was in my email. I haven’t lost weight and I feel wonderful. The craving for sweets and potato chips were strong this weekend. To occupy this feeling I made pots full of veggie soup and canned it for future use. I will be doing the cleanse again just after Labor Day. I know I only scratched the surface with the first cleanse. I just bought a water filtering system, Aquasana. It arrives today. I know this will aid in the second cleansing I plan. The first was so easy for me and I know it just broke down all the tar and fat I had accumulated. Yes, this diet is the same as Stanley Burrough’s book because that’s what started me off. I am thankful for this additional information to help me keep up the great work.

  127. The Master Cleanse diet(lemonade diet)was invented by Stanley Burroughs…It does not include any kind of fiber. You should take a double strength “Smooth Move Tea” to make you go if regular strength doesn’t work. If you don’t go to the bathroom #2 🙂 you will get toxic overload. I used to be a dummy and try to fast without laxative teas and would end up throwing up then get scared and stop the cleanse. I successfully recently finished a 10 day master cleanse and used Dr. Natura’s laxative tea which is ridiculously expensive but works well. The cayenne pepper started to burn my mouth after my tongue turned white(around the 5th day) so i took cayenne caps and emptied some old meds i wasn’t using and filled them with half the powder in the cayenne caps and used those instead. (The full strength caps were too strong for my stomach) I am 5’2″ and i lost 16 pounds. Yay! I did it for my achy gallbladder though. Didn’t work but being skinnier puts a smile on my face! I had to order a kit from gallbladderattack.com. This is my last hope. Or my creepy surgeon will have his way. 🙁

  128. I plan on doing the Master Cleanse – actually looking foward to it. I’m a vegan and wonder if a vegan diet would be sufficient after completing the Master Cleanse?

  129. Well…I have been on the Master Cleanse for 14 days and have lost 15 lbs. I am exiting the cleanse as my stomach is starting to take a toll on me and wants to eat. I think the cleanse was a great way to kick start a healthier eating habit. Be strong and remember to maintain the weight that is lost!

    Take care,

  130. I am on day 9. Tomorrow is the last day and then on to the juice and soup. I won’t weigh myself till tomorrow.

    I only crave fruite and vegatables. Can anyone tell me the ingredients and preparation for the vegetable soup?

    To God Be the Glory

  131. After the cleanse, on the third day of finishing it.. I was wondering if I would be able to drink alcohol for one night. Not beer because it contains yeast and probably wouldn’t be a good idea. But since you said orange juice was good to drink I would be drinking that with vodka.

    There’s a vodka brand called 3 and it doesn’t have any carbs and it made from soy. Please let me know if drinking this for one night would be a good idea or not.


  132. Still feeling good

    I downloaded the info and it is great, I especially like that you talk about mentally preparing prior to going on the cleanse. Day one was really tough because I had to prepare meals for my son, but I was able to get through it by looking at my list of reasoning for doing the cleanse and how it would affect me if I fail. I am on the original cleanse thus far and have not had to use any of the secondary ingredients. I have also continued to do light exercise walking and using the sauna and I am proud to say I lost are you ready I have lost 7 pounds 51 hours into the cleanse I know a lot of it may be water weight but I am happy none the less my goal is to make it at least 7 days and depending on how I am feeling continuing the full 10 days. I also use a lot of positive motivational encouragement and self praise to stay focus. Thanks so much for the guidance and support. I will continue to share my progress.

  133. My husband and I have decided to start the Master Cleanse diet. Day 2 (ease in) and I have already lost 3 lbs. We chose to do the 3 day ease in and then the ease out. For us it just seemed the gentler more logical approach. I downloaded the book and printed it out. I love that its just a big pile of knowlege that I can leaf through when I need encouragement. I feel like you have given me a life-line with this plan. I am 5’3 and weigh about 164 lbs. My weight fluctuates about 15 pounds constantly. After two children I feel so defeated about my looks and my weight. I am depressed and beat down. In the weeks before I heard about this diet I began gorging myself with food. Something was going terribly wrong and I was feeling very out of control. My whole day revolved around eating and I was hiding it and feeling very ashamed. After one of these binges I am sorry to admit that I began purging to get rid of the food. I knew I needed help and that my life had to change. It was a huge wake-up call for me. While googling online for diets I came across your website. The tone of your writing and the words that you used reached out to me. I immediately purchased the book to print out. My husband seemed very open to the idea (he knows how horrible I feel about myself right now) and together we are starting this journey of a healthier us. I cannot express to you how thankful I am that I came across this information when I did. My only concern is that on day 2 I am feeling very constipated and have not had a BM since starting this diet. I am taking the Psilium Husk and did the sea salt laxative and have drank the smooth move tea. Why do you think this is?

