Purging your body of all the built up fecal plaque, phlegm, and other garbage is one of the best reasons to do the master cleanse. But it doesn’t always happen right away.

Sometimes you don’t eliminate solid waste until a few days into the cleanse. Don’t worry if you don’t see solid waste coming out right away. Remember your stomach will be empty after the first day of drinking only lemonade and water, and it will take a while for the hardened internal waste to start to break free and be eliminated from your body.

For me the best eliminations (if you can call them that) have come after the first solid meal I eat after I finish the master cleanse diet. It’s like that first whole meal just pushes all the junk out of your intestines.

But there are some things you can do to help the process along. Here’s some tips for better eliminations:

* Use a natural fiber supplement like phylum husk in addition to the other laxatives. You can buy psyllium husk in capsules or in a bulk powder.

* Do some light exercises. Don’t strain your self, but try to get your body moving.

* Massage you belly. This ones kind of silly, but it works. Sit ups are also good.

* Drink lots of water, or better yet drink warm water because it’s not so constricting and does a better job at flushing waste through your system.

* Practice deep breathing a couple times a day. You would be surprised at how much tension you carry in your body. Try to make a concentrated effort to breath deeply and relax the core of your body.

I hope this helps, and if anyone has some tips for better eliminations they would like to share feel free to post them.

If you noticed I haven’t been posting to this blog much it’s because I’ve been busy with a new master cleanse book I put together. It’s gotten lots of positive feedback from readers. You can pick up a copy by going to master cleanse book

If you had a chance to read it I’d love to hear what you think.

186 Responses

  1. hello all, i finished day 3 yuhu…everyday with a nice workoutroutine… 30 min run, 30 min abs…yoga and then swimm in the ocean…i feel great, but still craving uhhhh but fresh not greasy food. Now BM none today eventough this morning SWF …which worked on day 2. But i noticed today i mixed differently , since my boyfriend told me to do the proper measure( 10 oz 2 teaspoons salt)….yesterday when it worked, i did the concentrated way….with just 4oz water…yuk…but its send me straight. So since i m a bit frustraited… i just did the concentraighted SWF again tonight…and my body reacted straight away…i guess…i need the kick…rather than the smooth version…thank for all the comments btw…they help:)

  2. you can also use chia seeds ..just add them to your lemonade it works perfectly and it’s only fiber so it won’t ruin your diet

  3. Hi,
    I would like to order a copy of your Master Cleanse book however I do not have access to a credit card. May I pay using a bank draft?


  4. This is the second time I am doing the Master Cleanse. The first time I did it I felt amazing. I was glowing. Everyone was asking what I was doing! For Rebekah, the first day was ok, the second day I was saying can I really do this, after the third day was over I figured I can’t waste what I have already accomplished. I than felt really strong. I was not hungry and I felt better. I also started thinking a lot about food. and cravings. Than where I was working they were passing around jellybeans . I grabbed a handful not even thinking! Than I am realizing that the food thing is really all in my head! I got over it and moved on. I didn’t eat the jellies. This time around there are no food trips going on. I had to really get myself in the mood to do it the second time. Sometimes I get light headed, a little weak , I am not sure about the heartburn, If you can get past the first three days I am sure that your symptoms will go away. Make sure you are doing a flush or the tea, it is extremely important. Try to keep active or make this time about other things. Like take your focus off food. Know you will feel amazing! I know you can do it!

  5. just finished the master cleanse for 14 days and lost 11.5 pounds very happy with my results, only have 25 more pounds to go and I will be at my goal weight where my bmi is in a healthy range…

  6. I am 55 years old and this is my first cleanse ever. Day two was the worst. I think I had every possible symptom-felt sick, entire body ached and the headache was beyond description. Woke up day three feeling if e and have felt better and better every day since. I am a hopeless insomniac but have been sleeping great for 4 nights. I’m on day seven now. I’m not having bowel movements but I’m peeling A LOT. I’m thinking of staying on the cleanse a few extra days. I wish I were having more BMs but I know it’s working because I feel better than I have in years!

  7. Please someone help , I did tea las nite n had like little little balls this afternoon but that was it , would the cleanse be pointless if I’m not eliminating ?

  8. This is a cleanse and you are cleansing old crap out of body so the nause a and feeling weird is part of that. It is never for nothing because lemon juice alone will cleanse the liver a bit.
    get rid of some built up toxins. As the toxins come out they can make you a little sick probably like when they went in- and got stored in the liver. I lost 10 pounds in 8 days and so did my husband. I took a tablespoon of Psyllium (no sugar) in th e morning with a lot of water and eliminated very well.I didnt do the salt water , but maybe should have because i was craving potato chips to madness. I took all vitamins and meds. over 4 months I alternated 3 days of this with 4day wonder diet and lost a total of 35 lbs. Im very careful now probably done with bread for life, but new body is worth it……….the master cleanse isnt really a fast. you are getting pleanty of calories. I dont understand the medical objections and I am a nurse. when someone is in hospital they give them sugar water for very long periods and nothing else. The diet most of us are eating pre diet is a lot more disturbing than some organic sugars and fruit. cayenne has vitc. good luck I believe IN TEN DAYS YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE ABSOLUTELY!!! have fun

  9. I am about to go one my 2nd cleanse in a year and the 1st time
    I did it last jan 15th when I did a 15 day cleanse I lost 38 lbs !! I felt wonderful! The energy level was High. I was gleaming;) I looked younger and I took a before and after picture which proved how good I felt. I believe every year you should do a cleanse of the body to rid of toxins and carb/sugar/ caffeine addicts especially!! I truly believe in this cleanse.

  10. On day 9. Feeling good, sleeping great, no bowel movements. Some brown water at first. Now nothing after salt water and tea and enema.

  11. Hi, im on day 8 n I haven’t eliminated waste for 2 days. I feel pretty good but Im not sure what’s going on with my body. When I reach my 10 days…..is the cleanse for nothing being that I haven’t eliminated much?

  12. I tried the cleanse for three days… It did not do anything for me but I really wish it had…
    I did not go to the bathroom except for once in the three days and I was about to pass out by the third morning (had to sit while taking a shower)??
    I am frustrated to say the least 🙁

  13. It’s a little after midnight. I just finished my 5th day. I do the salt water and tea in the morning and before bed. Maybe its too much . I know this is gross but have to be frank. I have been nauseous with diarreah for the first 2 or 3 hours every morning and even had to get up at night a couple of times. I work from 4 to 11. There’s no way I could work a regular job like this. I am afraid to go out and do anything until afternoon.

  14. I am on my 5th day on the cleanse. I feel good!! Even more surprising is I am not hungry or have even thought about food. Something else I noticed, the pain in my joints is gone. I was having problems with my ankles, knees, and hips. when I got out of bed I would have to crouch before I was able to stand erect. The last couple of mornings, I have hop right out of bed. And my knees aren’t poping and cracking anymore. I don’t know if I have last any weight because I haven’t weighed myself. I am doing the cleanse to detox. However, my clothes are looser and I feel lighter. I will continue for the 10 days. I plan on adding yoga to routine. I can’t wait to see what the next five days bring!!!!!

  15. I am on day 4 of the cleanse. Prior to starting; I was on a vegetable fast for 5 days. My tongue is pink, I have lost inches (clothes fit loose now). I had elimination day 2 and day 4; I only take the Smooth Move at night. I feel energetic; but tired in the evening. I will probably only do 5 days because I am not consuming 6-12 servings a day probably only 4 1/2; I am just not that hungry or thirsty to drink (probably because I conditioned my body prior on the vegetable fast; where I did not eat after 8pm. I do not have any health issues; I only did the fast to rid my body of any toxins. Hope my comment helps other.

  16. This is my second Cleanse and I am on my 4th day. I loved the first time and learned a lot from it to make the second time even more effective! I was worried before because on my first cleanse I didnt have much elimination on the first days or during. It varies from person to person so If you are worried you are not eliminating enough just take 2 big glasses (500ml) of lukewarm water with one teaspoon of sea salt each. Drink one after another before you have your first glass of lemonade. It works for me! You will be running to the toilet in less than 30 minutes no doubt.
    I feel amazing and not hungry at all. Food cravings is normal as we have had food every day of our lifes.. but is manageable as there is no feeling of hunger.
    I have no idea how much i lost last time or this time but I can see everyday how much thinner I am and how healthy I feel. Specially with the marvelous nights of sleep I’ve been having since I started the Cleanse again. SHAMAZING! 6 days to go and strong 😉

  17. I had to stop the swf on day nine. I got up that morning, drank it and it all came back up. I just did the tea in the morning and afternoon for the next three days. The tea worked just fine!!

  18. I just finished 12 days of the master cleanse and lost a total of 16 lbs!!! I had a juicer this time so it made it much easier to prepare. I love this cleanse and my plan is to eat clean so that I won’t put back on a lot of weight. I’ve told several people about the cleanse but they all insist they can’t go 10 days without food!! Oh well, I tried!! As for me, I look and feel great. I’ll probably do it again around June or July. Happy cleansing!!!

  19. I have to take a daily prescription. Will the diet interfere with absorption? Also is salt water flush compatible if you have blood pressure concerns?

