Making The Master Cleanse Lemonade Taste Better

Michelle left this blog comment about making the master cleanse lemonade taste better that I thought I would share…

For One gallon:

8 lemons
2 C maple syrup

I see people saying the taste is terrible, and it is if you add the cayenne. Instead of adding cayenne to the mixture, you can buy organic cayenne pepper capsules and take those instead. I add a couple teaspoons of organic cinnamon to my mixture and it makes it SO much better. Cinnamon is very good as a digestive aid. Also, try drinking some organic laxative tea in the morning and evening. I bought chocolate-flavored organic “smooth move” tea. Gives me something more flavorful than the lemonade all day, yet it’s still cleansing because it’s a laxative organic tea.

Good luck everyone!!

Another tip for making the lemonade taste better is to mix in some stevia, which is a all natural sweetener with zero calories.


View Comments (10)

  • BUT I saw a video on YouTube recently (sent out in a Master Cleanse email), where the guy recommends using liquid cayenne. Liquid cayenne! I'd never heard of such, but I love the idea so I'm on the hunt for it.

    My question is: I'm not sure if the sea salt drink is supposed to be separate from the lemonade or not. I.e., can I leave the sea salt out of the lemonade and just mix the salt with water and drink it separately? Is that as effective?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Becareful with eliminating and adding things unless you do research. There are certain nutrients that you need from the syrup that you probably won't get from stevia only, especially since you're not eating solid food. That's a major part of the cleanse. You don't want to get sick, and you want to get all of the benefits. You may lose weight but that doesn't mean all is well.

  • I recommend NOT adding any Stevia or other sweetner. It is already sickly sweet with the maple syrup. Also.....don't add the cayenne pepper to the entire mixture. Just add a small amount to the mixture as you drink each serving. If the cayenne sits in the mixture all day, the heat gets more intense. I must admit, it's difficult to do sports (I play tennis) while on this program.

  • This is my fifth day an I'm so excited to hear that I don't have to add the pepper. I can't handle anything remotely spicy. Thanks for all the advice!

  • my husband cannot tolerate drinking the cayenne in the lemonade mixture, so we will use the capsules for him. How many and how often should he take them? There is much more in a capsule than the 1/10 tsp. mixed into each drink.

  • Hi, I am a wife and a mother of two toddlers. I want to start the challenge and my husband is ok with it. You say that not being around food is one secret of success, but I still need to provide meals for my family. Is there any advice on this. I have a strong will power when I put my mind to something.

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