  134. Hi Paola
    As long as you stopped the diet I think your baby should be fine I mean your only taking lemon maple s and Cay,,pepper,,But to make you feel better you should go to the doctor Good luck And god bless your baby 🙂

  135. This is more a question than a comment. I have WELL WATER and it has a LOTS of RUST in it. I have to use “IRON OUT” to keep my toilets from turning brown and my bath water is yellow. Looks like weak tea. Is this water safe to bathe in and drink? And what can I do?

  136. Thanks for sharing your mastercleans secrets, it has started to affect my health in such a positive way, let alone that i have lost weight one size done.

  137. Hi,
    I did the master cleanse for 7 days, but I stop because I was feeling too weak and my heart was hurting so I got scare. Two days ago I found out that I am pregnant. I am concern if the baby could got damage from the cleaning. Any one has an advice?

  138. I just finished the 10 day cleanse and it is actually day ten for me. It was great, but I am happy to be done and completely ready to start eating again. I did this only for the cleanse benefits, but did loose ten pounds during this. People say you will not crave fatty foods, etc., but if I had my way I would order a pizza right now and lock my doors and close my blinds. 😉 Seriously, I am super excited to eat food again and plan on eating that pizza within a week. I have eaten healthy for years now and a long time vegetarian, but still enjoy things in moderation and will always be that way I believe. I am wondering if anyone just went right back to eating a meal after the tenth day and what happened? This was a great practice of discipline and self control and knew I could do this, but I am ready to live and eat again. I could see this being an amazing way to start a new lifestyle if you were not used to eating healthy, but I personally feel I already eat better than 90% of most out there and am not overly concerned. Thanks.

  139. hello,
    i have just finished my 10day mc tonight and am extremely proud of myself for completing the detox without cheating. i am very greedy and sometimes i just pigout although i buy and eat healthy, it is my son’s snacks that i sometimes go crazy with and his cereal and milk. but i have done well on the mc and look forward to eating much healthier and lighter but i am wondering will i be able to drink alcohol beverages again and how soon????????? i have a function to attend on my third day post mc and would like to have a drink at the function.would i be able to do that???

  140. I just finish the master cleanse. I feel much better & love seeing the results, but I know now my job is to maintain what I just worked so hard for. After the 3rd day, I was able to sit around other people who were eating & was really surprised that it didn’t affect me. I love to eat so I’m now going to keep the momentum up. 12lbs gone & hopefully it will stay off.

  141. I just finished 14 days of solid stick-to-it cleansing and I feel great.
    Thanks to my family and your emails/blog it was a great experience.
    At 46 years old I did not think my body could perform like this again.

  142. Ihave been on the master cleanse diet for 5 days, on the 4th night I was soo hungrey and weak so I MESSED UP AND ATE SOMETHING, I felt so horrible afterwards but my stomach felt better and I was able to go to sleep,my question is…have i messed up and do I have to start all over again? I have been okay today so far,, I drank my lemonade and lots of water and my herbal tea smooth move.Do I have to start over again?THanks, Debbie

  143. hi jeff,i can’t use caffeine because i suffered with uric acid also poor circulation and arthritis. so that is a problem for me using tomatoes, oranges,eggplants, peppers of any kind. i also suffered with gas. i’ll be starting my lemonade cleanse after my nephew wedding on the 19th april. i just need to get your cookbook first, then i’ll also see if i get my husband to join me. i forget ican’tuse brocolli, calliflower, brusselsprout, or cabbage my stomach does swell up. i enjoys your blog very much lots of information thanks. madeleine

  144. Hi,

    After doing my cleanse, I thought “what do I do now” to keep off the weight and keep losing?” I agree full heartedly with Mandy who suggested the fat4lossidiot.com. My husband and I started the same time, so of course, being a man, he has lost more weight than I have and you are able to eat 4x a day manipulating calories between protein and carbs. Try it…it works and I have been dieting since the age of 12.

