It’s 5:15 pm on day 4 of the New Years master cleanse and this is typically where the magic begins. Okay maybe not magic, but most of you should be noticing some very nice changes taking place. Many of you have been sharing your progress in the comments section and I’m thrilled to hear about your success so far.

Many of you have already lost as much as 10 pounds, you’ve noticed your complexion is glowing, and that you just plain feel good. And as good as you feel right now it’s only going to get better as you continue to do the Master Cleanse!

One thing I did want to talk about today was exercising on the Master Cleanse. I highly recommend you stay active when you do the Master Cleanse, but please don’t push yourself too hard.

The cleansing and detoxing process can take its toll on your body and you don’t want to add to that by overexerting yourself while working out.

There is no one size fits all workout I can suggest you do while on the Master Cleanse because the intensity level suitable for you will depend on your current physical condition. In other words, an Olympic sprinter can workout harder on the cleanse then a person who’s out of shape and hasn’t worked out in decades.

As a general guideline I suggest you exercise at half the intensity as you normally do:

Most importantly you should pay attention to your body, and don’t push yourself too hard. I’m an exercise junkie myself so I know how hard it is to skip a workout, but while doing the Master Cleanse sometimes the best thing to do is relax and take it easy.

Talk soon


39 Responses

  1. Hi guys em so excited I feel light already day 4 of the mastercleans and going to week end em so scared I wont fall off the boat but all I tell my self is I wont give up now.

  2. Hey I’m starting the cleanse tomorrow, but how did any of you guys prep the night before the actual cleansing date? Need help, because I don’t want to not fail at this cleanse because I didn’t start it off good. Any tips to get me started ?

  3. HI everyone! Is anyone doing the cleanse this month? I am on day 4 and I have a headache, I almost gave up, but this forum is very motivating. Gonna be strong!

  4. Hello Guys I’m on day 4 of the master cleanse day 1-2 was the hardest, I feel great and i’m not even hungry, not sure of how much weight I have lost haven’t did a weigh in yet , but i’m sure I have lost some… Doing the MC for 21 days and i’m so excited to see the results…..

  5. Hi everyone! I’m on my 5th day today. Half-way through the diet. May I just ask is it usual to have water-like poo during the cleanse? Because that’s what I,m having since day 1.. Thanks and Good luck to us πŸ™‚

  6. I woke up to day 4! I am suprised at how great I feel. I am down 10 pounds and still have energy. I took the week off of work so I wasn’t tempted by food in the break room or co-workers telling me I was foolish for starving myself. I have no breathing or sinus issues and I have been sleeping unusually well. Oddly enough, I did not have any withdrawl symptoms from caffeine…no headaches at all. My skin has improved…I still panic a little when I see food or have to go to the grocery store for more lemons. I tell myself all that stuff will be there when I am done…I don’t have to eat now…I am doing something way better for myself…every hour I get through is empowering…. good luck to everyone out there.

  7. Hi All! I’m on Day 4 of the cleanse and feel great. Did not expect such a great result. Truly never hungry, love the taste of the tea. My husband is amazed that I’ve stayed committed to this, but the day-to-day results really are reinforcing. I’ve lost 8 lbs and have lots of energy and feel like I’ll have no problem going the full 21 days. Best of luck and good health to all of you!

  8. I am starting my cleanse on Monday, i wanted to find a site to get support on how others handled the master cleanse. I have heard about this and people said it works wonders! I know it takes commitment and willpower and I have both! I am ready to start!

  9. This is my second time doing the Master Cleasnse. The first time I did it was for my wedding 4 years ago. I think I did it for 10 days and dropped 9 pounds (I did not do the laxative). This time I am doing it to get a head start on losing baby weight from my daughters who are 16 months apart. I am on day 5 now but I broke my scale @ home and have no real way of knowing if I have lost any weight so far. I was able to measure my waist and I have lost an inch since day one. What are some of your typical day 5 results?????

  10. Hi. I did the MC for 50 days and it was great, but then I had a surprise emergency surgery (unrelated to MC) and afterwards someone brought me some Odwalla protein bars and they did me in! Sugar is a killer and I went off the wagon for the past 1 1/2 months. So I started the MC again and today is day 3. Not sure how long I will go for this time since I just did 50 days that ended the middle of October think it probably not too smart to go for long so soon. I also started the C25K running program and am at the end of week 7 so am interested to see how this all is going to work together.

    Anyone know how long a MC is a good idea since I just did a 50 day a couple months ago? My goal is never weight loss, it’s just that I feel disgusting from the food I’ve been eating and need a significant reset to get all the sugar out and back on track mentally.

  11. Hey, I just started the cleanse this morning. Everyone thinks I am crazy, so it’s nice to see some support here. My question to you all is– How detrimental is working out while on the cleanse? Is running for 20-30 minutes all right? Or doing other kinds of cardio?
    Thanks and keep it up!

