As a Master Cleans coach many people share their Master Cleanse story with me.

They also come to me with questions.

A common inquiry from women is “what’s it like doing the Master Cleanse during your menstrual cycle.”

Rather than have me try to explain it, I thought it would be best to let women tell you in their own words:

By day 6 of the Master Cleanse diet, I started my menstrual cycle and didn’t have any bloating, however, I did experience a little cramping, nothing major and I experienced some headaches throughout the day. I’m going for the 30 days and see what the results will be unless my tongue turns completely pink before then. Right now, I have the coated tongue, but must admit that right now, I haven’t had any hunger pangs. I have craved some of the foods that I enjoy eating like fruit and almond butter( I am vegan). I look forward to getting the most out of this cleanse cause I’ve attempted it before and never made it past the fourth day. It’s all about will power and determination. Peace and Blessings and good luck to you all

This is my second attempt at the master cleanse. The first time I conditioned by brain with positive affirmations and made it today eight before breaking the fast. I also had an online coach. I was so amazed at how my view of food had changed just after 8 days. Not just portion size, but even the kinds of food I wanted. It was probably 3 months before I forced myself to eat a piece of white bread. This time I am using a form of meridian healing known as eft tapping to condition my mind. It’s wonderful. It’s helping me get to the root of why I over eat or eat emotionally. I am halfway through day nine. I have had some cravings, but when I tapped on the issues they went away. Yesterday (day 8), my menstrual cycle started and I’ve been having some really painful cramping. There are some issues coming up with this regarding my accepting my true femininity, and the fact that menstrual cycles are apart of accepting womanhood. But so far these have been the only,what I am going to call, detox symptoms I have had.

I just turned 26 and have had close to chronic bloating for over 2 years! I tried so many things without long-term results. I am on day 12 of the cleanse hoping it will help me out! I’ve been a little bloated (nothing compared to usual), but I think that’s due to just getting my period. I also suffer from acid reflux and sinus problems, and haven’t had any issues with those. Close to my 10th day I decided to extend it to 15 so I hopefully nip this bloating problem in the bud!

I had gained 35 lbs in the last year from trying several anti depressants.I was disappointed with my body and never liked drugs …so weighed myself off the pills and attempted this cleanse.

I am now at Day 7 and feeling awesome.I have so much energy and such a positive clear mind…..and no period this month WHOHOO…lol.

The first day was tough..headaches (withdrawals I presume from coffee..) but I have lost 15 lbs so far…..

I hung my jeans that I could no longer fit..about 3 inches to get zipper done up…and within 4 days I could get them done up :0) Still tight but a great feeling.

I would recommend this to anyone because it will change your whole attitude… I am now thinking of staying off meat… except maybe fish and poultry.

2 Responses

  1. I have done this cleanse at least 3 times…this is my 4th time. I did the 14 day and then 5 days the other 2 times. Right now, I am doing the 14 day master cleanse. On day 3 my cycle came 3days early. It was very light the first 3 days and medium to heavy the last 2. The color was different, there really wasn’t a smell at all, and the cosistancy was different. I did not experience any of my usual bloating and weight gain, nor were my cramps unbearable. I would only cramp starting the 3rd day and only at night. It was uncomfortable but very mild. If I weren’t on the cleanse , they were mild enough to not take a pain pill. Also no clots whatsoever. I even used a tampon for the last 2 days as I returned to work and didn’t know what to expect BUT everything was still the same. If a cycle could ever be ” pleasant” lol I would say it was pleasant compared to my normal cycles. One thing that did suprise me is that it didn’t just end. It lingered and I spotted off of it until about 3 days past my normal 5 days ( so 8 days in all. 5 being the norm ). Today it seems as if it’s done but I’m not completely sure. I thought the same yesterday. The remaining 3 days were very very light though. Just a few drops on the pad and when I wiped and the color was more of a light pink. Although all of our bodies are different, I Hope this helps someone. Happy cleansing!

  2. I’m on day 5 of my yearly Master Cleansing. I also got my period yesterday. Albeit I’ve has a wonky year with my periods….this time has been off. I started my period cycle 4 days early. I had cramping. And the bloodiest explosion ? all over the floor with a very watery blood splash. Maybe it’s the Cleanse, maybe it’s PeriMenopause….don’t rightly know for sure. But it’s been interesting.
    Going to continue with the full 10day Cleanse. Bloody n all.

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