  145. Thanks Raylen for everything, for your emails and your book,You helped me a lot and still helping me. I did the diet and I’m feeling great, its the best thing that I did in years. I lost all the weight that I wanted to and now I’m trying to keep up with the food that you sugest. My only problem is that I love to eat late and I love meet, I cant drink the green drink cause it taste nasty. By the way I want to do the master clenser agein aftter 3 months is it ok? (I love the taste of the lemonade).
    God bles you and keep you strong in your helth. You ben very helpful

  146. yes, you hit the nail–what you eat after is the biggie!! I’m about 3 wks. out from a 10 day cleanse and am maintaining the 8# wt. loss (am on the low end for wt. at my ht.). I basically took the advice to do at least 50% raw fr. and veg., nuts and seeds, no meat, etc. or dairy, with a rare cheat taste of sugar stuff. I feel great! Have to work at the protein, veg. burger, rice prot. pwd, soy milk, nuts and seeds, pea. butter, tofu. any suggestions out there along these lines?? May start adding eggs back in the diet. Do like your ph diet talk, and the veg. juice, etc. Yeah, cleaning those juicing mach. is one royal pain! How about just blending a bunch of spinach, lett. and sprouts in juice and water and some fruit? sounds like the wheat grass is prob. the most concentrated prot. etc., min. and vit…..? is soy a no-no, esp. the soy prot. pwd.? I hear some bad rap about that stuff. I also agree that portable and easy is the only long term way to go-i need to grab stuff to chow down on in the car, running around. what are your tho’ts. on % of prot. needed, if not a big trainer, aver. exercise? obviously, you must be against whey prot. pwd., being dairy. well, appreciate some feedback, if anybody has some time:)! one more thing, anybody hear of kidney infection being caused by the cleanse?? also, my son is a trainer and he did an 8 day cleanse and lost 9 lbs.-he started at low body fat…i tho’t one shouldn’t lose much if already thin?? should he have done more lem. drinks? or do we assume he had some loaded plumbing??:)

  147. I can’t thank you enough for all of the info that you put into your newsletters. I have been an overeater for all of my 49 years before I started your Master Cleanse. I feel better than ever and I am praying that I can put into practice a whole new thought process into how I think about eating. Thanks again

  148. I totally agree with the guidelines you have stated cause it has worked for me. My snacks are cucumbers broccily calliflower carrots snackpeas and other raw veggies and fruits instead of chocolate bars and chips.
    Totally changed my eating habits. thanks for all the encouragement anto master cleanse program. I have lassted for 14 days and could have went longer. I haven’t found wheatgrass yet. Still looking for it. Have any tips on beans that would replace meat. Ilike chicken that’s about it. Thanks again

  149. I recomend the cleanse to anyone. If you stick with it, you will see why you started it in the first place. Today is my 3rd day off the Master Cleanse and I feel fantastic. Tomorrow I can eat normally, but I do want to change my eating habits. I really appreciate the diet suggestions. Anyone reading this who is in the middle of the cleanse…Keep It Up!!! You’re doing yourself a favor, trust me.

  150. Just came off 8 days of the master cleanse two weeks ago, feel good (got bored after 8 days, next time 10), lost some weight, gained some back. Like your article on eating after the cleanse. Read somewhere that you can drink the cleanse for breakfast. I drink it in the am, but then have some oatmeal, as it doesn’t seem enough.

    Wanted to comment on your coffee in the morning idea. I do love a cappuccino, so i won’t argue there. However, since coffee is a diuretic, doesn’t it kind of defeat the idea of a liquid diet? I believe in moderation, but I’m just wondering.

    Thanks for a great newsletter.

  151. First of all, I would just like to give Raylen much props for having a website that is very informative and helpful. Two weeks ago I did the Master Cleanse for 10 ten days. The first three days was hard! But, because I stayed prayerful and did it with another co-worker and had the support of my close relatives I was able to finish it. And it is true-my thinking started to change where all I was craving was to have healthy foods at the end. Thank you so much Raylen for your liquid diet and food guideline that you personally use. I can now stay on track and do the protein shake twice a day and a sensible dinner and snack with fruits if I feel hungry in between. And it is perfect for my busy lifestyle. I lost 18 pounds doing the Cleanse and I now am motivated to keep the weight off by excersing 5-6 times a week and taking care of my body inside and out. May God bless all those who try this Master Cleanse to be successful in their endeavors as well. A big thank you once again,
    Missy T.