  20. I’m preparing myself to start the master cleanse on Monday. I’ve never done it before. Please tell me if I need to stop taking my daily multi vitamin. Thanks

  21. Just finished day 8……and feeling great!!!
    Road 2 1/2 hours on my road bike today……great!!!
    I could not hammer like I typically do but still a great workout!!
    Not sure if I’m going to do 10 or 15 days…..unfortunately….
    birthday is this Sunday……once on the MC……I like to keep
    going….trying to break my record of 23 straight days……
    piece of cake…LOL…… no pun intended!!!

  22. Day two. I’m not eliminating despite the Smooth Move tea and the salt water. I haven’t lost anything but it’s only the second day. I have a slight headache but feel fine other than that. I would like it better if I could have some stuff move out of my body soon. I’ll keep you all posted. Thank you for all the great posts, advice, etc.

  23. I am starting on day 3 of the Master Cleanse and I have had no eliminations. I gave myself an enema and i did eliminate but I do not want to get my body use of having to force elimination. I’ve lost 4 lbs in the 2 days but I fear that the weightloss won’t continue if I am unable to eliminate. I have never been a “regular” eliminator, maybe once a week if I am lucky so does that mean I probably won’t be “regular” even with the cleanse? That, along with weight loss, was my main reason for doing the cleanse in the first place. I can’t do the SWF in the morning because I work far from where I live. Can I do the cleanse at night when I get home from work? Other than the lack of elimination, I feel GREAT! Not hungry at all and sleeping better than I have ever slept in my life!!!

  24. I had no elimination at all during my first cleanse, it was all urination. Second and third I have had liquid elimination. It is different for everyone, even the same person from cleanse to cleanse.

  25. I am experiencing good energy and my hip has stopped hurting! My hip mysteriously began hurting May 2010, non stop without an episode of injury or known reason. I am very happy with this program, as I am in Day 5 and have not been hungry at all (strange)–yet, with the calories from the lemonade, I am at the correct caloric intake for my weight so there really is no reason to be hungry. I am a bit concerned, however, on the lack of elimination. I see one post where delayed elimination is not unheard of or unusual and that it all takes time. I feel strong and able to continue to day 10.

  26. I think it’s fine to take the supplements while you’re on the cleanse. I am on the cleanse right now (my third one) and I take a probiotic and vitamin B.

    But I’ve always had the salt water in the morning. I think I’d rather do it in the evening. Are some people doing it in the evening? Does that work just as well?

  27. I am on day 3, and everything is going great. I do take hormone replacement pills, as well as calcium, vitamin D, B, and probiotics. Should I stop taking these while I am on the Master Cleanse?

  28. Wow ! I feel great and its my second day … I was able to make a delicious dinner for my kids and I did not taste it . I make my lemonade fun . I slice some lemons and put it in my nice glass and I act like its a mix drink . I’m Hispanic so I’m use to eating lots of spicy things and lemon. So I put lots of cayenne pepper. I did do the salt flush and my eyes were swollen this morning. But I kept doing my lemanade I’m trying to keep busy . I’m not hungry at all but I was so use eating cause i was bored . So I keep telling myself its for my body and I need to be healthy for my kids … I hope tomorrow is better because my husband is off and we usually eat out on Sundays so if I can get through tomorrow I know ill be able to do this. I keep myself busy and I keep reading these blogs so others can motivate me .. ill keep posting email me please if you have any tips or questions .. [email protected]

  29. So yesterday I decided to start the Master Cleanse. I just ate a small breakfast
    And nothing but water for the rest of the day, 6cups. I bought everything I needed except a laxative tea because I have some acai tea at home.. and I decided to stick with the sea salt water flush . Last night I did 7ounces of water with 2tblspn. And I went to the bathroom for at least an hour straight. After that I felt so good and clean . Today I am counting it as my 1st day. I started with a tea and then made my l
    emonade, I already had four cups and two teas. I did however woke up and my eyes looked swollen and I’m guessing it was because of all the salt. I’m hoping that it goes away . I feel good , I don’t want to quit because I have not craved any food. I felt like I had to eat but that’s because it part of my everyday routine … And I asked myself if I was hungry . And I’m not at all .
    I am hoping to take the salt flush later tonight when my kids sleep because ill have alone time Lol and ill sleep better after I feel empty . Try to keep busy.

  30. Hey all! I enjoyed reading everybody’s comments…It’s day 1…..aghhh….i want chips so bad, i crave salt. So, having a really bad headache, and now, bad heartburn…?? is the heartburn a normal symptom? Can someone answer me, or give me pats on the back lolol..imma suck…will be keeping everyone posted. We are leaving for Costa Rica in 4 weeks, and want to feel my best, and get rid of these little red bumps on my back.

  31. I have explained which will least 2849820 times. The challenge this this way is these are just too compilcated for that average pet, knowing enjoy

  32. I’m on day six…hpe you stayed with it. it’s hard but worth it. just eat gently when you go off. Don’t over eat or plug the body up with alot of junk…the idea is you start over with a healthier approach to your body and food.

  33. I’m on day 5 and want to quit so badly! It’s not that I’m hungry or feel all that awful but I do have less energy than normal and barely exercise which is an addiction of mine. I don’t weigh myself but I’m sure I’ve lost weight. I just keep thinking of all the delicious food I’m missing out on and all I want to do is break down and eat!! Ugh…I keep telling myself, one day at a time. Today’s almost over, then on to day 6…this has been the longest week of my life! I need inspiration!

  34. Hello well I started the diet on sunday on the 8th now I am on the fourth day now I would like to know even though I drink my tea at night before I go to bed sometimes I am still up . Can I drink the lipton 100% natural green tea and when will have a real bm I have had one but its just a little bit not much its a little watery what’s that about please help me

  35. I am on day 2 of the cleanse I am not hungry at all but am experiencing a terrible headache I am assuming it is because of no caffiene. Last night it was so bad I had to take 2 alieve. How bad is it to take alieve while on the cleanse? I worry because I am prone to migranes. The funny thing is I did the cleanse over a year ago and never had a problem??

  36. hi , am on day 3 of my MC and i feel really dizzy and washed out.am not hungry at all and cant stand food. am abit worried ,what can i do,help!

  37. HI Kathy, use “cayenne pepper” not Cayenne chili pepper” cayenne peper is spicy enough and the chili in the other is jus an additive that you do not need.
    Hope this helps.

  38. I read everyones blog. Each person “asks a question” but no one gives any answers.
    Question: do we use “cayene pepper” or “cayene chili pepper”. What I read in a recipe was “cayene chili pepper” but what I’m using is “cayene pepper”. I s that one thing that I’m doing wrong. Please; answer my question.

  39. It is my second time doing this cleanse. The first time I wass working and stressed out with everyday life. On the evening of the 4th night I went to Whole Foods and couldn’t control myself!! I ate chicken and mac and cheese!! But there is hope for all of us. Two years later I am on long holiday in Zimbabwe meditating and “trying to find myself” lol and today is day 23 of the fast. I notice that I am a lot more emotional but the fast is a lot easier now that I am on holiday. I encourage everyone to keep trying it works. I lost 20 pounds so far as of 3 days ago. I only weigh myself once a week. Yes the goal is to loose weight but it is also to have a healthier attitude and lifestyle. Those of you having a hard time try to reduce the stress in your life and good luck!

    Jomoke ~

  40. @Kat: I really hope you feel better…please try and hang in there. Your reaction to the salt water flush is probably a sign that your body is making an effort to rid itself of toxins. Make sure you’re drinking purified water and using an unrefined/non-iodized sea salt. I use a brand called Real Salt which is full of natural trace minerals and comes either coursely or finely grounded. I’ve never tried taking the salt or cayenne pepper in capsule form, but I would strongly recommend you follow the instructions Raylen has provided for the cleanse. Tomorrow will be Day 9 for me so I know how difficult it can be, especially if this is your fist time. The results are worth it…you can do it!!!

  41. This is day 3 of MC for me. The first few days were great. I was barely hungry. Today I am starving. I threw up entire SWF. sigh. is it OK to take salt in vegan gelatine capsules followed by warm water? I am taking my cayenne (in gelatin capsules) with lemonade in this way and not having problems keeping it down. Needing some encouragement. ): help.

  42. I’m on day 7 of the Master Cleanse and I have to say I feel GREAT!! This is my first time trying the cleanse, and I have to say I was pretty skeptical about it at first. I’ve been vegan for almost a year, so I figured I wouldn’t have any issues easing into the cleanse, but Day 1 was the hardest for me- I was irritable and experienced a slight headache towards the end of the day. But after I had my bowel movement that night, these symptoms subsided and I felt soooo much better. I was more confident about the cleanse as I went into the second day, and by the third day I was enjoying the process. I’ve had regular bowel movements several times throughout the day each day (the movements have pretty much been liquid for the past few days, but movements nonetheless). I recommend following the exact measurements for the cleanse and avoid modifying the recipe, especially if you eat meat. I know the cayenne pepper component is a little too spicey for some people, but it really is a very important ingredient as it helps to elimimate mucous, which is a breeding ground for toxins in the body. If you’re not having adequate eliminations, make sure you increase your water intake- you can never have too much. The water should be consumed at room temperature. Also doing light exercises (i.e. gentle stretching) will help stimulate and tone the organs in your digestive system which aid in elimination. My energy is off the charts, my skin is clear, and I’m high on Life!!! I’ll check back in a couple of days when I’m done to share my final results. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Happy cleansing to all 🙂

  43. I’m just curious, I want to start this cleanse but I’m worried I won’t be able to overcome the cravings for food…. I read on another site that some people ate a light breaky, drank the lemonade during the day when they were hungry, then ate a light dinner…. to ease into the full on cleanse, does anyone know if this might be a good way to start for a few days… then just do the cleanse??


