3 Days Instead of 10

Today a reader asked if you can still benefit from doing a 3 day master cleanse instead of the usual 10 days.

Reading this blog it appears everyone is doing the 10 day plan. I can only do 3 days due to a long planned vacation out of the country. Will only 3 days work???

The answer really depends on what you are hoping to achieve by doing the master cleanse. 3 days on the master cleanse can certainly do a lot of good. It can energize your body, clear your mind, and even help you lose a little weight.

In my book I talk more about the benefits of doing mini-cleanses and give tips on how to get the best results.

But if you’re looking to cleanse and detox your body then you’re going to need the full 10 days.


View Comments (5)

  • Can i use lemon juice for this? I'm a teenager only wanting to do this for a couple of days cause I'm going for a modeling shoot soon and I need to lose some weight around my butt area will I get results in time?

  • My boyfriend an I are on day 3 of the master cleanse, it's going great.
    He has a very labor intense job. He would like to continue the full 10 days. Is it ok to take some kind of protein supplement while on the master cleanse?

  • I did 5 days on the master cleanse and decided to stop because by the third day I bit a peice of chicken and the forth day I ate a hand full of french fries. I felt as if I was defeating the person of cleanseing...I also have a toddler and though he eats mostly healthy it was hard for me to watch him snack on anything from strawberries to brown rice. I was preparing all his meals..... So I am not giving up I have decided to switch to a liquid vegie cleanse which allows me one salad like dinner every night. My concern is the probiotics do I need them still and do I still need to ease into the transition of a differrent cleanse just as you do the transition off the 10days master cleanse to whole foods? Please HELP?

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