I don’t personally do an enema when I’m on the Master Cleanse, but some people have been asking about it and this wonderful comment posted by Lemayah gives some good tips on how to prepare a coffee enema.

Below is the full post from Lemayah…

Hi, Just want to say thank you to all the people who have shared their experiences and have helped me to stay on track with doing the MC. I started mid-February and had a couple of false starts this last time. The first week I started there was a lot of very stressful stuff flying around and I didn’t have the chance to prepare things properly so ended up with no lemon drink until well in the early afternoon. Found that psychologically this had quite an effect on me, so my advise is to make sure that you have enough time or wait until the situation is not causing you too much stress.

This time around a lot of stuff came up, and I felt very low at times, though quite a few insights and realizations came up with this as well. And I must confess that I have been cheating a quite a few times as there was no drink around, so felt that I had to start again. And again, And again – but am determined to make it to at least a week, uninterruptedly!

In spite of the false starts I’ve lost about 4 kg in 10 days, so that’s great. Also feel that my body is now forcing me to get the rest which i have been denying myself for too many years and just woken up from nearly 2 days solid sleep.

For the last 4 years I’ve had a skin condition that just didn’t want to go and woke me up in the middle of the night and had scratching sessions for sometimes up to 12 hours. Plus since last year, after I had a hefty dose of anti-biotics (something I had had for over 30 years, but because of the state I was in, accepted it) I’ve had this huge flare-up of Candida and thrush, which has been wearing me out to the point I felt I was dying all the time, not being helped by mega-stress.

Since nothing I was doing really had an impact I felt that the MC could be the answer. I’m also taking olive leaf extract and triple strength grapefruit seed extract, together with some homeopathic remedies and Green Essence from the Australian Bush flower range to address the fungi and other unwanted boarders. It’s all very bitter tasting, but I notice that the fungi & co don’t like it much either. So I think while they were dying off, I had this massive reaction – it was as I was dying with the fungi, was completely wiped out for a couple of days! – before I started taking the coffee enemas.

I feel that I am in control of my body more now and that my mind is clearer as well, the fog which has been there for too many years, is clearing up as well. And I am very pleased that my body is responding well. Mentally and emotionally it is as if i am waking up from a bad dream. People have said that I look a lot better, my skin tone is softer and I started looking more youthful. As regards to eliminations during the master-cleanse I have found that having a coffee enema does help to shift the debris from your body quite fast. It eliminates having that low feeling. I know that it is not recommended in Stanley Burroughs writing, but I have done this for a week now and I feel much better than when I didn’t do the coffee enemas.

Here’s the coffee enema recipe:

The best enema kits are from Artisana, these are foldable travel-kits. Leave it in for about 10 to 12 minutes. Sometimes you cane experience the desire to eliminate, best to lie on right of your body, massaging the abdominal region does help as well as there are sometimes blockages, which you can feel. Always make sure that the enema-kit is properly sterilized before using it!

Hope this helps.

14 Responses

  1. This is my 3 day on MC, I ‘m not hungry and all,I help my daughter make cup cakes and I didn’t feel like trying.I have normal BM in morning ,I hope I’ll last for 10 days.

  2. I have a friend, in her 50’s, with Diabetes. She takes so many Medications, she becomes blocked for days at a time, and it is very painful for her. I told her about the 15 Day Cleanse from Dr Max Powers. I even picked her up a bottle.

    She chose to go the enema route, which was extremely painful for her, instead. After one excruciatingly painful episode, she decided to try the Max Powers 15 Day Cleanse, like I had asked. She’s been enema-free for over 6 months now.

    I have introduced several of my friends to this amazing product. No complaints from any of them. I use it because it keeps my tummy flat!!

