How To Lose Ten Pounds Fast

All people have the ability to lose 10 pounds fast by doing two simple things; cut 500 calories from your diet, and burn an extra 500 calories through exercise. If you do this you’ll be shedding about 2 pounds of fat a week, and it will take just over a month to lose 10 pounds.
Cut Out 500 Calories A Day

– Skip the latte, get a coffee – Most people don’t recognize just how many unnecessary calories you are consuming at Starbucks and other local coffee shops.  A Grande Caffe Latte at Starbucks will cost you 190 calories.  The calories and fat in the milk all add up quickly!  Skip the latte and get a coffee.  A Grande coffee only has 5 calories.  If you don’t add sugar or milk and you just saved 185 calories.  A Grande Mocha w/ whip cream has 330 calories so if you like the really sweet and chocolaty drinks you just saved 325 calories by switching to coffee.

– Cut the carbonated drinks – Similar to lattes, carbonated drinks like Pepsi and Coca-Cola can contain serious amounts of sugar and calories.  According to Pepsi, 12 fluid ounces of its product contains 150 calories.  Alternatively, you can choose Diet Pepsi or another diet soda and save 150 calories.  If you are really responsible, you’ll cut just go straight for plain old water.

– Substitute healthy snacks for poor ones – A Snickers bar is a whopping 280 calories and 1 ounce of Cheetos is 160 calories (assuming you don’t shove the whole bag in your mouth, which in a 3.25 ounce bag would be a spectacular 520 calories).  Instead of getting these quick fixes you can opt for 3 ounces of raw carrots for 35 calories and/or a half cup of grapes for roughly 60 calories.  If you had the Snickers bar, you just saved 185 calories.  If you scarfed down that bag of Cheetos you saved 425 calories!

Burning 500 Calories

– Get off the couch at night.  Don’t just plop down after you’ve had a long day at work.  Sure television may make you feel good, but it isn’t helping to drop those extra pounds.  If you take 30 minutes of your time immediately after work and pick up around the house you can burn an extra 100 calories.
– Take the stairs – Don’t cram in that elevator with all those other sheep at your work, be a leader and take the stairs.  The amount of calories that you spend performing an exercise varies by your weight since you need to exert more energy to move heavier objects.  Be that as it may, for a person weighing 145 pounds walking up and down the stairs will burn approximately 530 calories per hour.  If you take the stairs for a minimum of 15 minutes a day and weight 145 pound than you just burned an extra 133 calories.

– Take a morning walk – now that you’ve got that extra energy from the extra sleep, you should get up and take a brisk walk in the morning!  For a person weighing 145 pounds, you can burn 169 calories in the morning by taking a brisk 4.0 mph walk for 30 minutes.

Losing weight fast doesn’t always require drastic lifestyle changes. Remember a lot of little changes can add up to some very significant weight loss, and these little things are easy to incorporate into your life unlike the drastic changes put forth by most commercial diets.

If you have any easy weight loss tips please share them in the comments section.

Here’s another releated post on how to quickly lose 10 pounds.


View Comments (46)

  • M from pune n looking forward for the MC programme.but my problem is from where to get maple b syrup n cayenne pepper n organic lemon...pls help

  • No not do it if you have any heart problem my heart stopped pumping blood at a normal rate and it nearly killed me

  • Im on Day 6 of my cleanse, and last I checked my weight on day 4 I lost 12 pounds. It does get easier, because day 2 I was already in the mood to give up. My goal is 10 days and im already almost there... EVERYONE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE PAGE, TO SEE ME MAKE IT TO MY DAY 10 !!!!


    Starting Day 7 Tomorrow !!!

  • i want to start master cleanse..but coz i m from AP i couldn't get the master cleanse book any where..IL be grateful if any body can suggest a place in AP where i can i get the book..well,iv got the recipe of lemonade so is it OK if i drink the lemonade for a week??iv got the instructions from the site.its hard for me to get maple syrup so iv taken the raw evaporated sugar cane instead..can i use it in place of maple syrup??can anyone please suggest the color of cayenne pepper??i am serious with the diet program and hope IL lose 10kgs in a week!!

  • I am starting the cleanse today!!!! I am excited I am not overweight at all. In fact I am at a pretty good weight. I am doing this for the health benefits. I need to clean my system. I am hoping this gets it done!
    I encourage anyone anywhere to DO what BEST benefits your health! The discomfort of a headache shouldn't stop you from getting this done!
    Stick to it! Be encouraged!

  • day 3. wow hungry is the understatement of the year. Had a mild headache this morning and extreme fatigue throughout the day... grocery shopping and preparing dinner for my kids is like the cruelest form of torture ( i must confess i snuck a bite of cheese burger) im at 6 lb lost and 8 more to go, im hoping tomorrow is easier. im craving leafy greens and meat! im definitely convinced after many years of dieting and obtaining a healthy diet that this method is drastic yes but so are the results.

  • I tried doing the master cleanse several days ago and ended up quitting for a few reasons.

    But I'm on Day 2 again and things are going much more smoothly this time around. My advice for people starting off is to try to eliminate caffeine several days before they start the mc. I tried giving it up about 4 or 5 days before, but ended up drinking a mug of green tea right in the middle of that... i think that was actually a good idea to be honest. it helped the headaches I was experiencing with the caffeine withdrawls and gave me a much needed energy boost, but because I just had one, I don't feel like I experienced the same kind of discomfort when starting the cleanse.
    Also, I tried to eliminate all processed foods 4-5 days before I started the cleanse as well. That didn't work out too well though, lol. However, I did incorporate a lot more salads and veggies in place of all junk. I couldn't control my cravings enough to stop completely so I did splurge on some pizza, but not a lot!

    The first time I tried the cleanse, I experienced a severe migraine the moment I tasted the cayenne pepper. I'm talking about excruciating pain! So this time around, I got myself the cayenne pepper capsules and take it right before I go to sleep so that I'm still getting what I need from them, but any pain I might feel from them is taken care of by being asleep. I do still experience some heart burn, but it's way better than the migraines.

    Now that I started the cleanse this second time around, it's like night and day. I am experiencing the hunger pains, but nothing out of the ordinary. Actually, I'm having a lot better time with it than I expected! Very minimal discomfort, I just want FOOD! lol

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