Start The New Year With A Master Cleasnse

It’s New Years resolution time, and now more then ever people want to lose weight, break harmful addictions, and just feel better about themselves and their health.

But this brave new world that we live in makes it very hard to go from overweight, sick, and depressed to fit, healthy, and happy…

  • Sugar and high fructose corn syrup have become staples in our diet, and unless you’re making all your meals from scratch (including condiments and sauces) it’s very hard to eliminate these things from your diet.
  • Companies get you hooked on their products when you’re young and impressionable. Joe Camel got kids to smoke cigarettes, Ronald Macdonald gets kids hooked on fast food, and Tony the Tiger convinces your kids to start their day with a bowl of sugar filled frosted flakes. By the time you’re old enough to know these things are bad for you it’s too late, these addictions are hard wired into brain and very hard to break.

I wish there was an easy way to instantly lose weight, break bad habits, and feel better about yourself, but there’s not, these kind of drastic lifestyle changes take some effort. If you really have a burning desire to make a change and are willing to put in some effort I recommend trying the Master Cleanse

When you follow the advice in my Master Cleanse book you will be guided through a series of steps that will help you lose weigh, stop addictions, and feel energized and happy. The best part is you can do the Master Cleanse in 10 days.

You can also sign up for my free newsletter below where I’ll give you advice on how lead a happy and healthy life.


View Comments (3)

  • Hello, Im on my 4th day of the master cleanse and i feel great! alot of energy, i lost 8lbs for the first time im wearing a belt over my waist, i love it, im happy, not hungry, and im going to keep doing this cleanse for 10 more days!! After wards i know im not going to crave junk food, just healthy food, like steamed veggies, and grilled meats, also i will be working out...!! i love life!!

  • Hi,

    I just started to promote your book on my website (as your affiliate). Is it possible to get a review copy, or do you have more testimonies that are not published yet that I could use in my follow up mails?

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi. My son has been doing the master cleanse for 2 years now, and is a totally healthy person except for sinus/migraines and colds from stress. I would love to do the cleanse but am worried (1) that I'll lose too much weight (I think I'm OK now at 5'6" 128 and dropped to 118 after power walking 3 miles every other day. I also lost a great deal of muscle (I work out at a gym every other day, but while I was walking I stopped going to the gym. It was not attractive to ME; and (2) I'm prone to migraines from many things, hunger being one of them. How would I combat that?

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