  3. ive thru 9 days rt now on the mc and ive had absolutely no problems only got hungry one night 4th night after looking at one of my fav menus

  4. While it is important to have an enema or some form of excretion during the cleansing process, coffee itself is very acidic. Toxins live and thrive in acidic environments, so if you are doing the cleanse to detox this would be counterproductive. Also, your body would see the coffee as a unnatural foreign substance and immediately stop the detox process to break down the coffee, which is why it is so imporant to only eat or drink foods that are uncooked, unproccessed and alkaline if you do accidentally cheat on this cleanse. Try going with something that is more alkaline when you are doing a cleanse/detox.

  5. i have never had much luck with the master cleanse. i have a hard time focusing on nothing but what i cannot eat for days.
    i do, however, do the salt flush about once every 3 months, and i eat very light–fruit and vegetables and some nuts and seeds–for the 3 days I am salt flushing.
    just this small cleanse for me has completely eliminated any stomach bloating, and my skin is softer than when i was a kid.
    i’m going to try a gall bladder flush for the first time tomorrow. has anyone ever tried this?

  6. This is my third day on the master clense, the first two days were really difficult and last night I had a migrane and ended up having to eat some crackers. Will this ruin the clense.
    I woke up this morning feeling great.
    I have been worried about the eliminations as well. Since day one I have been eliminating green fluid. I have been drink the laxitive tea in the morning (aweful) and the sea salt flush in the evening and I do not feel that I am eliminating enough. It sounds as though others are havingt he same problem so I am asuming it is normal.
    I hope I didn’t ruin the whole process by eating those crackers last night as I hope to finish the clense.
    any comments would be great

  7. When ur having no results after the salt water flush even after increasing the amount of salt try drinking more water. That usually does the trick.

  8. When ur having no results after the salt water flush even after increasing the amount of salt try drinking more water. That usually does the trick.

  9. I wanted to know about the salt water flush. It doesn’t seem to be working for me. I have even increased the amount of salt to no avail. Can you give me some advice.

  10. This site is very helpful. This is my first time doing master cleanse. This is my 4th day I am drinking the sooth move but I am not eliminating like I should I feel clogged up. Any suggestions?

  11. briefly…

    did the master for 11 days in january. fasted before but only for 3 days most and never the master. incredible. 47 years young again! lost 10 i did not even know i could lose and kept it off. feel better than ever. get this. CURED an irregular heartbeat! my question tonight. just ordered a gallon of syrup from vermont country store. they sent grade a medium instead of grade b. said i could keep it no charge. how really important is grade b instead of a? gonna do 14 days next!

    jim corn

    [email protected]

  12. How often should the coffee enemas be done? Once a day? Starting which day? Do one every other day?…… Any thoughts or advice?
    I have never done a MC but am gearing up to and want as much info as possible to be sucessfull.
    Thank you.


  13. This was my first time with the Master cleanse. I have had colics in the past with great success. Also, have used colon cleanser in pill form.

    I must say this works just as well as colonics without the high price. Not only has it cleansed my body, but my mind is cleansed too.

    It was hard for the first few day, but it was worth it. I lost 7 pounds in just four days.

    As far as the salt water drink, it made me want to throw-up, but boy did it do the trick.

    I’m starting to end the cleanse and have no deserve for junk. I’m craving fruits and veggie. I never ate fruit before.

    All I can say is it is worth the discomfort. NO pain no gain, loss in this case.

    Good luck to all….it’s worth…

  14. I have tried to start the MC 3 times now. Each time I couldn’t make it through day 1. I think mainly because I had a lot of stress going on in my life. I thought that starting on the weekend would be better, it’s not. I have more time to sit around and do nothinig and think about eating. So I am going to try to start again tomorrow morning, Monday. I have a picture of a dress from a magazine that I am keeping close to me. Maybe that will help.

    When I decided to try the MC, it was strictly so I could lose abour 10-15 lbs. Now that I’ve done a lot of reading on the MC, I am looking forward to even better benefits. I have terrible eczema, acne, am tired all the time, depressed, and I have dark circles around my eyes. Someone once told me their child had dark circles around her eyes and they later found out it was from her eating dairy products. That’s a amazing!

    I am just looking forward to reaping wonderful benefits and hopefully making it past day 1.

    I will post and let you know……


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