  44. Hi, I am a 53 year old woman getting ready to a start the master cleanse diet with the sea salt, maple syrup, lemon and cayenne pepper the works. My only concern is, is it safe for a woman my age. I have no health problem that I am aware of.

  45. Just drank the Smooth Move laxative tea & I’m ready for the morning. I feel so bloated and horrible…this cleanse is seriously what my body needs. Wish me luck!

  46. I am five foot 6inches and 45 years old and I weighed 174 lbs yesterday when I started the cleanse. I weighed myself this morning at 169 lbs. I got up to pee at least 4 times during the night. I am taking in 100 oz. of the lemonaid mixture and 180 oz of filtered water along with 10,000 mg of wheat grass split into two doses. I am also taking a 450 mg of Cayenne Herbal supplements with each glass of lemonaid. That makes a total of 4500 mg of cayenne capsules I am taking a day. I feel bloated all the time and my butt hole is starting to burn when I purge my clear liquid. This is the second day on the cleanse. I have not purged anything solid yet. Am I doing something wrong?

  47. Question,

    I went to my near-by Whole Food Store and so that they sold
    a organic lemonade product of the cleanse. It was about 45.00
    dollars and would last the entire cleanse except the last two
    days. Would like to know if you knew of this product and is
    it OK.

  48. I completed my 10 days on Sun the 11th of July and I feel great. I’ve continued drinking my laxative tea to assist in my eliminations but only once per day. And also I’ve added Sunsweet dried prunes 60calorie packs. I lost 5lbs after the cleanse and I feel amazing. I didnt do it for the weight loss but I’m very comfortable with my new weight of 128lbs. 🙂

  49. This is my first day on the MC. So far so good its been going great. I hope to complete the 14days I plan doing. I’ll keep posting my progress. Wishing everyone luck.

  50. This is my 2nd day on the MC. i took the smooth move tea last night. i let it steep for 15 minutes (as instructed on the box). NOTHING has happened….not even a cramp! Has this happened to anyone else? Can someone recommend another product??


  51. This is Day 6 for me and I feel GREAT! Thought it was going to be hard to do with no food, but I really dont feel hungry and I am working out now like its nobodys biz!! I am still able to cook meals for the family (which looks at my drink and says “ewww” all the time) and do not have the urge to eat it cause I know I have a goal and I am sticking to it. So far so good on weight loss too, 7lbs! WOOT!

  52. Hi Everyone

    I am on day 10 of the MC and I feel sooo good. I have lost 20 pounds but I understand that a good percentage of that weight is water weight. I do not want to end it today. I plan on doing 15 days and I will see how i feel once i reach the 15 th day.

  53. To ‘godsfavor’: Thank you for your advice. Did you replace the maple syrup with molasses for the 10 day fast as well? lj

  54. I’m ashamed of myself. I went off the cleanse this evening after my second step class of the day. My heart was palpitating and I was sweating so much that I had a huge puddle that I was standing in. I thought that I was going to drop dead. I left class and headed straight home to enjoy a salad with balsomic vinegar on it. I also topped it with pepper and you guessed it…cayanne! I only lasted 5 days…Good luck to all the rest. I’ll try again next mont. I did manage to loose 8 pounds!

  55. I just ended the mc fast, and I did break my fast too quick. The second day of coming off the fast, I woke up feeling dizzy… my blood pressure has been elevated since…help!

  56. I have always had great success with the Master Cleanse. I always follow it to a “t”. I won’t even eat a lifesaver or certs candy on it as I am depending on the enzyme in the mixture and don’t want to mess anything up. I recently finished a cleanse and lost 12 pounds in 12 days. I was losing 2 pounds a day, but this time, I forgot I was on a cleanse and a lifesaver after 8 days and my weight loss slowed down to 1 pound a day.
    If you’re hungry, drink the juice. It gets easier after day 3. Drink lots of water – no too cold or it could give you a belly ache.
    As for the salt part. It says drink drink a tablespoon of salt in the morning in 20 ounces of water. Yeah – that’s gross, so what I did and found worked really well for me was to drink the tablespoon of salt in three ounces of salt, and VERY quickly followed by the 17 ounces of water after that. Nowhere does it say you can’t break it up like that. Try it – it’s much, much easier to do. It should “hit” you within the hour. I had huge bowel movements everyday for twelve days. On about day 9, I went for a colonic. The next day (I know this is gross) but I had an uninterupted bowel movement of about 7 or 8 feel that was the exact shape of the insides of my bowels.
    I could not believe how much gunk was in there. I went back to regular eating then went back on the fast and lost another 8 pounds, still having HUGE bowel movements, and this is all without any food. I felt like I probably was getting rid of baby food by that point! hahahaha. I am going back on it tomorrow. I would highly recommend doing the salt thing as a shooter, and then quickly drink the rest of the water as you can. Drink the juice as much as you can and if you are really hungry, warm it up. It will make you feel like you just had a bowl of soup. Stick with it, it’s worth. Don’t be a whiner or complainer, we’re all doing the same thing and yeah…. sometimes dog food commercias looked pretty good to me, I’ll admit, but it’s not forever, your stomach gets slimmer, your complexion looks better, you have more energy and you save lots of money on your food bill! Of the number of days you have in your life, what is 12 days. I used to do this cleanse alot about fifteen years ago, but had to go on medication that made me gain weight. This took it off really fast. So, I may have to do a week long fast every month, but to me, it’s worth it because I feel better about myself, my clothes fit better, stairs are not Mount Everest; everything physical is just easier.
    Good luck and I hope you stick with it! it’s worth it!

  57. hi,

    it’s my first day to do the master cleanse…can i delete the cayenne pepper in the lemonade? what is it’s role anyway?

  58. Anybody know a good tea for eliminating the parasites.
    I have a book which say what ingredients to look for but wanted to know if somebody already knows of a tea on the market which will do the job.

  59. Hi .thank you for the encouragement on these blogs.had started the cleanse but I only lasted 2 days and to make it worse I went straight to binge eating!needless to say my tummy really suffered for a week.this time am doing it for real………don’t know for how long but am planning for at least 10 days.on day 1 today,so far so good.currently 75kgs and looking forward to the side effects of the cleanse i.e weight loss.keep you posted!

  60. I want to thank everyone for their comments. They help me realize that you can actually complete this.

    I just finished my first day. It was hard – not because of hunger but because I hate the taste of everything – even the maple syrup makes me gag. But I will go on – I figure it is mind over matter. I was surprised that I had no hunger pains – I think that may come tomorrow.

    I have one question – how important is the laxative tea. I find the taste disgusting – and would prefer to just do the salt water flush.

    The other surprise was that I did not find the eliminations horrible – it took 90 minutes to come on but then I just went to the bathroom twice – 15 minutes apart and that was it.

  61. This is to the guy above me, Melo*D… eating anything on a fast defeats the purpose of the fast, which is to give your digestive system a break. If I were you, I would consider choosing either/ or… your “diet” you have mentioned above, or just fasting on the Master Cleanse, or whatever fast suits you. Clearly, it’s up to you but what’s the point of fasting if you don’t fast?

  62. I’m on my 4th day of the cleanse, and did it for 5 days in January… this time I want to get through to 10 days. The last time I did it, and up until now, I have not had any solid bowel movements/ eliminated any mucus. I had one solid the day I started but I think it was the last meal I ate. I eat pretty well and am wondering if this has to do with the plaque not eliminating. I saw here that someone had the mucus come after 8 days. I’m sticking to the Master Cleanse by the book, and today I read that upping the cayenne might move the plaque through you faster. I’m trying that today. I’m curious if anyone else has had this same experience on the Master Cleanse. I know there’s bad toxins in me that need to be flushed! I’m waiting for them to come out! I’ve been doing a sauna and steam room for the last 2 days and plan on sticking to that every day if I can. I’d love your input about the plaque, however. Thanks!

  63. I will keep these tips in mind!
    I have sort of a question in a comment, and a lot to write. Apologies in advance.

    I am going to be starting the Master Cleanse tomorrow. I have been reading up a lot on the Master Cleanse (and researching nutrition in general for what I had not yet learned) the past few days, also considering a college education of some kind of foods/nutrition study…

    I have not heavily researched whether this will be beneficial, but I have planned to eat a small meal in the mornings, and quite possibly at nights as well.
    I’m planning on 2 tbsp organic oats, cooked in 1/4 cup organic vanilla soy milk (complex carbohydrates and complete soy protein); a very small portion of vegetables or fruit (fruit: 1-2 slices, or 1/4 cup); 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the lemonade concoction. This meal, focusing on fiberous foods, hoping it will aid the cleansing. After all, many people have stated that their biggest bowel movements came after they had finished the cleanse and began taking in solids again.

    Another reason, my first reason for modifying the cleanse, is that the lemonade alone is completely inadequate, as far as nutrients go…Where are the macro/micronutrients? Grade B maple syrup may have more nutrients than other kinds, but it does not supply protein (I think long-term use would begin to deplete your muscle) or lipids, and does not supply all of your daily vitamins and minerals.. I understand that the point of this is to cleanse out the toxins, but if the little food that one eats in the morning is organic, natural, and little in quantity, could it really do much harm to the cleanse? The body will be getting rid of waste either way.

