It took a couple decades, a massive united effort of millions of people, record setting lawsuits, government intervention, excessive taxation, and a major cultural paradigm shift from “cool” to “not cool” to slow down the big tobacco companies from getting their deadly product into the hands of consumers.

Today’s smoker is not seen as the sex-cool-rebel. Far from it, in fact, thanks in large part to the Truth advertising campaign smokers realized they were just pawns to crusty old corporate fat cats – nothing cool about that!

But despite all that many people continue to smoke. I’m not hear to stride in on my moral high horse and tell anyone who wants to smoke that they should stop. It’s your choice. I would however like to offer some advice to those who would like to quit smoking cigarettes, but haven’t been able to kick the habit.

Cigarettes are after all extremely addictive.

The title of this post is ” Using The Master Cleanse To Quit Smoking” and this is a master cleanse blog, so as you probably guessed I’m going to suggest using the master cleanse to stop smoking.

How will that help?

The master cleanse is a potent bad-habit-breaker. I like to think of it as pushing the reset button on your body. When you spend 10 days on the master cleanse you’ll find more often then not, that you feel better then you’ve ever felt before in your life. There are over a 1,000 comments on this blog, and many of them say just that!

After you get a taste of this good feeling a mental shift takes place, and most people tend to naturally gravitate away from unhealthy habits like smoking so they can stay feeling good. This process will of course require that you truly want to give up the habit to begin with.

What you’ll usually find is that your ravenous cravings are cut down significantly to a much more manageable urge that pops up every now and again. And even those go away after while.

If you’d like to give the master cleanse a try you can find all the information you need to get started right here on this site, or I can send you a copy of my Master Cleanse guide when you join my free newsletter which you’re welcome to sign up for below.

3 Responses

  1. I would greatly appreciate if you would send me a copy of your master cleanse guide. I really need to quit smoking and would like to try this. thank you.

  2. I quit smoking using the master cleanse…in fact in still cleansing…im at the end of day 8…im do happy …i feel better…and I don’t have stinky fingers…plus I passed the compulsive eating phase due to a drop in low blood sugar from quoting! I highly recommend the mc for quitting not just smoking but ALL bad habits! 🙂

  3. Another tip while on the master cleanse to help quit smoking that is a rememdy recommended in the book “Master Cleanser” by Stanley Burroughs is to place a little bit of clove oil at that back of your tongue or underneath it. I am not a smoker but my best friend just quit smoking using both remedies together!

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