  152. I am drinking my first glass as I sit here (at work), reading all of your comments. Very encouraging! Like most, I am not only trying to step up my health but need to lose weight. I am looking at this as a health regime, not a diet and I have never been so motivated before! I started Belly dancing a year ago and feel I am not progressing as quickly as I could because I am embarrassed of my figure and therefore and not bringing all of myself into the movements. Hopefully this will give me the boost I need to get healthy!
    Much luck and good wishes to all!

  153. thanks for the great ideas! However, I must say I follow alot of what you said and I’m still not comfortable with my weight. I eat tons of greens, protein shake for breakfast, lean meats, lots of veggies, whole grain everything. I guess my only guilty pleasure is popcorn, hummus and peta chips. For a few months, I’ve felt sluggish and unhappy so I decided to start the Master Cleanse. I’m on day 2 and very excited. I’m not doing this to loose weight but I hope it will be a needed lift to my long-term battle. However, I’m scared about gaining the weight back. Anything you suggest? Should I incorporate foods much slower if my eating habits where good to begin with?

  154. My daughter started the Master Cleanse today, December 24, 2007. She woke up about 1:30 pm (teenager), had her laxative tea, and has since had two lemonade drinks. It is 6:30 pm and she is now complaining she has pains in her stomach. She just moved her bowels for the first time since she started and is still complaining about the pains.

    It can’t be the toxins, can it, because she just started the diet about 5 hours ago. Any suggestions?

  155. can you order your books you offer in hard cover….it is to much to print out…way to much i dont reccomend ordering it to down load..

  156. I lost 7 lbs from the last Cleanse & just get 1 to 2 lbs back… I have regular yoga practise and dancing … stop from over-eating.

    As scheduled, I start my second Cleanse and this is Day 2. everything goes well…& I would go for 10 days.

  157. Did the Cleanse for a trial of 3 days and I lost 7 LBS, feeling good and energetic.

    I fixed the plan for the next cleanse for 10 days in early Dec. I think I can make it.

  158. Master Cleanse was something discussed around a bonfire one night with a friend of mine, someone who has done this many times, extremely knowledgeable about nutrition and health, looks great and has an amazing disposition, and I thought, “yeah sure, why not give it a shot”. Aside from losing weight, I just wanted to feel better, get back my energy levels and color … just do something good to my body after years of abuse, so now, I’m into my 6th day.

    Now I’m someone who loves to cook and my favorites are steaks, breads, & pastas. I can bake and eat an entire baguette dipped in seasoned extra virgin olive oil while preparing a meal. The first two days I spent looking at recipes while my stomach craved all those wonderfully delicious foods … but I’m pretty determined when I put my mind to it. During this time, I never realized how many food commercials were on TV … Long Horn and Red Lobster … man that stuff looked good! So I started reading more, listened to music and turned off the TV. The 3rd day I amazingly lost the cravings. To be honest, I ignored the earlier emails received from you, but now I read them all along with all the comments. The information from you and those who share their experiences are invaluable. I haven’t really seen a weight loss, but I can feel the change and my pants aren’t as tight. Last night someone made a comment about how good I looked, and this was shortly after I was thinking “maybe 5 days is enough, time for some roti & curry” … so as I said, now I’m into my 6th day.

    Thanks so much for making all this information available in words that are easily understood. It just all makes so much sense. My advice to people like me who have never done this before is to just do it and give it at least 3 days before you even think about throwing in the towel. Don’t give up. Believe me, if I can do it, you can do it.

  159. I started the Master Cleanse today. So far, I’m not starving or craving anything. I did the sea salt flush this morning and plan to do the laxative tea tonight. I’ve been mentally preparing myself for 2 weeks before starting. Reading your newsletter is a great help.

  160. i started my MC monday nov 4th today is thurs day nov 8th ..i have done very well lost at least 7 lbs so far,at my last weighing, my energy is great and im sleeping better than i guess i ever have before, i started the MC for health reasons wanting to clear a skin condition , im excited to see how it turns out i’ll stay on it for the full ten days to make sure ive done all i can…iwill up date…sunnie

  161. Thanks for the great information. This last email was just what I was looking for. I know the body needs to be alkaline, so this gives me some insight.

