If you ever found yourself wondering “why the heck should I cut these preservatives out of my diet?” I invite you to learn the tale of the Bionic Burger.

The short video below (which is funny) will tell you about a fast food burger that was purchased in 1989, then set out on display in the open air, and still to this day has not fully decomposed! I was shocked. Just click the play button to start the video.

If you’re ready to stop poisoning your body with processed foods and start nourishing your body with the best of best nature has to offer you should look into Super Foods.

20 Responses

  1. I have done it for a few years twice a year and I just simply LOVE IT!!…. is the
    BEST thing you can do to your body… I am going to start tomorrow and want to do it for 15 days… Wish me luck peeps! 😉

  2. I know these fast food places is a quick fix and unadvisable. Thank you for sharing the information. My days of McDonalds and Burger King is over.

  3. If you really want your eyes opened, watch both of these movies: “Food, Inc.,” and “The Corporation.” Alan is right, big business is ruining our food supply. Check it out….you’ll be amazed!

  4. OOOPS Octavia. I agree when seeing spelling mistakes it’s very tempting to pass comment. I hope you don’t mind me pointing out “English” as in the language, should begin with a capital E and grammar should end in an r. Just having a bit of fun. Please don’t take offence because none intended. Really liked the video especially the listing at the end.

  5. Octavia, if you’re saying that opinions should be considered invalid if they can’t be phrased in grammatically proper American English, perhaps you may wish to correct your own entry to add punctuation.

    Regardless of the example used to illustrate it, I felt he brought up a very valid point: people are often very reluctant to question beliefs and activities which they were brought up viewing as normal or good. In part because it would be questioning the judgment of people they respected and/or who influenced them. Likewise because they may not see anything particularly wrong, or be aware of any connection between current actions (e.g. eating a hamburger with a variety of chemicals) and later occurrences (e.g. physical illness, cancers, etc), and/or feel that it was a big enough deal if they do believe in a connection.

    For myself, I am not personally aware of any studies which show a direct relationship between potential chemical ingestion through fast food and later health problems. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any (studies or direct relationships), simply that I don’t know of any. I would not be surprised, however.

    I do know that there have been studies pointing to a number of different ways fast food is not the healthiest choice, to say the least. I also know from my studies and experience as an EMT and later massage therapist of numerous ways and examples of the human body’s ability to react and adapt to an incredible variety of nasty things because that was what needed to happen to survive.

    Surviving is not thriving, however. How we take care of our bodies in the choices we make day to day has a definite effect on our overall functional “norm” and ability to fight off and recover from illness and disease. A car doesn’t run as well with old oil, but it does run. You have to decide for yourself what type of maintenance is worth it for you: change the oil regularly? run hot and fast, or a little slower knowing it is easier on the engine and mileage? money on regular tune-ups, or only deal with the larger occasional expense of a big fix? There’s a great deal within your control. You just have to figure out what you’re actually willing to do with it.

  6. Samuel kirk your beliefs about church have nothing to do with burgers what you should concern yourself with is english and gramma classes before you give opinions

  7. Big corporations have ruined our food supply in North America. If it can make more money, let’s do it. So sad. Unfortunately, it’s all but impossible to get real natural food now as the small mom-and-pop farm has disappeared. Again, so sad.

  8. I eat my own farm raised beef, I see the steer or cow that I my familly eat. By taking a thousand animals and processing them in MCMEGAGRINDER means if one carcass is rotten it is all rotten!

  9. UGGGGGH! I never liked the hamburgers, especially from Burger King and McDonalds less than that. Now, I know that when the children are asking for McDonalds, I will tell them of all of the horror stuff that is in each burger. I know that I need cleansing for my health and I have many issues at the moment shortening my life, yet, being on fixed income, it is hard for me to part with so much at one time for your program. I am saving up what I can to invest in the program.
    Thank You,

  10. There is no scientific facts that support your claim except for the unproven fact that you actually do have all these burgers from so many years ago. In other words, I think this has lots of BS.

  11. I don’t eat meat often, however at least once or twice a year, I have a taste for a McDonald’s hamburger. My body rejects this product 100% of the time. Now I know why! I’m done with beef, period!

  12. Thanks for the info well too bad I won’t be buying a hamburger again, can you imagine what would be happening to my stomach? I think it would look like a dump.

  13. McDonalds like the church had polluted your mind with utter garbage. You parwents tok you there so like the church you thought it right. those tath still belive int he church don’t want to beleive that they could be wrong.

  14. I don’t want to comment on this video, except to say that may be twice I had a Hamburger in a fast food chain and this is over 10 years ago.

    I tried today to order you special discount offer,
    but my credit cards were rejected although both are constantly in use. I know pay pla is rejecting credit cards from Indonesia but my Amex s from Germany and I don’t know what the problem is.

    I am in the beginning of my cleansing and will report later.



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