I Don’t Like My Master Cleanse Website

Today I’ve got a confession to make that might surprise you. I don’t really like my own Master Cleanse website > Found Here

Allow me to explain…

As I read the email I get from around the world about the Master Cleanse Secrets book I’m often asked “why do you use a hyped up website to sell your book”? This is a fair question, and it might surprise you to hear that I agree, the website is little “hyped up”.

Before I go any further I want to say that every word on the site is true. I never have and never will make things up to sell a book.

Okay back to the advertising hype.

The Story Behind The Master Cleanse Secrets Website

Yes, it’s true, I don’t care for my own website. If I had it my way I would list the Master Cleanse Secrets table of contents, and a brief description of the book. That’s it.

I actually tried that, and it was a complete failure!

There must have been at least 500 people who went to that original web page and not a single one thought it was good enough because they all left without a copy of the Master Cleanse Secrets.

I was crushed, but I picked myself up and sought out someone to help me make that website work.

I Refused To Sell My Soul To The Devil To Make A Buck

I know the Master Cleanse can change lives. All the success stories prove it works. So I’m not ashamed to advertise my book, but I will not resort to cheap marketing tricks and deception. Unfortunately when I went looking for someone who could help me figure out why people weren’t interested in my book I found that a lot of people didn’t share my integrity.

I was told I needed to make bigger and bolder claims. THEY said I should tell YOU that the Master Cleanse can cure cancer and other serious diseases. I said while there have people who’ve credited the Master Cleanse with helping them recover from just about every health condition imaginable I’m not comfortable making those claims.

What these advertising experts told me next made me sick to my stomach….

“As long as it worked for 1 person you can make the claim! Trust me this will make your site sell”

That’s what they told me. I refused!

I won’t bore with awful time I had finding someone to write the website for the Master Cleanse Secrets, but I did eventually find a person of impeccable character to help me write the ad you’ll find on the website now

But the point I really want to make is about why the Master Cleanse Secrets site is the way it is. The honest answer is…because that’s what works.

I was more then shocked to see the results the new site produced, and it wasn’t long before people began writing in and posting to my blog telling me how my book rescued them from painful health problems they thought they would have to live with for the rest of their life.

Then there’s the 100’s of people who are almost beside

themselves with how much weight they’ve lost by going on the Master Cleanse for just a few days.

These success stories make my day!

I Don’t Blame You For Being Skeptical

This might seem like a rant to you, and I hope I’m not boring you with this message. I just want to let everyone know that the Master Cleanse Secrets is not another hyped up Internet product. It works, and not because I say it works, because the 1000’s of people who’ve used it say it works!

If you’ve been skeptical of the Master Cleanse Secrets book because of the website I don’t blame you. I would tear that site down tomorrow and replace it with a “straight to the point” page if I could. But it seems the only way I can help people by getting them to try the Master Cleanse is with the current website. So for now I’m going to have to live with the site even though I’m not all that crazy about it either.
If you’re like me and don’t like the website my advice is to just skim it to see what it’s all about, and read the testimonials. Every one of them is from a real customer who didn’t get anything in return for letting me share their experience with the Master Cleanse Secrets system.
Some of them even took the time to call in and leave an audio testimonial which is really neat because you can hear them tell you about the Master Cleanse Secrets in their own voice.

I Want YOU To Be The Next Master Cleanse Secrets Success Story

When you get a copy of the Master Cleanse Secrets book there will be a link at the end where you can type or call in a testimonial. It’s completely up to you if you want to or not, but I would love to have you be the next Master Cleanse Secrets success story featured on my website.

Have a happy and healthy day,


View Comments (3)

  • I have a question, can this book only be purchased onlike or are they at local bookstores? I've checked a few and can't seem to find it.

  • I am 35 and a type 2 diabetic on oral medication. Can i use mastercleanse.Is it safe for me?

  • Hi Raylen, interesting post I don't think many online book sellers would have made such revealing comments about their own website. I work in advertising so I understand where you're coming from, but you have no reason to feel bad about trying to get your book into peoples hands.

    It's one of the Cardinal rules of advertising - if you have a product that can help people and change lives you're obligated to do whatever you can to get people to notice it.

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