Here’s a good comment a reader posted that I thought I would share with everyone. It’s about using Weight Watchers, which is one of the most successful weight loss programs around, and the Master Cleanse.

This is my second time on Master Cleanse. I tried the Cleanse for the first time last year and didn’t so so well. I got really dehydrated and ended up with an bolus IV for hydration. Totally my fault as I did not do the Cleanse correctly and I did not drink enough additional fluids.

I am currently doing Weight Watchers and have about 50lbs to lose, so far, I have lost 21lbs in 3 months, however, I was feeling bloated, so I decided to fast using Master Cleanse. This time was much easier than the first time that I tried the Cleanse. I guess one of the biggest reasons why is because I took it more seriously and decided to do the Cleanse in conjunction with diet and exercise.

Having a different outlook on my health really made a difference. Even before starting the Cleanse, I was more conscious about what I was putting in my mouth. With Weight Watchers, I was already keeping a daily journal, counting points (calories) and exercising, so it was rather easy. Of course the sea salt saline wash continued to be the hardest part but it really made me feel clean on the inside.

So in addition to the 21lbs that I lost on Weight Watchers, I did the Cleanse for 7 days and lost an additional 10lbs of waste, bringing my total weight loss too 31lbs. Next week I go back to eating, however, i will make sure that it is healthy eating and not processed foods, more fruits, vegetables and whole grains for me.

11 Responses

  1. Hi,
    Today is my first day on the master cleanse. I’m very excited and i’m hoping with all my heart that I will complete the 10 days and go further to 21 days . I’m 5’1 and weigh 170 so I really need this . I also joined a health club to workout lightly. I did the cleanse for 3 days over a year ago with a friend . I was feeling great and not even hungry but just wanted to eat so we broke it. My hardest part is boredom. Please wish luck and prayers that I will stay focused and complete the cleanse.

  2. can u please email me back i would like to know how I can buy your books but I dont know how to get a hold of you

  3. Hello everyone,
    I plan on starting the cleanse this friday, which gives me 2 days to mentally prepare myself for this. I dont have much self control but I have been reading the blogs and quotes from this site and its really given me the motivation to do this and FINISH it. I’m really excited about this and feel it will change my life for the better. I am 20 years old , 5’9 and weigh 238 lbs. I used to be really active and have an athletic body but since I’ve had my daughter I’ve never bounced back. I have tried almost everything from diet pills to diet plans and excersize but I still have a bad eating habit. When I am full, I still find myself eating. So please wish me luck on my journey thru the cleanse. Again I am petrified but motivated to do this!!!!

  4. Hey everyone. I’m so glad I found this site as I was feeling a little overwhelmed by the Cleanse. I am on day 4 of the diet . . . Not sure if nauseau and joint pain are a stomach flu or detox symptoms. However, I have lost 15 pounds!!!! I am very happy about that though I would like to lose another 30 pounds to be at my ideal weight. After having 3 kids in 3 years, I have accumulated quite a lot of fat. I am afraid it will all come back after I stop. I plan to fast until 10 days and then as long as I feel like. We’ll see. I wanted to do 40 days for lent. Wish me luck!!!!

  5. I am wanting to loose weight while on the diet so I am doing the drink 8 times per day but using only 1 tbl of the syrup which still adds up to around 100 carbs. I am doing light exercise as well. Is there anything else that you would recommend?

  6. February 1st, 2008

    This is day 1 of the cleanse and I’m an very excited! I would like to continue for 20 days. I am having difficulty with the sea salt this morning although I am drinking it, just not as quickly as I’d like. It’s encouraging to read posts like Roy and I am looking forward to having similar results.

  7. I am on night 9 so tomorrow will make a full 10 days. I lost about 8lbs and almost 2 inches off my stomach. I still need to loose 20 more. After day 10 can I continue the master cleanse 2 days a week or can I drink it and eat healthy to loose weight?

  8. Hi! Has anyone went on the cleanse,if they have intersticial cystitis? I have IC,but I want to do the cleanse. Thanks,Cindy.

  9. Roy, I want your email address so i put mine here so you can email me. [email protected]. I am about to start the master clense and i am going to be on it for a little over 20 days as well! I am going to need all of the support that i can get. I will let everyone know how it goes.

  10. Today is my 20th day on the detox program. I lost 27# and feel great. Tonight I’m going to eat a bit of veggie soup and am sad it’s come to an end. I’m amazed how my hunger had eased after the first 3 days. If you think you can’t do it, read this!
    In my 20 days i overcame these temptations, Our Christmas banquet, 3 straight Sunday night invites to friends from church for food and fellowship, 3 days at a convention in Orlando Florida and yes all after looking at some awesome menus and tons of food without a single bit! YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Need encouragement, email me! I feel awesome!!! Roy

  11. Hey,
    Just on my third day of the cleanse and I am feeling great.
    like many people I had struggled with bad health for a big part of my life.
    I turned to colonics about 5 years ago, since I had a very sluggish colon, and had abused laxatives throughout my life.
    My health has tremendously improved during the past five years.
    I am 40 years old now, and sinner and healthier than I have ever been. I had my daughter two years ago, and immediately bounced back.
    I did struggle with some breakouts and dandruff from time to time, and felt I had too much of a sugar addiction. I also wanted to quite my last bad habit of having two cups of coffee every morning with sugar in it.
    So, I did lots of research online, and found the book of Stanley Burroughs in a health food store. This was 6 months ago. I was still very nervous about going without food for so long and taking the salt flush and laxatives.
    I had my blood checked prior to going on the fast, and everything was perfect.
    So, 3 days ago, I just started ( what better time to try than right after the new year ) The first day went okay, until I got a horrible headache in the afternoon (probably the lack of caffeine) I almost wanted to quit that night, cause I was both headachy and nauseous. but I stuck with it. By the way, many people complain about taking the drink, tea and salt water, I must say it was amazingly easy for me to do any of it. Well, the second day already was alot easier, no more headache, hardly hungry. Today went amazing, despite the fact that my two year old kept me up most of the night. My tongue is already much clearer and my skin looks great.
    I must say I started this cleanse weighing 118 pounds, so at 5 foot 7 I have no desire to lose any weight. I purely do it to get rid of the last of the crud in my body, and to beat that coffee habit. I will only go on until my tongue is clear, and I think that will happen before the ten days is up. The salt water flush already is coming out clear and my stomach is flat as a pancake. I recommend people do some easier form of cleansing, maybe even a couple of colonics before starting this cleanse, cause it will drastically cut the detox.
    I enjoyed the site and look forward to receiving the news letter.

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