    A little healthy meal in the morning to provide my body with at least some of its essential nutrients. After the saltwater flush, so that the saltwater has a chance to take effect immediately. Also to help the flow of movement and get my metabolism running on better fuel than sugar.

    Possibly another little healthy meal in the evening with the laxative tea. I have not come to a decision yet, because in the past, stimulant laxatives worked more effectively when I took them on an empty stomach. I’m not sure how laxative in tea form will differ, and also while I’m cleansing.

    Correct me, if you’ve studied foods/nutrition for college education, and I am wrong. I’ve made this modification based on what I’ve learned and experienced the past five years, since I really started paying close attention to my body and learning/studying independently about nutrition.

    I’m bookmarking this webpage. I’ll check back regularly.

    P.S.!! If anybody is worried about having bowel movements in public…I do not yet know if this is unavoidable or not. But, if it does happen, try to find a small restaurant, shop, or store with a single-person restroom. I live in Seattle, and many of the Starbucks restrooms are private, sometimes 2-person. Grocery stores (not department stores), convenience stores like 7-Eleven, some bus transit centers (example: Metro Service buildings–the one in Bellevue has two private restrooms). Family/unisex restrooms. Porta-potties. At worst, go into the city and use a public restroom where there are a lot of people going in and out and nobody will care at all (like at Westlake in downtown Seattle!), or ask a favor of a friend who would be serious and understanding about your situation.

    Sorry I’ve taken up so much space. I’m done now.

  64. Tried the cleanse for the first time. It took only one day to clear out solids. The rest of the 7 days were only (rather violent) liquid eliminations. I could not leave my house, because I had to be RIGHT BY the bathroom. I had to come off of the cleanse because I could no longer stay home 24/7. I am thinking that this cleanse is not good for my body. I lost about 8 pounds, but feel quite run down and dizzy. Is this common? Are these effects indicative of one who should not do this cleanse?

  65. I’m on day one and have only had maybe 45 oz of lemonaid at the most, and even worse I threw it all up about an hour ago. Does this happen often? I’m just drinking water now. Maybe I just can’t tolerate the concoction (too sweet or peppery). I had a terrible headache earlier, but after vomiting. It went away… Hmmm
    Has anyone experienced the vomiting?

  66. hello everyone,
    i just started the mc today and ive done good so far, i feel good im not hungry , i went twice this morning and thats it … i just have a really bad headache, is that normal? also i couldnt find the laxative tea last nite so i took a ducolax(laxative) to start..is that ok?? can you please send me the secret everyone is commenting about please?? also why cant i chew gum? should i do the salt thing everymorning?
    thank you please get bac to me
    Good luck everyone….have a blessed day!!

  67. This is my first time trying the MC and I am on my 5th day; I have lost 7 lbs so far. I’ve noticed today especially I’m getting bad pains in my lower abdominal area; the only thing that helped was to eat plain saltines about 6. Up until now I’ve been doing ok.
    NO headaches. A little light headedness since I’m up usually at 4:30am and work until 7:30 pm. I don’t have a extra energy either…I used the organic lemons/ organic cayenne pepper/organic grade B maple syrup/ and purified water.
    I use a herbal tea laxitive at night…with Senna in it called : smooth moove.
    Anybody know what is causing the pain??
    Trying to stick with it.

  68. Hi I have just finished day 3 and i’m not doing so well, have not managed to go one day without slipping up and eating (just picking really) I am so disgusted with myself as this is something I really want to do. On the plus side today was the first day that I managed to keep down the SWF. I am refusing to let my slip ups discourage me and will start afresh tomorrow!!! Well done everyone and wish me luck!!!

  69. I am on my 6th day of this diet. The 2nd day I was so hungry, I almost failed. All I could think of was steaks, steaks and more steaks.

    One of the things that I have not done is weighed myself before. I never weigh myself. Maybe I am bad, I do not know. I do know I weigh myself by trying on my clothes (different sizes) and that is how I know I have lost weight.

    So here I am on my 6th day and I have probably only lost a couple of pounds. I love water so that is not a big deal drinking it.

    However I tried the salt water and almost gagged. The laxative tea was good (tasting) but the cramps just about did me in. I did some research on the laxative tea and if you do not steep it as much (leaving tag bag in for awhile) the cramps are not as bad. (True) Since I have started this yesterday it works.
    Some Tips:
    Laxative Tea: Be by a bathroom for the first couple of hours. (for me it hit at about the 4th hour and lasted for a couple of hours). Don’t start your tea too late in the evening or you will be up with cramps.

    Get rid of anything in your house that might tempt you during this time period. If I had a dime for everytime that I went into the pantry or fridge during these past couple of days, I would be rich.

    Buy your syrup online, it is much cheaper. I purchased a 5 gallon from http://andersonsmaplesyrup.com/home.html. Or try Ebay

  70. Today i ended a 17 days MC. I would have gone longer but i have to prepare for a trip abroad. I have hypoglacemia and i thought this would not be for me bcz of the sugar in the maple and salt water. But i did it anyway trusting my body reactions and it was all amazing!
    The snd day i had a terrible headache but none after that. I did salt water in the morning and herbal laxative tea at night and for 7 days i purged nothing but clear water. Then on the 8th day and until the end i had lots of BM and tht went on until the last day i did the MC. My tongue was not as coated at the end but yet not pink. I lost 11 lbs in 17 days and felt great all along and no hunger. I did chew gum with no sugar to help me with the coated tongue and that did not reduce the benefit of the MC. I drank about 3 glasses of salt water, 5-6 glasses of lemonade and 6-10 glasses of clear water. I love the results and intend to do it in increments of 3-4 days many times a year and especially if i overeat in parties/weddings etc…I recommend it to everyone.

  71. I am on my 5th day now with the cleansing and l have only had 1 BM … what am l doing wrong? l dring 6-12 glass of the cleansing juice.. green tea both in the morning and before bedtime and about 6-8 glasses of purified water..please help am very anxious to hear from you

  72. I have been on the master cleanse sense last 5/15. I started the ease -in process(to help prepare for cleanse) first with only fruits and vegetables on first day, the second day only fruit and vegetable juices , the third day only 2 liters orange juice(only from fresh squeezed oranges),molasses, and cayenne pepper, add a little water to taste). (plus drink plenty of water)Then I started the master cleanse itself. I did seat salt flush the first night and first couple of nights, then i switched between the sea salt flush and smooth move tea every other night (Don’t do both at the same time). I am on day 7 and have lost 12ibs. i have a lot of energy so illnesses, no headaches. I feel full and I make sure I drink plenty of natural spring water. I plan to end on Sunday, May 24 which will be 10 days. I will then do the ease-out process on Minday which reverses the ease in process. This is important because you don’t want to put your body in shock by getting on a regular diet too fast. So, on Monday, I will have 2 liters of fresh squeezed orange juice w/ molasses, and water, and cayenne pepper, Tuesday, I will have only fruit and vegetable juices(and of course plenty of water), and Wednesday, I will have solid fruits and vegetables. Thursday, I will eat a regular diet but will choose wisely. I will do cleanse again in 3-6 months most likely.
    I went from a size 10 to 8 pants size already and from size 8 dress to size 6 dress. I look and feel healthy and everybody else also thinks so.

  73. I’m on my 5th day of master cleanse and I don’t have any hunger attack. I drink average of 6 t0 8 glasses of lemonade a day and taking herbal tea morning and doing sea salt flush at night. But I’m not elimating as I should therefore I’m bloated everyday since I’ve been on master cleanse and have gained 3 pounds. It’s so frustrating. What am I doing wrong here? PLEASE HELP!!!

  74. just wondering if it’s ok to go out during the day while am on the master cleanse or do have to stay home the whole time….?( from what i read those on the master cleanse visit the bathroom oftenly).help plizz

  75. i have only one question i have only one bowl movent in the last 3 days on the cleanse. only drinking the laxative tea and still nothing and when i drank the salt through it up immediatly so i’m not doing that again. so what if i cant poo for the next 40 days. email me at [email protected]

  76. Hi,

    I’m on my 5th day and i ate a small amount of coconut husk last night which i hoped would not effect me as im planning on continuing with the 10 days! Also i have allowed myself the odd natural caffeine free coffee (with milk) and chai. Will this effect my eliminations? One more thing…….i want to do the epsom in the afternoon sometimes so i can hold myself together for morning work!! Is this ok if i stick to water a few hours before i do it? Also have you any tips for weight loss as i have only lost a couple of pounds so far and im hoping to lose 20 if possible!!! I suppose less maple syrup……

    Thanks so much this site is helping to keep me motivated as im in a house with many people eating and cooking delicious food all the time, which i praise, but it does take some will power!!!

