Thank You! Here's Your Free Master Cleanse Cheat Sheet

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Downloading the Master Cleanse Guide is easy. All you have to do is move your mouse pointer over the "Click Here For Your Master Cleanse Cheat Sheet" link above, and with your mouse pointer over the link click the right mouse button - this will bring up a menu. Just select the "Save Target As" to download your cheat sheet.

  • I'll show you how to use the Master Cleanse specifically for losing weight. If you're planning to use the Master Cleanse for weight loss there's some important steps you need to follow. Do it wrong and your metabolism will slow to crawl, and you'll gain weight the second you go back to your normal diet - I'll show you a simple way to lose weight with the Master Cleanse that will keep metabolism running high and burning fat
  • You can't eat on while doing the Master Cleanse right? WRONG! - I'll give you a list of safe foods that let you "cheat" and not have to worry about interfering with the cleansing process.
  • How to get past the 3 day hump. Even experienced Master Cleanser's agree the first 3 days are the hardest because your body has to adapt to the cleanse - Getting past the first 3 days is critical, especially if you've never done the Master Cleanse before. The original Master Cleanse book does not address this, but I came up with a way that let's your body comfortably adapt to the Master Cleanse. If this is your first time doing the Master Cleanse you'll defiantly want to use this
  • The Master Cleanse is missing one thing that's vital to your health: Protein - Staying away from meat and dairy is important when you do the Master Cleanse, but going too long without feeding your body protein can be dangerous. I'll show you one of the purest sources of protein that actually makes the Master Cleanse work better!
  • Simple steps for reducing side effects - The Master Cleanse is a rapid detox that can make huge changes in your health in just a few days. You have to expect some discomfort during the cleansing process, but there are ways you can significantly reduce those troublesome side effects. There's an entire chapter dedicated to making your time on the Master Cleanse as comfortable as possible

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