I’ve written about the natural sweetener Stevia before, and in my opinion this product has the potential to make a major difference in the health and well being of millions of people. Anyway I wanted to share particular brand of Stevia that was brought to my attention by the blog reader below…
The online product NuStevia, has a much improved flavor over the Stevia that is in the stores. They have refined out the product that produces the bitterness, and I LOVE using this product, in spite of it’s higher cost. I can’t use any artificial sweetener, because I develop painful migraines from all of them that are out there. Stevia is the only thing I can use and not be in agony!
The FDA are bunch of chiseling, greedy so and so’s. All they want is to support the big businesses with the big money. I sure hope that Stevia finds enough support (and people with money to back it up) to get put through.
Meanwhile, if you want to try Stevia and are afraid of the aftertaste (the stuff in the stores sure has it…) check out the product NuStevia online. I think it’s worth the money.
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NuStevia is the only artificial sweetner I have ever used in my 62 years that completely replaces my desire for the sugar taste. It is amazing that our government is willing to sacrifice the well being of tens of millions of our citizens by squelching the knowledge of this product thereby allowing the health depleting aspartame to be used to cover the phosphoric acidity (which causes softening of teeth and bone loss) of the billions of soft drinks consumed every year.
I prefer the SweetLeaf Stevia brand...have you tried it? It's AMAZING!
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