Can You Use Lemon Juice From a Bottle?

Today’s questions are about using bottled lemon juice instead of fresh lemon juice when you do the master cleanse, and a question about the salt water flush.

Hello! I’m planning on doing the master cleanse and i was wondering if i can can use lemon juice from a bottle because i don’t have time to buy a lot of fresh lemon. And about the sea salt/laxative tea flush, can i take it any time of the day? will it still work the same? because i work at 6am and i dont have time to be using the bathroom in the morning. Is there any snacks that i can eat during the master cleanse? please help me!

The lemon juice is one of the most important ingredients in the master cleanse and it’s important that you use fresh squeezed lemon juice, ideally from organic lemons. When it comes to the salt water flush it is ideal take it throughout the day, but due to the volatile bowel movements it is alright to plan around your work schedule. If you’re looking for a few foods that won’t affects the cleanse I have a chapter on safe foods in my Master Cleanse Secrets book.


View Comments (27)

  • Is organic bottled lemon juice just as good as fresh squeezed lemon juice? For master cleanse. If no then what's the difference?

  • Am type 2 diabetic on oral medications no insulin, if my sugars go low, what should I, and can I do it for 10 days on, 5 Days, 10 days on

  • I used lemon juice concentrate today with my green juice and it did the trick, I feel amazing...maybe you don't need to go over board with the fine details.

  • I've been doing the master cleanse or lemon diet for 8 years, I do it once a year every year. My question is would it be better to switch from filter water to Pure coconut water?Coconut water seems to be a go fit. What do you think.

  • Hello I accidently bought organic lemonade for the master cleanse? Will it still work? Thanks!

  • well i want to know what the percentage of lemon juice that it is better to clean with than resolve

  • Hi,
    For all of you asking if you can use the lemon juice that you find in the stores.
    I remind you that this is a detox diet. It would be preferable and recommended to use only fresh stuff. BUT, if circumstances don't allow it, try to find the juice containing the highest percentage of lemon in it and at the same time the least if no additives.
    Another thing, Maple syrup can be replaced with organic honey just like the original master cleanse by Burroughs.
    Even with substituting fresh lemon juice by bottled one and maple syrup with organic honey you will get great results if you commit yourself to respecting all the guidelines. However, doing the detox diet with respecting the fresh ingredients rule will get you even further.
    Remember, it's best if you start on your days off or in a vacation even. Drink lots of water (which should be an everyday rule) and nothing worthwhile comes without sacrifice. Be patient and good luck.

  • Hello I'm getting ready to start my master cleanser today. I have all the ingredients except the lemons. If I use the lemon juice will it do the same as the organic lemons.

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