    Love Light and Laughter,

    Ruth 🙂 x

  77. Hi, I completed a 10day cleanse for the first time about a week and a 1/2 ago. I see there’s a few questions about the salt flush, I drank approximately 32oz of water mixed with 1tsp of sea salt at night starting at 8pm and I didn’t rest until about 10 or 10:30pm. I had the same results with 1Tblsp but the 1tsp was more palatable to drink. I weighed myself once during the cleanse and noticed that I lost about 10lbs. I say, “about” because the scale is not accurate. Either way my clothes are looser, my attitude is brighter, I feel healthier, and I have a different perception about food. I’m eating solids now, and I haven’t eaten any breads, sweets, diary or meats/fish. I have no desire to eat any of it at the moment. I eat mainly fresh fruit and veggies, brown rice, beans, and some tofu. One thing I noticed is that my tongue isn’t cloudy looking and it’s pink! Imagine that!! I’ll do my second run of a 10day cleanse next week.
    I want to respond to ***Pamela from S.Africa*** who asked whether her friend should do the cleanse while breastfeeding – I HIGHLY HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING A CLEANSE WHILE BREASTFEEDING!!!!! It’s not the right time to do it, and the toxins being flushed from the mother’s body will be in the breastmilk. I breastfed my son until he was 2 1/2, he’s now almost 5 and this is my first time to doing any sort of cleanse. I completely understand that pregnancy will do strange things to the digestive system. She might want to incorporate psyllium husks (mixed with some apple juice) into her diet, staying away from white flour & white sugar & processed foods.That’s just my two cents to the matter.
    I love all the feedback and information from everyone regarding the MC. I’m now a believer and I tell everyone I know about it!

  78. While staying more than 10 days on the cleanse can be tolerated by some, I might suggest juicing in between to supply the body with needed nutrients. Simple juices at first – not too much fruit – more veggies. If it is weight loss you are after, it will still come off. And if it is maximum health and rejuvination, then you can’t go wrong with juicing.

  79. Thanks for the great motivating blog site. It would be really great if the answers to the questions asked would be included somehow. I am planning to start my first long term cleanse, spring cleaning!!

  80. I started @ 175, I am 5’7″ and on my 16th day and I am stuck @ 160 lbs. I am determined to loose 10 more lbs. I will try to stay on this mc for another 14 days.
    How long can you stay on this mc?

  81. Hi

    A friend of mine wants to start with the master cleanse but she is breastfeeding, can she still use it.



  82. I was thinking of doing the cleanse but what frightens me is the salt water. Yuk! Won’t it cause me to blow up??? And can we chew gum while on this cleanse? Also what do I need to know before and after the cleanse?

  83. Ciao 🙂 I’ve been on the MC for 14 days now, but still have 26 more days to go. This is my third time on the MC.
    As, all of you who’ve been on the detox before, knows, day two and three are the hardest days to go through, ’cause that’s where the body sends strong signals to the brain, that it needs food.
    I’ve been there too and even made it to the refrigerator and open it, but that’s where you have to have willpower and be strong. Think of all the benefits and the healthy body you’ll get afterwards.. That keeps me going.
    Day 4 starts off easy and the days after that. Your stomach is now use to no solid food, but still you feel no hunger, because you get the vitamins, minerals and salt you need through the MC-drink and as an bonus, you can drink herbal laxative tea.
    Every morning I start with the saltwater flush, and I really don’t like the taste at all, but you get use to it, so it gets easier to get down and it works perfectly.
    About eliminating waste, it’s true it dosn’t just come throughout one take, but (in my case) it comes in very small amounts after day 10 (+/-).
    I noticed that some people don’t put the maple syrup in there lemonade, because they think it’s pure sugar and will only slow down the process. The thing is, about the maple syrup, it’s rich in zinc and much better than white sugar and you need some sugar to get through the day with energy. There’s a point they tell you to use the ingredients they tell you to. Like they say; “if you have a normal weight or a bit under normal, you can put a bit more maple syrup in your lemonade if you don’t want to lose too much weight and if you’re above normal weight, you can put a bit less maple syrup in.. But don’t ignore the syrup, you’ll need it”.
    The reason I’m on the detox for so long this time (40 days -normally I’ll go for 14 days), is that I’ve been an semi-vegetarian for years now (meaning the same as an vegetarian but also eats fish), but I always wanted to be a vegetarian and have tried to cut out fish, but it has not been any succes. So now that I’m on the detox for 40 days, I think it’s much easier to go back to a vegetarian diet when you’ve cleaned the body out for all the toxins and it no longer have the need for fish.
    Hope it works 🙂
    – and to everyone, good luck on the detox/diet 🙂

  84. How long do you have to wait between cleanses? I did 10 days about 3 weeks ago. Too early to do another one??


  85. is there a particular kind of food you must eat? because some people do the master cleanse for more than 20days is it that they dont eat for those 20days? how is that possible

  86. I was on the cleanse for twelve days and do not regret.I wonder whatever happened to my high blood pressure that was deemed to be chronic. Since I started the cleanse I did not take my chronic HIGH blood pill which I am supposed to be taking.Thanks to a wonderful detox.

  87. do you eat nothing on the master cleanse or doy eat? if you do eat what type of food? i’m thinking of staring it soon.

  88. Hello,
    Today is my first day of the MC. I am optimistic of the results that will come from it. I want to be healthier, I’m 24 and just graduating from college, so I still have the killer fast food habits most students have. I feel like this is a great start to my life in the “real world”. Better health, and riding myself of the 20 lbs of unhealthy fat I’ve harvested since my graduation last May. I will definately keep reading and blogging, so stick around, I will give a play-by-play day-to-day of my progress.

  89. Hello, I will be starting the MC sometime next week, i am doing a lot of reading and have learned so much from people that are already trying it. I want to be healthy too, I am 41 and mother of 4 teenagers and I want to rid of all that stuff that has been residing in my stomach lining for years. So I will keep reading and blogging with you from now on.

  90. Hey everyone! I’m planning to start the cleanse in a week, but have some concerns. I’m not a vegan and don’t eat a strict healthy diet, but don’t eat extremely unhealthy. I’m just wondering if it will make a difference if I stop consuming bread/soda during the week before?! I’m really dreading the painful headaches everyone is talking about!!
    Over the last 2 1/2 years I have struggled with bulima and depression and haven’t felt like myself. A year ago I weighed 145 lbs (im 6’0″) and now am 185 lbs. I have put the bulima behind me and am ready to tackle my depression and get healthy! I’m 20 years old and am looking forward to long healthy life ahead of me! I’m hoping the MC can help, and I am feeling very optimistic. To everyone who is on the cleanse or has completed the cleanse *Awesome Job!!You’re my inspiration:)


  92. When I began the cleanse I decided to listen to my body to determine when to stop. i am in my 20th day because I am still eliminating stuff. From the beginning it has never been the gross stuff you hear about. It seems like the cleanse is dissolving stuff away little by little. Could that be stuff from the sides of the intestines or what? I was going to stay on the cleanse until there was no more elimination. Has anyone done the cleanse until there was no longer any elimination.

    I was going to use the psyilluim (sp?) but thought that violated the purity of the cleanse. Maybe I’ll try that now. I actually started the O.J. today because I want to do a P90x workout program with my son and it’s pretty intense.

    The saying “What can Brown do for you” has taken on a new meaning.

  93. ummmm……there are a lot of questions on here, but is anyone going to actually answer them?

    Can we chew gum whilst on the cleanse?

  94. Hi, I did the cleanse for the second time recently. I haven’t done it for more than 5 days yet. This last time I developed severe pain in my lower right abdomen. The emergency room couldn’t figure out why but they did rule out appendix infection, female problems, and muscle strains. My family doctor can’t figure it out but told me never to do the cleanse again. I saw a colon specialist who said the pain is not related to the cleanse, but had no real answers for me either. The pain has lasted for two weeks now. The doctors gave me vicodin, which I don’t want since I’m trying to purify my body. Should I continue the cleanse? Any advice on finding a Doctor who can do more than drug me?

  95. Hi, I have the master cleanse last yr 12/07 and lost 25lb. in 15 days. Wow, it was great! The 1st and the last day was the worst for me. I keep it off for about 8mos. Then I got sick and been on steroids for the last 6mos. I have gained 40lb. I am off the now. Started the mc again for 6 days and lost 12lb. Went off for 3 day and now back on. But i notice that i am not going to the bathroom like i was the last 2 times. The smooth move don’t work as good anymore. The salt water, well i did it once and I didn’t get a great reponse. So I can’t do that again.! I read about the Bioxy Cleanse. Who makes it and how do i get it. I need some results. I am on my 2nd day again. I plan to go until my tongue is pink! I have lot of yeast and other medication that i need to get out of my system. Help please! I need a real good cleanse this time. Lots of other problems. I don’t want to go into the New Year with the weight or sickness.

  96. Is the Master Cleanse really more effective then doing a water fast for ten days, where you drink water only? Because with the Master Cleanse you’re putting sugar in your body from the maple syrup, then your bodies fat tissue cannot break up releasing toxins. Am I right?

  97. So I have been on the cleans for 5 days and My experience has been o.k. But I’m having some problems.
    I’m not really a lot of waste come out it is a little at a time and its almost like water is a red clay color and the when I do the salt water in the morning the same thing in the first half hour I have a little then it turns to water.
    Is this normal?

  98. Day 3 was so much better! Not as hungry today as yesterday…hubby cooked his and the baby’s breakfast today and they ate leftovers for dinner. Yayee! But I didn’t really wake up hungry today. I’ve lost 10 lbs. in three days….happy so far and it’s been worth it already.

  99. This is the first time I’ve ever blogged; however, I have found this helpful and motivating. I’m going into day 3 and today I was frickin’ starving; probably doesn’t help that I have to cook for my husband and 22-month old son! I’ve been a faster in prior years but this is my first cleanse. Day one I, after a full day of drinking the tea and lemonade, had the most excruciating pain and pored sweat…until the great release!! I’ve been a vegetarian for over a decade. Today no more pains, plenty of elimination but hungry, hungry, hungry. I’m struggling with the commitment. Can anyone help? Any words of advice or encouragement would be greatly appreciated. One love and peace to all of you.

