Doing a Cleansing Diet To Lose Weight

About half the people who post comments on this blog and purchase my book want to do a cleansing diet to lose weight. Even though weight loss is a wonderful goal, and going on a cleansing diet like the master cleanse can certainly help you lose weight fast it’s important to realize that there’s are many other health benefits to cleansing. I’d like to share two comments from readers that help illuminate this point beautifully.

hey everyone!
I’ve done the master cleanse twice now. it’s great! but like others have stated you state of mind shouldn’t be to loose weight but rather to detox/cleanse your system. if you look at it in that perspective and stop getting on the scale every day to see if you lost weight you’ll actually be more motivated. to continue. you truthfully get into a routine-i knew that every two hours i would drink 10oz of the lemonade or i’ll start feeling funny.

your energy does increase, skin clears up, and you feel great! by the time i was done the first time everyone at work and my family saw the difference and they didn’t even know i was doing it.

but please please do your research! you’re suppose to do it max of 3 times a year, so about every 4 months. remember that you’re in a way depriving your body from food. and after you’re done w/ the cleansing EAT HEALTHY & EXCERCISE!!! i can’t stress this enough. many of the people that i know have done it go and eat a big steak the next day, and then they wonder why they gain all the weight back. exercise at least 30min a day-wether it’s cardio or fast-pace walking. after the clean i did 30min on the elliptical for a week and eventually 60min and within a month i lost another 10 pounds. i also did the whole Special K cereal diet.

i’ve learned that LOOSING WEIGHT IS ALL MENTAL!!! if you want to do it you will-no ifs and buts. you will think twice about eating chips, cake, and fast food. instead you’ll resort to a fruit or vegetable or even just take a fairly small piece of cake just to try it. it’s not necessarily what you eat but HOW MUCH you eat. you didn’t go through the 10 days of detoxing for nothing-so make it worth it.

best wishes everyone!

oh and you can do grade A or grade B syrup. as stated grade B as a bit more minerals but otherwise same basics. you can purchase either one at Trader Joe’s (in the USA).

I finished the MC yesterday!!!YAY! And found the whole experience fantastic and interesting! There were many obstacles I ran into and I could give you a list of situations but it may not relate to everyone so I will spare you(I live in Hong Kong have two kids), but I will say is FooD is YummY!
During the cleanse I was salivating like Niagara Falls. BUT I focused my attention elsewhere and pushed through it like any tough situation. Strangely enough, I found solace making dishes for my family, cooking up a storm and freezing it- call it, living vicariously – not a bad thing during these 10 days. Some would say this would be a temptation but I have a family and not having food in the house is not an option. Some other things that got me through the cleanse was 1 wheat grass drink a day which is full of vitamins and minerals – extremely healthy and energy boosting(!!); another saving grace: Hoodia tablets which is all natural appetite suppressants. I would consult the manual that is provided on this website to give you all the sufficient information and proper doses etc. These are all modern ways to help you get through the cleanse while getting positive results. I lost 9 lbs, gained back 3lbs but what I got out of it was a good jump start to hopefully lose that baby weight I have been trying to loose for 2 years now but also I feel healthier, more sharp and glad that I treated my body to dose of GOODNESS. Good luck to all! … it is only 10 days out of the rest of your life! A blip!


View Comments (2)

  • I have a friend who is on day 8 and I asked him if he was eating any safe foods while he was doing his cleanse, and his comment to me was" it not a cleanse if you are eating " is that correct or not because I am getting ready to do the cleanse but I was going to purchase the manuals because you stated that there are safe foods you can eat while doing the cleanse. I am so torn now and not sure what to do!!!!

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