    Betty Wiebe

  162. I’m on day 5 of the Master Cleanse!! woo hoo! hump day! 🙂 i’m proud of myself that I have made it this far, and am sure i will make it all the way now…maybe even longer! Thanks so much for the advice post cleanse, i was trying to decide how to change my eating habits once i’m done! like you said, i can’t give up all my favorites, but moderation is the key! Thanks again, i love reading your blogs!

  163. Thank you for your informative info I have Learned quite a lot now putting things in motion is going to be the chanlege. can you give me a listing of the better raw foods and fruits because some fruits upset my stomach and some vegetable are gassy i have G.E.R.D.so I have to watch what I eat because some fruits and veggies irritate it.

  164. Thank you so much for sharing all your wisdom. this particular piece couldn’t have come at a more auspicious time.
    So much Love,

  165. Hello to all: I did the MC for 9 days, sort of sorry I didn’t go the full 10. But I have to admit not once did I feel any hunger. I followed the ingredients just the way they were written. I did my exercises as usual and I drank a lot of water. This was a great cleanser as well as a diet reducer. I lost 15 pounds. Now that I’m done with it I have been able to change the way and the things that I eat. I never liked to eat vegtables at all, I was more in for the meat and sweets. Now I love the vegtable soup and fruits. I take my time eating and for the 1st time in a long time actually can taste what the food tastes like. I encourage everybody to try the MC, it just might change your life.

  166. I’m finishing my 4th day of the master cleanse and I’m surprise that I’m ok with not eating anything else but my great lemonade.
    I made the decision that I needed to cleanse my body and also loose weight and I’m very happy that I have enough discipline to follow your guide and even that I’m only at half of the diet I already was thinking in doing a kind of raw vegetables and fruits mixing some of the days of the week when I start reading your suggestions I said to my self I’m in the right track.
    Thank you for all the information that was very helpful.
    Maria Carstairs

  167. Me and my wife have just completed the 10 day cleanse. We experienced a lot of the things you discussed, but overall it has been a very positive and worthwhile challenge for both of us. I lost 20 pounds and she lost 11 and now we are looking forward to better eating habits and a new lifestyle when it comes to eating.We downloaded the secrets to the cleanse and followed them to the letter. We are now following the steps for exiting the cleanse.Thank you for all of your valuable information.

  168. Third day, 12 to go and I must say no hunger pains, although I did meditate for two weeks and I started eating mostly miso soup, onion soup and lemongrass soup a week before I started. And I am so very, very pleased that your site is always here for anyone who wants to read it.
    A friend of mine was telling me how a lady she knows was on teh MC but she modified it, right away I told her if we or I knew what to do I would not be on the MC and I am sticking by the orginal, not making it up as I go along. And that’s what is working for me……..

  169. Hey thanks for the tips on keeping the weight off after the cleanse. I have been doing the cleanse now for over 10 years. In the past i’ve managed to keep the weight off because i was always active and exercized a lot. I am going to get back to doing that.
    I am going to start another master cleanse on Tuesday and i can’t wait.

    Thanks again.

  170. this is my 6th day. not easy living in new orleans when food is a tourist attraction and definately in our culture. but after the 5th day, food is easy to pass up. not sure why, but the master cleanser WORKS. Not only as a weight loss, but I have no cravings for coffee, salt, sugar or the wine at night. Now the pepper was a bit of an issue. Have decided to lighten it up a bit. In the meantime I have lost an average of 1.5 lbs a day.

  171. thank you i am doing my best to stay on the cleanse it is very hrd i must cook for 5 people and my money is funny oh no not for myself how ever i do buy the foods they like also it is hard to NOT EAT THE FRIED CHICKEN PORK CHOPS CAJON FOOD I MISS SO MUCH HOWEVER I AM DOING MY BEST I AM SHORT FAT AND NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT 5/3 200 lbs so I HANG IN START OVER FALL OFF THE WAGON BUT GET BACK UP ON THE DAMN THING START OVER THANKS FOR THE HELP BONNIE.

  172. Just an update on my fast. I started on May 23rd and was scared to death. I have been on every diet ever invented and this one is the EASIEST one to stay on. The first day I was hungry but after that food seemed unimportant. I have lost 7 pounds so far and hope to reach 10 by the end of my 10 days. For everyone else out there wondering if they can do it….if I can, anyone can….do it!!!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  173. I want to start the master cleanse diet but I don’t know how my body will react to it. I getting married in August and want to lose about 20 lbs. I have about two months to do it. Maybe if I had someone to start with me and help me. I can make it. What happens after the cleanse? Will I gain the weight back as soon as I put a piece of cake from my wedding in my mouth?