  100. Hello everyone,
    I did the master cleanse back in April for 20 days, it was the best thing i ever did for my life. I lost 30lbs and since then i have lost another 18lbs. I am getting ready for the human race 10km on sunday 08/31 so i have decided to do the cleanse for 5 days starting from today 08/25.. Which will help me reach my goal 120lbs right now i weigh 130lbs.
    Just thought i should share this with everyone i am so exicited….Happy cleansing everyone!!!!!!

  101. I am on day three of the cleanse and doing good so far. No hunger, no cravings and only one on the headache first day. I am glad to read that the elimination of liquid waste and muscus is normal. However, I am experiencing an awful burning sensation during eliminations. Is this due to the cayenne pepper or the salt or what? My butt is on fire. It is causing a painful irritation. I may have to get the herbal laxative or stop all together. Can anyone shed some light on this problem?

  102. Greetings everyone, I’m glad to see that everyone is doing so well on the cleanse keep up the good work! I was wondering if there is something that I can replace the cayenne pepper with, I have tried both the capsules & the powder, I prefer the capsules(no taste)lol. The cayenne pepper is very harsh on my stomach and I had to stop putting it into the lemonade. The lemonade is so refreshing that I have found it to be a way of life for me! Thank you in advance.

  103. Hello all, I have been reading all of your posts and plan to start day one of the master cleanse tomorrow morning. I went on the cleanse in August of last year and saw amazing results. I stayed on it for 15 days and dropped 22 pounds! I have only gained back 10 in the last year and hope to lose some more weight on this next cleanse. I did have a question though about the “pre”cleanse diet and was wondering how much that would help. Thanks!

  104. Hi every1.. I just drank the Smooth tea.. Im starting the Master Cleanse tomorrow. I have a hypothyroid, and I think removing all my body toxics will b idea. By removing all the toxics from my body, I can assist my thyroid in the production of T3 n T4.. Does any1 here have a hypothyroid?

  105. hope i can answer #50, 51,52,54,57,58,60,71
    #50 always check with your doctor..1.but note that your allergic could be a result because your body is toxic which Master Clean will clean 2. Limon or limes is part of your vitamins nutrition..plus will burn your body fats…and most important helps regenerates your liver..largest organ….and when you drink warm or hot Lemonade promote movement in the bowels which keeps waste moving thru the digestive tract for eliminations…still hestite…try the Fat Flash Plan..you will only take the lemon drink in the a.m…this will also help your allegeries.
    #51.& 58..Salt Water Bath is a must on your 1st day…you don’t clean your body you could get dizzy or felt bad….don’t know why you could handle it…note …water s/b at list warm so you won’t taste the salt…s/b 2 level teaspoon of salt.note level…not more or it will make you throw up…less the solution will be a waste of time because it won’t work…again 2 level teaspoon..ALSO the faster you can drink the mixture the faster you will eliminate [w/in 30 min and just 2-3 quick …45 mins [that you finish drinking mixture.]. you are done…I would take also every 3rd day or weekends other days I take smooth move only pm&am….Also helpful I may take 2-4 pills of Psyllum Hull with the Smooth Move….IMPORTANT…do this if you normal go once or less…if you go regular 3 or more…don’t do that…Get to Know your body. Liquids and mucus is Okay…
    Mucus is due the Cayenne…great when you have a lot of congestion because Cayenne will release the mucus.
    #52…as mention above Lemon burns fat…by regenerates your liver which benefits bile formation which the live secrete bile which is optimal fat metabolism….your other question..3 days on the fasting will clean your body more will heal your body…my herbalist used to say…when you take herbs you need to take 2 to 3 times of the recomment amount of your herb for 2-3 months and than take recomment amount for [one month for each year you have had your problem] this same herbalist also said that you heal from your lastest sickness to the oldest….so you may feel wonderful but all of a sudden you may feel a bit sick…your body could be healing ifself…and if won’t last long. [sickness leaves a mark]
    #54…Tongue is gets white depend how dirty your body is…if you note when you quick…tongue will look extremely clean…but you may have gasses…mint tea will help but tea of fennel will help….I’ve found instead tea bags but mixed with chamile and anise{anise is fennel]…or check your spices …use fennel seeds…one teaspoon of fennel seeds to two cups [16oz] of water…boil full force for 15-20 mins [drink cold or warm…oh..makes one cup] this great to drink with your meal or after meal…great for digestive and gasses or stomach aches.
    #57…no gum…cold is okay..warm is better
    #60…take a vacation to start …won’t reqret it
    #71…painful…again depend how toxic you were…before you start again…take 2-4 pills of Psyllum Hull in the pm & am a week before or the smooth move tea…food ..your greens veggies..fibers…..eliminate breads, pastas, sodas…this will also help cravings.

  106. I tried the master cleanse once and felt that I didn’t follow all of the guidelines as precisely as i should’ve…so im going to give it another shot…but one thing that concerned me was the pain I experienced after drinking the laxative tea. It was almost excrutiating and I would prefer a laxative over drinking salt water..any explanations for why it was so painful?

  107. I am on day 9 and the last couple days have been a challenge. I know I am going to finish but I haven’t had a bowel movement of any kind in two days and no solid at all. Starting to feel a little bloated. I am doing everything the book says. Is this normal? I hope someone can help.

  108. I am on day 8 of the master cleanse. I have been feeling pretty good, have lots of energy and lost a few pounds. I have been reading a bunch of these comments and I am trying to figure out why people don’t go back and read what they write and fix all the mistakes. You peoples’ messages are difficult to read. Are you seriously in that much of a hurry that you can’t go back and reread your post? Maybe it’s just me. Anyway, good luck to you all who are doing the master cleanse. You can do it!!!

  109. I just finished my first day of the cleanse. I really don’t like the maple syrup taste. Is it possible to mix the water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper and drink it throughout the day (specifically at 12 different intervals) and take a tablespoon of the maple syrup (without mixing it in the lemon pepper water)at the same time? I think it might be more enjoyable that way, what do you think?

  110. Today is only day one for me. I have been reading some much about the cleanse that I bought your ebook. I am so excited I can’t wait to see the results. It is so hard for me to be doing the cleanse since I fix the meals for children (ages 6 & 8), and my husband. Please send me some ideas on how I can cook for my family and not giving in.

  111. I am on day 4 of the cleanse and so far so good,I am down 6 pounds!!! I am however, a little concerned because I have not had any bowel movement at all since I have been on the cleanse. Is this normal and is there something I can do to facilitate them. I take psyllium husk (2 capsules) in the morning and in the evening, as I cannot stomach the salt water flush. Please Help!!!

  112. I started the master cleanse Monday of this week(4/7/08) and I read the book first so I can say I’m successfully on day three of my cleanse. I set my goal for five days and I can truthfully say on day two I was like the engerized bunny! I am flushing some waste each day. My niece and I are on it together and it does make a difference to have someone do it with you. She seems to know when I need that encouragement to get my mind off food. I’m loving it because I feel better and this is something that I’m doing for me. I take care of my disabled husband and 6 yr old and done nothing for me. Not anymore because I’m taking care of me too. Thanks Rylan.

  113. I feel that buying another book on how to cheat while on the master cleanse is unreal. Why can’t you folks just list the food items that we all can eat while doing our master cleanse verses buying the book. Some tips would be nice.

  114. My occupation requires me to stand on my feet all day, which has caused a condition called Foot Paresthesia (tingling, pain and numbness in the bottom of the feet). How does this relate to “Master Cleanse”? I’ve been on the cleanse for 10 days. But, just 2 days ago it dawned on me that the discomfort in my feet had subsided significantly. I truly believe that this relief can be credited to the Cleanse. Thx!

  115. trust me my fast but didntnt think i was going to make it the first dag on day however with god in my life he has brought me threw the third day now that an accomplish ment how ever i havent went to the bathroom yoe it appear to me that my stomach intestince is filld wil much waste more then i can think of the first time i tryed is was 3 weeks ago i could take it i had servere headache now i tryed it againe i still had a headache but this time i drank as much warter that i could hold amazeing the head ach went awat now i am trull scared to use sea salt im scared my pressure will go up how ever i really need a good laxtive that will work the hearbal tea wont work ive tryed it, ok let me ask how much sa salt am i sopose to use and do i use it every day please email me asap i really need to know i proud of myself that i lasted three days can you help me please i trying my best but i need your suport to help me to be more motivated laxtive help how much maybe im doing it wrong?

  116. i found it hard too try it made me sick every time i would drink 1 cup i tryed it 3 times in different days 1 cup made me sick too my stomach it was not nasty at all ilove lemon’s but it makes me sick to where i can’t try the second cup too go on with the cleanse i would love too try again but not if it makes me sick.

  117. well i got news for you kim i’ve been reading your emails everyday but theres something you dont know yet. i havent starterd on the master cleanse yet because ive been so busy but its something i will be begining soon.the reason i did not start was that i wanted to give my all since it needs dedicaton so much. itts in my inbox so its not something i will be throwing away. thanx

  118. Oh, a note on how I got it down….

    I ended up drinking most of it from a straw and pinched my nose. That helped. I could get 2 good gulps down. Then wait a few minutes and go back. It probably took me 45 minutes to drink it all.