  12. Hi Danielle, I started MC just today and I am glad to hear you say, it gets better! Yay!!! I dont feel hungry or cranky today so I am pleased about that. I dont miss eating yet…hehehe….i can feel my body starting to cleanse and that feels great!! Do you exercise at all? I heard not to do a lot of it so i am sticking to walking and asana practice.
    Enjoy your day! πŸ™‚

  13. I am on day four and I just completed a weigh in ……I lost 14 pounds all ready…I am super excited and motivated to get my life :)))) !!!

  14. I’m on day 4 of the MC and noticed my skin is clearing up. Unfortunately, I do have eczema on my wrist and I believe its more problematic then being on the cleanse. I’ve never had eczema before in my life. I’m hoping that this is a sign that the toxins are exiting my body (idk) figure I think positive about this. Day 3 was tough for me with a severe headache following a 1.5hr work out. Today, I kicked back and RELAXED! I’m so excited about this cleanse that I hope to go the full 21 days. I believe my time on the cleanse has provided me with extra energy, I will remain positive that my metabolism will increase each and every day. Looking forward to completing a 2 mile fun run on day 5! Good Luck All!

  15. Hi everyone im starting my Mc tomorrow I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I will keep eveveryone informed

  16. Hi everyone I’m on day 3 of the master cleanse. I feel fine. no cravings headaches or tiredness. however I miss crunching on food. was addicted to raw baby carrots before the cleanse. I am wondering when you guys started to see results?

  17. I’m doing the MC and wanted to know if the herbal tea can be done at night only. I am on day 3 and haven’t had a real BM..

  18. I am on day 4 and crashing hard. Yesterday was a great day and i even worked out. I dont wanna quit because i’ve come this far but i cant focus at work and i have a headache. I dont know how people do this!

  19. hello everyone this is my first day of the master cleanse diet and im super excited but kind of scared and nervous at the same time….”im really hoping i see results” but one quick question i bought the organic grade B maple syrup but just got regular lemons not organic, will my cleanse still work for me? i also didn’t get organic cayenne pepper….can anyone help me with this?

  20. Hi All,
    Day 1 – First 4 hours were tricky, but after I did a short workout I feel much better.
    Im excited to see how far I can take this cleanse and stay committed to it. I have a slight headache, but who hasn’t had one before. The health results are worth it.

  21. Rose — YES! You are supposed to do the salt water flush every morning for the bowel movement to remove the toxins from your system. You can also opt out for detox tea, but the salt water flush is MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE. I’ve done the master cleanse twice a year every year since 2005. You have to follow the directions to get the results.

  22. On day 4 and had very little bowel movement since on the cleanse. I did have a colonic right before starting. I take fiber pills twice a day and still no major bowel movements.I have not done the salt flush, do you think that would help?

  23. I started the mc today. I prepared for it though since monday – cutting out all starches meats and sugars for three days eating only fruits and vegetables(mostly raw but some cooked). Doing my gym routine as usual. did the sw flush yesterday (it works great lol) did my usual gym routine this morning (resistance training of 2 + muscle groups for 45 min. followed by 40 minutes cardio) had amazing energy had the tea (2 big glasses right after) and I feel great . lots of energy!

  24. Started the cleanse on the 8th. Day 1 was a breeze. Day 2, I was a little tired and had a dull headache this morning. Looking forward to hitting day 5!

  25. Was skeptical about the clease because I normally have chronic heartburn, but it works better than I thought. I have not had heartburn and is on the 9th day and has lost so far 10 lbs. I would like to do this for 30 days or more. I am so happy to see that something really works.

  26. Thanks so much for this info, getting ready to start the cleanse tomorrow and was getting nervous about exercising and potentially passing out.

  27. Day 4. I ran 4 miles instead of just walking it. Mistake for me. I was wiped out like I have not been since I started the MC. Walking my 4 would have been fine. Don’t push it. You are not taking in enough to validate a hard work out. Now I’m drinking water and napping….it hit me like a brick wall 20 minutes after thr run.

  28. I read that only cardio workouts should be performed whilst on the cleanse, given that there is no source of protein in the Mastercleanse.

  29. I had done this in the past and lost quite a few pounds about 60 and was feeling great but I did it for the wrong reasons but I’m ready now to do it again. I was looking for the 64oz “B” Maple Syrup and found some at the Restaurant depot. So I will be joining you on Monday. Keep up the good work

  30. I’m starting today!!! Took the tea last night and did the SWF this morning and it started working within 15 minutes. This is the third time I’m doing this but last time I only made it thru day 5 :(. This new year will be different and I will finish the cleanse. Good luck to everyone and myself.

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