  174. I started the cleanse 6 days ago. I have never fasted before and I thought this would be hard for me since I like to eat so much. But I just left a social function with my family with a buffet meal and I was totally unaffected. It is something you have to set your mind to. I wanted to do this so I could detox and lose weight as well. I have lost 11 pounds thus far and I hope to lose several more. People are thoroughly surprised at the fact that I am so upbeat and energetic. But it really has been a good experience for me and has shown me how much will power I truly have. The motivation for me has been the difference in my body and the weight loss. I think the master cleanse will be a great jump start to getting back in shape and back to a healthy weight. I will keep everyone posted.

  175. I am about to start my cleanse tomorrow 5/26. It will be my first time and I am kinda of worried! I wanted to know if anone else is going to start and maybe we can stay in touch and share how we are doing to give one another supportand advice! Let me know!!


  177. Is anyone out there getting ready to start the 10 days?? I have had the info for about 2 weeks but am scared to start. I hate the idea of failing. I get so hungry during the day I can’t imagine just drinking water. I have a high stress job and don’t want to blow it. Help!!! Maybe if I did it day to day with someone it would help. Any volunteers??

  178. i know what you mean about the juicers being hard to clean. get a vita mix!! i got one on ebay for around $100. and i juice every mornning. banana, berries,wheat grass, fruit, kale, cabbage, whatever i feel like throwing in. it’s all delicious!! like lemons? take out the seeds and throw the rest in….. mmmmm good! (of course it counts as a raw meal too.) and it gets you ready for the cleanse….

  179. for Soph

    Instead of another fast – esp. after having just so recently completing another major one –
    let me recommend ProActiv for your acne.
    I started using it about 3 years ago and it really helps keep mine under control.

    You need to use it exactly as directed – try to wash your face with the cleanser for 2 minutes, and use the toner and healing cream after – you’ll see an improvement.

    As for myself – I’m starting the Cleanse tomorrow.
    Just had my tea, have all the ingredients, so I’m all set.
    Actually tried it back in March – made it to 7pm the first day. Tortuous, so hungry. But I have a full free week to give it another go. Wish me luck!

  180. Be for I started the master cleanse, I was having pain in my back and my left leg. My daughter told me about this master cleanse. I never fast befor. My first three days was something eles. I did it for 7 days only because I had to take a MRI for my back.I was told my bones in my lower back was thining. and my blood was low. I started back on the the cleanse now I fast with the cleanse during the day and eat a lite dinner be for 7:00 and nother eles until bedtime then I drink my tea. is that good.

  181. Thank you for these helpful tips. I will say that I have been slightly tempted to eat some unhealthy foods, so this is very helpful alternative. By the way, I successfully completed the 10- day master cleanse! I feel more energetic and motivated to eat healthier and lose a few more pounds.

  182. Hi I just found this web-site and I am excited I havw spent the last 6 hours reading everyones comments about the big cleanse. Great job everyone. I have my 20 year class reunion in august and need to lose some weight but can’t seem to get motivated. I lose iterest fast if I don’t see results right away. I think this is just the thing to give me the jump start I need. Thanks so much for this site.

  183. I want to start the master cleanse and some of my friends are considering it as well. However, I do have a concern. I don’t want to lose weight, especially since I just completed a 40-day fast about a month ago. At the end of the fast, I was 99 pounds. Currently, I’m approximately 105 and I’m trying to get to about 115. My main reason for trying the master cleanse is that someone recommended it to me so I can get rid of my acne. In addition, I have not detoxed in over 10 years, so I really do want to try it. Please give me your suggestions. Thank you!

  184. I lost 9 pds. in 9 days and another 2 in 2 weeks after the cleanse. I get full so quick now and dont I want to eat because I dont want that full un-button my pants effect afterwards. I do want to go on it again on the May 2 and lose 10 more. I still love the diet. So Rayna, Whats up are you starting it again because i love the support you give. Leave me a message. OK bye all hope we all succeed in the future!