  119. Responding to the question below about the Sea Salt Water colon cleanse:

    1 Qrt. Warm Water
    2 Tsp. Non-iodized Sea Salt

    Watch it…. I just did this today… super salty! I almost threw up. But within an hour it worked! I would for sure recommended not having any place to go for about 3 hours. Once you start eliminating, you don’t get much of a warning to get to the stool on time! ;o)

  120. Can you tell me where I can find answers to some of the questions posted. I am on day 2 and have not been hungry, have not had any headaches, but have only produced liquid waste since my day 1 morning BM which was solid. Also, can I chew gum and how frequently and does the lemonade have to be room temperature? I made it in a batch and put it in the fridge and have been drinking it all day chilled?? Will it diminish the results?

  121. I was under the assumption I did the cleanse completely wrong. I followed the steps however, no big elimination until after my first meal. I thought I wasted my time. I followed the guideline precisely. Thanks for this last email extremely helpful.:)

  122. I was wondering about the white coating on yor tongue. If you stop at 10 days and your tongue hasn’t cleared up yet does it stay that way?

  123. One exercise that might be helpful (but with caution) is Teresa Tapp’s “Putting the Organs in Place”. Google it and read all of her notes.

  124. I am currently at the end of day 5 on the master cleanse detox and have already lost 10 lbs., which is probably all waste, mucus, and water weight- but still is great progress (and accurate according to the 2 lbs a day loss they claim) so i’m pretty impressed with the whole thing! Besides the whole craving food issue, I have not been hungry. I purchased the book at HENRYS FARMERS MARKET, where I was also able to purchase the grade B Maple syrup.. I don’t think i’ve been using as much cayenne pepper as needed, but my results still seem to be pretty good. I want to know what the benefits of continuing this master cleanse for over 10 days would be- if anyone could answer that for me, thanks. Also I want to know if you lose actual fat from being on this diet- I somewhat assume you do considering the lack of food.. but is any fat released as waste??
    Wishing you all well,

  125. Hi! I am on the Master Cleanse and today is my 3rd day and I can not do the sal water. I’ve tried but I can only drink from 6 to 7 oz of it. I am drinking the Smooth Move 2 0r 3 times a day but all I guess is liquids and mucus(sorry I know is gross) Is that normal? When should I start eliminating solid waste?

  126. I’ve been wanting to try the Master Cleanse. I have food allergies and have been told this would really help. My main concern is that I’m allergic to citrus and I’m scared to try the lemon drink. Is there anything else I could use?

  127. I am on my third day today. The first day I felt terrible, had a huge headache and was very very tired. THe second day I felt much better and actually went to the movies in the evening. Today I felt ok, was just tired mostly. The only problem is, I just can’t get the salt water down my throat. It makes me feel sooooo sick. I have been drinking a laxative herbal tea, but haven’t been to the loo today. What else can I drink?
    I am looking forward finishing the cleanse. Good luck to everyone!

  128. I’ve recently started the cleanse day 1 so far. How safe is it to drink the salt water everyday? Can that cause problems down the line? Increasing high blood pressure?

  129. I did master cleanse for 23 days, I looked great feel great and my sex life all changed:
    ) I LOve master cleanse, Thank you so much.
    I lost 20 lbs, the 15 days I use master cleanse.I still needs lost 20 lbs more,so I keep going to use master claense forever:)

    ReffyConrad, PA

  130. I have started with the Sea Salt and water, the first time, before i could finish i was headed to the bathroom, now, nothing. I had and empty stomach and the quart of water and sea salt and now I’m doing this back to back because i want to start tomorrow. please tell me something ASAP that i could do or do i just wait!!!!

  131. how many times should i be going to the bathroom within a day because I havent really been going but in the morning and maybe another few hours after that.

    This is my 2nd dayplease get back

  132. I recently completed the master cleanse and lost approximately 25 pounds. I stayed on it for a full 35 days and am so happy and pleased with my results. It was extremely easy for me. I was never hungry, even when I first started. I look and feel great and recommend everyone try it, hang in there and you will reep all of its wonderful benefits. I have not eaten any devitalized foods and do not miss them. I will definately continue the master cleanse once every 3 to 4 months for continued optimal health.

  133. I just went out and purchased all of the things that is necessary but I plan to begin Saturday, June 23, 2007 and I am very thankful for the information that has been garnered. I too would like to obtain a copy of the Secret if at all possible.

  134. i guess i have a similar question to the comment below, regaurding not wanting to use the restroom in public places, how can i do the flush so i am around my house when nature calls?

  135. 6/10/2007 first day od MC, must say it has gone very well so far, I bought the Hoodia Gordoni and started it 4 days before my MC. Drove my 76 years young mom to market today and when we returned to her house she kept asking me did I want anything to eat, go figure to know her is to love her. At 6:10pm I started the bathroom run so in between writting this, I am also in the ladies room. So glad you are here to talk to, a very dear friend of mine was going on the MC also she changed her mind, today was the day for me. I will cleanse on each season, so that will be 4 times a year………May the universe continue to bless us all:’))

  136. I start 6/10/2007 Sunday, plan to go -4 -15 days. I had thought about waiting until next Sunday, but realized the sooner the better, only because I am doing the 4 by 4 square foot gardening and that takes some stamina to do. Will keep you posted on my process, and I am not going to change the MC in anyway, and I know that it is going to detox my system, I am looking to be 34d-24-341/2, 9 inch biceps, 21 inch thighs, 10 calves those were my stats and will be again soon, in inches I have about 45 to lose@ 5feet 4, 6 1/2 shoe size.I plan to start the cleanse when the season changes, so that will be 4 times a year, that should keep me grounded……anything I may have mispelled do so hope you figured it out, sighning out:’))

  137. I would like to know how much sea salt and water to use for the laxitive. And what reactions should I expect from this.

  138. Thanks for your input Becky, you have some some good points. The reason I am doing this is to get more motivation, discipline and to start a new lifestyle of eating healthy. I will check Dr Mercola’s website. I did not get fat until I started a desk job 4 years ago. Now I want to do something about it. thanks again….Colleen

  139. Be VERY CAREFULL when doing this cleanse. Everybody will react differently. Its not something everyone can just jump into successfully and frankly, safetly. If you are not eating healthy, not exercising, smoking, drinking, etc. your body will react severely. You will be SICK! This needs to be a process of learning to what to eat and how to live healthy. A “cleanse” can be acomplished slowly without denying yourself living food. Lets get serious here people. Do you look forward to Not eating for 10 days plus? No. Do you look forward to spending mornings on the toilet? No. Its not fun. Its depressing. You will gain most of the weight back. More negative. I recomend to slowly cleanse, allow your body to adjust and heal naturally as God had intended. Read more! There are better, less tramatic ways. Check out Dr. Mercola’s website for best information, that is by a Natural DOCTOR with 35 plus years experience! My opinion, but hope some of you are helped by it. I am very healthy and eat only living beneficial foods, no chemicals, no processed foods, no soda, no junk, flour, sugar, etc. No chemicals in laundry soap, shampoo, toothpaste, makeup, lotion, sunscreen, water, etc. It is a process that takes adjusting to. It did not happen in 10 days. It took almost 2 years! I am at my ideal weight for my age and feel great. Respond if you want, ask questions if you want. Just remember, everything in moderation. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can be cleansed in 10 plus days. Not going to happen people. Be safe.

  140. Today is my 4th day and all the waste coming out is liquid. It has been hard, cuase I have to cook for my family everyday! But I will succeed!!!! can you please send me “the secret” I’am curious to what’s about

  141. towards the end of the cleanse i have been extremely dehydrated and wake up with a heavy coated tongue and teeth. it’s now three days post cleanse and still dehydrated and coated. will this go away soon or do i need to go back on cleanse? also what’s “the secret” other bloggers are talkig about? i’d like to know. i also lost 14 lbs. i’m scared to eat cuz i don’t want to gain back any. i will try drinking lemoade drink for lunch everyday, hope that helps.

  142. thank you for lettig me know about the better eliminations after the cleanse. i was kind of dissappointed about the amount that came out during, but three days after the cleanse and my first solid meal i had a major amount come out. i felt a hugh difference in my body right away.

  143. Yes good to get rid of that stuff. One point about massaging your belly: Always work in a clockwise direction to increase movement.

    A great side benefit that people look at you funny about when you talk about it, is the drastic reduction of toilet paper required after the cleanse is completed. Your intestines work so well that there is no gooey stuff coming out anymore! The stools are very dry, only the real waste is eliminated, and the good stuff stays inside for you nourishment!

  144. Hi !! Soon I want to start cleansing. Needing to get all the info for and finish reading “The Master Cleanser” booklet written by Stanley Burrougs before doing so. I appreciate all the input and e-mails. Thing is I can not down-load your book for my very old computer can do so. Any other way I can get get your book from through the U.S snail mail?? Thank you,

  145. This is my first day of the cleanse. I am starving. I thought that I would not be hungry. Will this get better the second day?

  146. what type of benefits are eliminated from your body. I mean if you have some type of viral infection will it help it to clear up are take it away totally? what diseases have you know it to clear up or eliminate from the body? I hope I have said this clearly.

