What The Master Cleanse Can Do For You

Are you thinking about trying the master cleanse, but aren’t sure if you can do it? If you are the following story from Arlene might change your mind….

“Hello everyone,
I did 10 days of the master cleanse just last month.
I did it for health reasons. A day before I have this abdominal pain so excruciating that I could hardly walk. I have known about this cleanse from my co-workers but I always thought I could never do this because I have this belief that if I miss a days meals I would surely expire! Well I got the book and I did a lot of reading before I start the cleanse.

While on the cleanse I was still preparing meals for my family. In fact I enjoyed the whole process of the food prep even though I knew I was not going to eat it.In some psychological way it kept me sane and normal, because not eating for ten days did not feel normal for me!

My sense of smell, sight and touch was heighten!

I can’t believe that I made it in 10 days! I feel wonderful!
The only draw back was that the lemonade starts to get boring on the 8,9,10, day for me.

I have lost a total of 20 pounds in 10 days! when I broke the cleanse which is 2 weeks ago I have gained 5 pounds back which is expected.Today my eating lifestyle has completely change!”


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  • I am confused. I have read these post and I am not finding the answers to the questions people posted. I have many of the same questions that are already posted and rather then to ask them again it would be benifitial if I could just read the answer already posted. I hope this makes sense. the link to comments rss will not open, neithter will the trackback uri.

  • Hello,
    This is my 2nd time doing the master cleanse and I have to say that it is different from the 1st time. Before, I was able to do 10 days and not feel hungry and my eliminations were as they should be. Now, I am trying to get to 13 days, however, I am having hunger signs at times during the day (am on my 4th day today) and my eliminations are loose/watery. Is this a normal sign or am I doing something wrong? I drink about 100 oz plus a day. I make a day's mixture everyday, all organic. Thank you

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