Juicing is an easy way flood your body with vitamins and nutrients, without having eat pounds of fruits and vegetables.

But many people find it to be very wasteful.

If you’ve juiced before you know how much pulp these juicers leave behind. Most people end up throwing the pulp away, but to me that seems wasteful.

One of the things I like to do is use the pulp for soup, or vegetable stock.

Another idea I got from the video below is to make little pulp patties and put them in a food dehydrator.

If you have any creative ideas for putting your juicing pulp to good use I’d love to hear them. If you haven’t tried juicing before I would suggest watching a documentary called ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’ to give you an idea of the benefits of juicing

5 Responses

  1. If I blend fruits I like to throw the pulp on the stove and boil it down with a little sugar. I take that and put it into my plain yogurt or skyr. If I blend a lot of vegetables I might use that for flavoring muffins.

  2. I use mine in everything from soups to cereal. I like to juice in the morning and take my pulp and sprinkle it in my oatmeal or other cereal to flavor it…..especially orange and strawberry pulp. Take any kind of vegetable pulp and add it to your turkey burger or other lean meat patties to spice them up before grilling. I sometimes make gazpacho and just empty any pulp I have into it to make a nice summer soup. Surround that with ritz crackers and its awesome.

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