  147. HI,

  148. I really wanted to start the cleanse tomorrow (4/2/07) but I am suffering from flu-like symptoms. Do you think I can start anyway or should I wait unitl I’m feeling better/

  149. This is more a question than a comment. What do i do for the pre-cleansing preparation? I can’t seem to find any instructions on what to do before i start the cleansing. And can you please send me the secret that everybody is asking for in this blog. I’d really appreciate your response. Thank You

  150. Hello I very much want to try this Master Cleanse but I have a fear I guess you would call it of going to the bathroom in public places. Is there a way (and I know this will sound weird) but is there a way that I can “train” my body to go the bathroom at certain times of the day? Right now I drink a tea called smooth move that has been helping me go to the bathroom (otherwise I don’t go for days) and I have my body “trained” to go when I get home from work. I would like to get all of the “yuckies” out of my body but that is my worse fears. Also what do I need to do to get started on the master cleanse? I am in need of the cheapest way to go about this as I am a single parent on a fixed income.
    Also is there a book that can purchase? I do not have a good printer to print up information.
    Thank you


  151. I have been on the Master Cleanse for 9 days. I feel good. I am amazed that I don’t feel hungry. I have noticed that my tongue has a white coat. In your book, you say that when you tongue is pink, you are through with the cleanse….if my tongue is still white after 10 days, should I stay on the cleanse until it is pink?

  152. I have done the Master Fast before and I lost 30 pounds and kept it off for four years. Then I went through a divorce and started eating the S.A.D. diet again and I put on 35 pounds. I did the Master fast for five days, but we had relatives visit from out of town, so I ended up eating. SO, last week I was off the Master Fast. I am back on it as of today. This time I hope to make it for 10 days. It is so hard when people keep offering you food. But I invested in the lemons and Maple syrup and pure water and hoodia and wheat grass tablets, plus I did the salt cleanse and take the smoothe move tea at night. I don’t want to waste all the effort. After I finish with the fast I want to go back to Vegan Organic eating with lots of fresh salads.

  153. Thanks for the info.I have been on the cleanse for 6 days now and I feel great.First three days were tough but I got through it with determination. Now I was some questions:
    I have lost 11lbs so far but I am haven’t lost anything for two days is this normal and how do i start mybody to losing more? And for the whole cleanse i haven’t had a solid bowl movement its all been like water is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Any info would be great.Thank you. Tammy …Montana,USA

  154. Can you please send me the secret that everyone is talking about?? Also im on day 4 and going strong, but i wonder… today i did not have any flushing untill after 6pm… even after the SWF… just wondering if this is normal…

  155. Thanks for answering the question about waste because I was cncerned about this too.

    Juice lemons without pith and rind. Yes or No

    Can I chew gum (winter fresh, big red)?

    Please send me the article too about the “the secret” that people are requesting on this blog. Thanks

  156. Thank you all for all the good info it is encouraging to read the good reports because I will be starting the master cleanse on monday 3/5/07 I was going to start last Sunday but then realized that the ten days would run into my birthday and I intend to eat on my birthday. So I will start after, a good way to start my physical year off right. I should have been dead 5 years ago and every since then I have been trying to improve my body and health. I have become a vegatarien and stopped eating cheese. Step by step I am getting there You know the body as a temple not a play ground. so thanks for the info it helps to know all that stuff.

  157. i cant drink the salt water mix. it makes me terribly sick. the laxative tea seems to not do anything. what else can i use in the morning besides the sea salt?

  158. I’m confused as when I should drink the herbal tea. Do I mix it in with my lemonade or do it make it and drink it seperately? If I mix it in with my lemonade, what do I do just drop a tea bag in.

  159. Dear Raylen: Ihave just completed my tenth day on the Master Cleanse. I did it because I knew I had been eating a very poor diet for quite some time now, my energy was low and I felt like I was always fighting off a cold or virus. To make a long story short I tend to cook and care for my family way more than for myself. Anyway I feel better, have dropped 20 pounds and intend on changing my entire lifestyle. Your tips helped me a lot. Thank You and your news letter! Peace, happiness and good health to you and yours, Esther

  160. plz post the secret again…
    I will be doing the Master Cleanse in two days for ten days. I have been following the post and looking forward to trying.

  161. There is a product I have recently discovered called Bioxy cleanse. It is an oxygen product. It oxydyzes (bad spelling) undigested food in the colon and it comes out in a liquid form. It does what the salt water flush does only better. Plus it is easier to stomach. The oxygen is bound by magnisium which is released by drinking lemon juice or apple cider vinigar following taking the pills or powder with fresh water. The lj or acv releses the oxygen to oxygenize all the organs including the colon. The results are less side effects of detoxing, and many many many bowel movements. I’ve done the master cleanse many times but this time I don’t feel any detox symtoms plus its the longest I’ve gone yet. I’m on my 20th day now and continuing until I feel like stopping. But I feel so good that I don’t think I will for a while yet. This product made a HUGE difference, I think it is crucial to use with the master cleanse.

  162. I did the Master cleanse Oct – Nov 2006. I felt great, looked great and had planned to do it a few time a year. Then I got a bad cold around Thanksgiving. It took me 7 weeks to recover. I had to voice, terrible sore throat, and three antibiotics later, I finally got rid of it. The doctor claims it was the cleanse. I got rid of all my antibodies, was not taking vitamins and could not fight off the cold naturally. I think I am done with internal cleansing. I did loose 12 lbs in 12 days, but gained it all back. Now I am on Weight Watchers and have lost 8 lbs slowly, am still loosing, and I feel great.

  163. Yipee! Finally a comment on the eliminating part of the cleanse. This barley covers it would like to read more. Does your book cover this in extent? I’ve missed hearing from you now I know why. You’ve been busy writting.
    Write to moreeven if it is a smalll note.

  164. When i drink the salt and water first thing in the morning, i feel like my body becomes dehydrated, I am woundering if this is unhealthy for me, and when I am on the diet, I have low blood sugar, and it makes it worse, what can I do to help this? Kim

  165. I would like you to please send me another e-mail like you sent before Christmas about the story of “the Secret” (to success, wealth, happiness, etc) It was great and I’d like to pass it on.

  166. I don’t really have a comment, so much as a question… prior to Christmas i recieved a great e-mail story from your web site about the origin of “The Secret”, (i.e., the law of attraction)… I would really like to read it again. Can you send it to me again??? Would be forever grateful!

  167. This is my second time to do the Master Cleanse. The first time there was solid waste the first day and that was it.(gross…sorry) You had said that it takes a couple days to get things moving but I am on my fourth day and everything that I get rid of is liquid. Is that normal?

  168. hello. what im wondering about is the salt water in the morning. i haven’t been told the right amount to take. at the health food store they said 32oz. but how much salt? the book is impossible to locate. i looked around and at chapters they said it was sold out in Ontario. so how much salt is required?

  169. I have lost 20 lbs the first time I used cleanse and 30 each time I did the cleanse with my modifications, I modifed how I made it, for more flavor, and the second and third time I changed how I started the first 2 days. I was also impressed that once I started eating regular food again I still kept losing weight, and didn’t gain it all back. I do the cleanse every 6 months. I also use the ingredients for the cleanse drink in my every day cooking and still drink one glass with breakfast every morning and evening with dinner. I also have substituted sugar with the pure maple syrup and honey, and at times when I want brown sugar flavor in something I mix 1/4 cup spoonable splenda and 1/2 ts. pure dark strap molasses(darker the better)this works well in oatmeal cookies and they are just as tasty as regular ones with sugar if you would like recipe email me at

    #1) I steep lemon peel for one minute in 4 oz. of the water for one minute, and then add ice to make 8 oz then the rest of ingredients.

    #2) Instead of drinking mint tea all the time, I add one fresh mint leaf crushed with fingers into my snack drinks.
    (Relieves headaches)

    #3) I also use half lemon half lime juice instead of all lemon.

    #1) Instead of starting cold turkey and getting the headache that occured the first time I took two days to adjust my body.

    A] Steep lemon peel from 1 lemon in 4 cups water for 5 minutes then remove, Add 2 cups Natural whole oats (Red Mill is good)put lid on pan let oats soak up liquid, then add lemon juice from one lemon once cooled down add pure maple syrup for slight sweetness.

    B] Eat 1cp Oatmeal mixture for breakfast, and dinner for 2 days.

    Doing this for 2 days to start me off and 2 days to finish me off helped me to transition better, and it also seemed to help with elimination better in the first days of cleanse. I also did not experience the horrific headache that almost made me quit the first time. I keep mint leaves around to smell, because I heard mint relaxes nerves even if not ingested, and I keep banana scented things around because the smell is supposed to help fight hunger pangs. I did try the fiber thing the first time, but the oatmeal seemed to work better (for me that is) I was 400 a little over a year ago, and now I am (seemingly without effort)just under 300. Not that I advise others to do because of my results they may vary, but my thyroid meds have been able to be reduced to almost nothing my thyroid has started to function pretty well on its own again, and my diabetes problems (diet controlled) has decreased a great deal, I still have junk food cravings, but not nearly as bad or often as I did previous, and with each cleanse the cravings seem to diminish more, and I kept the habit of eating small meals every few hours, so I am never hungry, and for dinner my family and I have soups and salads instead of heavy things during the week and allow ourselves one splurge night on weekends to forget that. This cleanse was the best things that has happened to me I am happier and my kids are too. I also have not had the migraines I was plagued with previous. I have tried for years to lose weight, and it always came back, and even though I didn’t think when I first thought of doing the cleanse that I could make it through on just a liquid cleanse, I was amazed how hungry I didn’t feel during it, and how my habits and desires for my old food changed in that short amount of time. I also have much more energy, and I am able to lift heavier things and I am actually working out again without pain and effort.

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