How To Feel Better Fast

Do you ever find yourself walking around stuck in a state of depression? When you slip into bad mood that…


Video: Sweet Misery, Aspartame The Sweet Kiss Of Death

This documentary, Sweet Misery, is about the FDA approved artificial sweetener aspartame, and it's something everyone needs to watch because…


How To Get Off The Master Cleanse

I got the following question about how to exit the master cleanse, which can be tricky after your body becomes…


Why Peruvians Don’t Get Diabetes

Here's an interesting comment that a reader left on this blog about why certain people from Peru have fewer cases…


Using Grade A Maple Syrup With The Master Cleanse

This is a common question that gets asked a lot, it's about using grade A maple syrup instead of grade…


Lemonade diet recipe

A reader wrote in asking about how to prepare the master cleanse recipe. This link covers all the steps. Lemonade…


Master Cleanse Questions Answered

I was reading through the comments and noticed a few questions that have already been answered on this blog. You'll…


Clear Acne Fast

Acne used to be a problem that went away after high school. After those teenage hormones settled down your skin…


How Long Before Going Back On The Master Cleanse

Here's a question from Sophia about how long should you wait after finishing the Master Cleanse before going back on…


Body Talk For Better Health

Here's a comment from a reader I thought I would share with all of you about the benefits of Body…
