Drinking Alcohol On The Master Cleanse

For most people it’s giving up their favorite foods that has them stressing out over the Master Cleanse. This reader was wondering if she had to give up drinking alcohol while doing the cleanse…

I have done the MC once before and plan on starting for the 2nd time tomorrow. I’m going to Vegas for my birthday in just 14 days and hoping to be able to fit into my jeans I was just able to fit into 8 months ago I’m hoping to shed some pounds. I got wonderful results the last time and looking forward to them again! This time I plan to be on the full ten days maybe a bit longer does anyone know if you can drink alcohol on this cleanse? (weird question I know but I’m turning 21 and can’t very well not have a drink!)

While there are some health benefits to drinking in moderation (especially red wine), in order to reap the biggest rewards on the master cleanse it’s best to stay off the sauce. Having a drink is not as bad as eating a whole pizza or quart of ice cream, but it will still interfere with the detoxing process


View Comments (38)

  • I drank alcohol during a cleanse and I felt like I was gonna pass out after about 3 drinks. I'm at 6 foot, 200 lbs and I can usually hold my liquor but on the detox I felt like I was hammered. I threw up, couldn't walk, and after 6 really hard days on the cleanse I had to eat something to feel better. My advice, don't risk it.

  • Hello everyone, I have also a question related with alcohol. I have planned to start the master cleasnse today, but yesterday was a friend birthday and I got really drunk. After the night out I had pizza and when I got home I had noodle soup. I hope I have not alcohol left in my stomach, but do you know if it is bad if I still start the diet today ?

  • I'm on my third day of the master cleanse. I have eaten little portions of vegetables throughout the day, each day while doing this. I find it helps with my starvation and cravings. Anyways, my question is...can I have some wine while on the cleanse ( just for today) during my 10 day cleanse and still lose weight?

  • I've just done my first MC and did five days (losing 11 lbs). Contrary to the sensible advice on this page, I had a drink the day after finishing. Wasn't too bad though but the taste is different than it was pre-MC.

  • Omg.

    I just got off the Master cleanse and I couldn't even eat regular food for days yet alone drink alcohol. Trust me, I would love to drink to celebrate my birthday this weekend but I am not going to mess up my body just to get my drink on. I may just have some Kombucha or mineral water. I wouldn't recommend alcohol for at least a week or two after the cleanse is over. Think. Follow the rules.

  • Read the post on mood swings and head aches -you can always try/use "holy Basil" an herb found in pill form at any herbal store -will put you in a good mood and fix the issues and is no different that the herbal teas recommended at night

  • AGREED ^^^^ Luna :) HAHA!
    Regarding alcohol in general... People just use common sense here please. Have you ever had something alcoholic after not eating all day or on an empty stomach or even a light meal?? It is going to affect you much differently than if you had. Caution and common sense my friends. Good Luck!

  • I just have to say that I find it super hilarious that someone was criticizing another persons grammar and then called them."retarted" when the word is infact "retarded."

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