Here’s a reader looking for some tips on using the Master Cleanse to look amazing for her Wedding day.

I am on the 3rd day of my cleanse. The first day was ok apart from the salt water flush, that was the most horrible thing i’d ever had to drink in my entire life! I felt a bit weak but not very hungry. My second day i woke up with a raging hunger! i had no idea how i was going to get thru the day. but i got up and did the disgusting flush and then went on to have some of the lemonade. I felt a bit nauseous for the first time but didn’t throw up. I laid down for about an hr and felt absolutely fine after that. Never had any hunger pangs. i had difficulty sleeping tho. im not sure if this is good or bad? i cant seem to manage more than 5.5 hrs sleep. Could this be because i have lots more energy? anyway, today is day 3 and I’ve lost 3.75 pounds so far, which i think is relatively good considering i have poly cystic ovarian syndrome (this condition makes it incredibly difficult for me to lose weight). I hope i will be able to stick to the cleanse for at least 21 days. I’m aiming for 40 but 21 will be a great achievement too. My wedding is in exactly 61 days and i want to look fabulous! Please let me know if there are any tips that’ll make this diet easier.

First of all let me extend a heart felt congratulations on your upcoming Wedding! Now on to your questions. I really admire your ambition to try and go 40 days on the Master Cleanse, but unless you’re experienced with cleansing and fasting it might be a bit much. My advice would be to do a normal 10 day cleanse, follow this advice for exiting the master cleanse, then if you’re not fatigued do a series of 3 day on the master cleanse and 3 days off.

Hope this helps and I hope your Wedding is amazing.

7 Responses

  1. hi to all those doing the will have no regrets once you do it all right.this is my third time on the is my 10th day now,i do not fell hungry at all. so far i hav lost goal is 20 to 21 days or more depending on how much my body will take.I have no negatives side for the salt water ,is the hardest to take , i warm the water and add a little bit of lemon which makes it easier to gulp down.i have cleared skin,i feel great and lots of energy.wish you all success.

  2. Hello Ladies = )

    I am on day one of the MC I am excited and nervous at the same time. Thus far have no desires to eat but I am experiencing a caffeine headache. As I am a huge coffee drinker, does anyone have any suggestions on how to side step this agony? The drink itself is not bad, the salt flush is very difficult to choke down, not looking forward to tomorrows dose.
    We’ll see what day two brings = ) thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences it makes such ventures in life easier to get thru when you know someone else is going thru it as well.

  3. Hello
    One day 1 of my cleanse. Already feel great! Did the salt flush…wow can only ever do that at night,but really no cravings just excited!
    My goal is 10lbs…I hope everyone has smooth sailing.
    Did have a headache this afternoon,broke down took an excederine.
    Am open to any and all comments,suggestions.

  4. hello there,

    i am on day 4 of the MC , i haven’t felt great weight loss as yet? also not feeling that super energetic feeling, i am not if i am doing something wrong, or i am one of those that it will happen a little later.
    I have no desire to quit the MC as i did it to give up smoking, and the longer i am on it the more will power to stay off smoking will happen.
    Of course there has been some great positives like my skin is starting to glow, my eyes are looking clearer etc and my hair is feeling nice and soft.
    I am drinking more than the 12 drinks a day , could that be it why i am not loosing weight?
    I really thought by now i would of really felt a difference weight wise.
    Advice is really appreciated .

    Thanks in Advance

  5. Hello just one quick question can I still use the pyyllium husk when I do the ease out it work better for me than the salt hoh

  6. Hi…I’m about to start the master cleanse, but I have a few questions.
    Does the master cleanse really help you loose weight?
    After the master cleanse, your metabolism tends to slow down…how can I keep that up to maintain my weight loss?


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