  185. Trinicia it is not recommened to do the master cleanse right after surgery. Your body needs protein in order to heal properly. I had major surgery and I did the cleanse about 3 months later. It worked out fine. Everyone is different so listen to your own body. I hope everything works out for you.:)

  186. Trincia it is not recommended to do the master cleanse right after surgery your body needs protein in order to heal properly after surgery. Try it later sometime after you have healed some. I had major surgery and did a 10 day cleanse 3 months later and it worked fine.
    Each person is different so listen to your body. Hope everything goes well for you:)

  187. I just want you to know the information I just read was just what I needed. Its been about 2 months since I completed the miracle cleanse and I was starting to feel like my old eating habits were creeping upon me again. I had been eating better and doing some form of exercise every week since the cleanse and I was also losing a little weight every week, except the last 2 weeks. I noticed I wasn’t drinking my tea or water regularly and I wasn’t eating as many fruits and raw vegetables as in the beginning. But after reading your article today I truly feel rejuvenated and I learned some things about acid and alkaline. Thanks so much for the info.

  188. Did the cleanse for 5 days. It was hard for me becuase my husband likes to eat out and he was eating around me all the time. I will try it again maybe after the summer after all of the outdoor activities are done.

  189. Hi: I am on my 8th day on the Mater Cleanser. If I can do it anyone can. Since I started the diet, I am being cooking for my sick mother and boyfriend; and the amazing thing I never felt hungry. It was a surpise for everyone around me, because I am a big eater. i, myself thought, I was not going to last so long. If you are thing on staring go for it!! It works wonders!!

  190. It’s April 23, I am having surgery on the 25th,I was thinking about starting the master cleanse during my recovery period. If some has some advice on this please reply.


  191. I find doing the cleanse helped me with my gas, but one thing I find they don’t say is that your intestanal track has to have your lactobillicus replaced ,,here is what happened to me, I had so much strong stomach nervousness I could not sleep,So I said now maybe my system is lacking lactobillicus,sure enough as soon as I started to take it 3times a day it went away.I took it for at least 8or 9days ,,I find some info is lacking that is why I would like to say my piece..thank you for the info hope this helps someone Diane

  192. Thank you for sharing all this information and for the support you are offering people who decide to go on the Master Cleanser.
    I have have been able to stay on the cleanser for 6 days this time and I am looking forward to try again for the full 10 days. I really appreciate the combination diet you describe above. I mainly do the cleanse for health and well being as I do not have a weight problem, but it is still hard to maintain a healthy diet with the so many demands of daily life and lack of time to prepare healthy meals. Thank you again for all the valuable information you are providing.
    Alessandra Ferrari

  193. I am on the 10day lemonade diet, this is my fifth day on it, sometime get a little headace, so just wonder would it be ok to eat a little bit.

  194. This is my 9th day on the master cleanse and I feel great! I feel like I can go another 10 days! Tomorrow is my last day folled by 2 day sof drinking orange juice. I’ve lost 12lbs and I’m sure I’ll gain some of it back, but I’m not gaining all of it.

    Your right once you finish the 10 day cleanse you feel like you can do anything. Your will power goes through the roof.

  195. Here is a wonderful program for following the Raw food diet directly after the cleanse. It is wonderful for continuing the detoxing and weight loss post MC. The raw, energy giving foods can be delived directly to your door! Their affiliate program is wonderful as well!

  196. For all of you that are thinking about doing the master cleanser, it’s all mind over matter. If you use the right ingredients you will not fill hunger. I lost 18 pounds in ten days. I do suggest that you use a 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt with 25oz of water in the morning as well at night. It will cause you to flow naturally without any problems….good luck

  197. very interesting way to come off the diet and well timed for me. I just finished nine days on the cleanse and lost nearly 10 pounds.
    Thank you for the advice


  199. I really want to thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge about the master cleanse. Thanks to this site and your free master cleanse guide I’ve been able to finally get my weight under control after having 2 kids. Thank You So Much!
    These tips for what to do after the cleanse are right on target. I made some major improvements in my health on the 10 days I spent on the master cleanse, but the real changes came after the cleanse. I followed the fatloss4idoits diet, and the fat just seemed to melt away.
    For programming your body for good health I don’t know of anything better then the master cleanse, but you’re right about needing to follow a healthy diet after the cleanse if you want to continue with a healthy life.

  200. 9:49p – Night prior to cleanse.
    Hi. I am starting the Master Clease tomorrow, April 16. If there is anyone else about to start as well? I really feel I am mentally prepared to complete the cleanse, as my current diet is pretty clean. I will try to keep a log through this forum of my progress and struggles and success.

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