Body Talk For Better Health

Here’s a comment from a reader I thought I would share with all of you about the benefits of Body Talk….

I want you to know what a blessing your e-book has been to me! I appreciate so much all of the tips on how to be successful on the Master Cleanse!!! This is my 8th day and I am feeling better than I have in years.

In 2006 I almost died from internal shingles on my brain. I resorted to bee venom therapy then which jump-started my immune system and saved my life. My 20 year old daughter gave me 745 beestings, over the course of one year, and then I started to react to the bee venom. You have to imagine how terrifying it was to become allergic to the one thing that was keeping me alive.

At that time my naturopath told me about BodyTalk. I took the one day class (Access) and within 6 weeks of doing Access on myself twice a day, I was down from 5 to 1 beesting a day. Later I took the 5 day BodyTalk class and, at the end of those 5 days, I no longer needed beestings–my nerves had healed that much. Many of us wept for joy that I not only had survived but now, thanks to BodyTalk, I no longer needed the beestings.

After that, I did a BodyTalk session on myself every day and have recovered about 90% of my strength after my near-death experience. However, I still have pain at the end of the day on stressful days and I don’t have near the energy that a healthy person would have. So when I read about the Master Cleanse, I just knew that it was another missing puzzle piece in my 2 1/2 year struggle to overcome the shingles on my brain. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS HOPE WITH ME!!!
I’m writing to encourage people to try the Master Cleanse but also to try BodyTalk. You can find information about BT at the website of the International BodyTalk Association by goggling, “BodyTalk”. I know that I wouldn’t be here at all if it weren’t for BT.

I have a blog that I’ve named, “A Ray of Hope,” in which I share what I’ve learned about how to recover from a “Terminal” illness. I thought that others who come here may be interested in reading about the discoveries I’ve made along the way. My 7 newest posts are a result of your recommendation to blog each day. This is the address:

I have one question as finances are tight here. We’re organic farmers and have suffered through 7 years of drought. We have an apiary who brings their bees out to our farm so we have lots of honey available. I’m wondering if anyone has ever done the cleanse with honey? Please let me know ASAP, if honey can be used instead of the maple syrup, as my $45 jug of grade B maple syrup is going fast and I want to go 15 days.

Before I ordered your e-book, I had read about others who do the cleanse for 40 days and, wanting to get totally well FAST, I had decided to do it that long. I was glad at first to read your recommendations not to go that long but I really feel that this is helping me and I’d like to go longer than 10 days. Any thoughts?


View Comments (2)

  • Burroughs says that the use of honey should not be used ANY time internally.

    "It is manufactured from the nectar picked up from the flowers by the bees - good enough in itself, perhaps - then predigested, vomited and stored for their own future use with a preservative added. It is deficient in calcium and has many detrimental effects for the human being."

    "Just as with alcohol, honey, being pre-digested, enters the blood directly, raising the sugar content very rapidly above normal."

    However, he continues that honey can be taken externally for skin conditions and the healing of sores.

    Stick with the B grade maple syrup, and please read The Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs THOROUGHLY before embarking on something like this.

    Congratulations with your progress with your illness, Dawn :)

  • I am on my 13th day with the cleanse my test for stopping the cleanse is my tongue when it becomes clear and pink I am going to stop. the tongue is your barometer. being a former pro athlete I have been floored by the effect of this diet also for me I incorparate a minitrampoline and a sauna plus at the beginning of the cleanse I used spurlena in my tea to help my hunger

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