*UPDATE* There’s a new grading system for maple syrup and you should no longer use Grade B maple syrup. This page covers the syrup you should use:


What do you do when you can’t find the maple syrup to do the master cleanse?

I’ve been reading through the comments and it looks like some of you are having trouble tracking down grade B maple syrup.

hi, i live in Bahrain and i want to do master cleanse to lose weight but maple syrup is not available ,is there anything i can use as substitute or is it possible for me to mix other available ingredients only?my second question is can i still do master cleanse after using colon cleanse for a month?i will really appreciate your honest response.

It might not seem like a big deal to substitute regular commercial brand maple syrup, but it actually is. The refinement process for commercial syrup strips it of its minerals, and while you’re on the Master Cleanse it’s important that your body gets the vital nutrition that grade B maple syrup provides.

If you can’t find grade B maple syrup my advice would be to try your local health food store. Be sure to check the product labels yourself because most store employees probably won’t know the difference between grade B maple syrup and regular maple syrup.

If you still can’t find any grade B maple syrup you can always order some online. The link below will take you to Amazon.com which sells grade B maple syrup, and offers speedy shipping. You an also do a Google search for “grade B maple syrup” which turns up a few sites selling grade B maple syrup.

If you don’t feel like ordering the syrup online the next best thing is to substitute it with organic honey.

24 Responses

  1. Tried the master cleanse and NOTHING happened. No increased energy or weight loss. n Disappointing

  2. I am about to start the mastercleanse tm. I can’t afford grade b maple syrup,is honey going to affect the cleanse at all?

  3. Hey Guys! for all you out there who are contemplating the master cleanse I have found an awesome way to lose the weight and KEEP it off without gaining the fat back afterwards. My nutritionist advised me to do the master cleanse however to do it without the maple syrup and to eat one small high protein meal a day. So for example a day on the master cleanse for me looks something like this:

    wake up and have a glass of the lemonade minus the maple syrup
    have another glass midmorning
    eat a small lunch with high protein, for example a very small piece of chicken and a few slices of cucumber ( a water based vegtable)
    continue the day with servings of the master cleanse lemonade minus the maple syrup

  4. I just found out about this cleanse and i’m eager to start! I have done research over a hundred times and what I realized is that after you lose the pounds you have to keep it off which means no jumping back to regular eating habits. The Master Cleanse is for a fresh start with our bodies and lifestyle, and if we jump back to old eating habits then the cleanse was worth less. And even though you may lose “muscle” you can surely regain it back and as for the “high fat content” you can just work it all off with exercise and the energy that you get from the Master Cleanse will help you. Wish me and everyone doing it luck you guys!

  5. I plan on starting the MC in the morning! I have been debating if I should exercise while on the cleanse. I am not sure if it is a good idea or if I should wait until I complete the cleanse.

  6. When diets like this are made, sure y loose 10, 15 pounds but the weight you lose is water weight and muscle. The fat is still there and when you eat again which you will your body will store that into fat, so ull be the same size as before you started except ull have a higher fat content.

  7. Hi i’m about to start this MC, but i carnt find maple syrup grade be or organic honey. is medium grade maple syrup ok to do the master cleanse?

  8. I haven’t began yet but what if you work a job 3-11 do i take my lemonade
    with me also,do ieat anything while i’m on this MC could i do situps,pushup;
    go to the gym.What do you eat when your 10 days up do you start a 1800 carlories or eat in portion.Please give me a answer ASAP.Thanks God Bless

  9. Hello, I’m about to start the Master Cleanser Diet and was wondering can a person that takes prescription medication for a chronic illness do this diet? I’m an epileptic and I can’t stop my medication but I need to cleanse all the toxins from my medications out of my system. Can I still do the diet and take my meds at the same time?

  10. Am the second day of MC and wondering how long I will last.Why I started 10 days before Christmas I will never know but I aready did my first salt mix this morning and I can tell they was for sure some reaction.So I will keep you all posted my current weight is 59kg and it would the best Christmas present ever to mysself if I lose even 6kg in the next ten days…

  11. I’m on day 1 of the MC and am so excited to see what happens. I’m using tap water instead of filtered, too. I’ve heard it doesn’t make a difference. My stomach already looks flatter πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  12. hi there, I just want to know what is the quantity that we must drink per day of the lemonade? And what other foods do we eat? Or we just drink the lemonade for the whole day and we dont eat anything else?? thank you so much for your reply back..
    Maribel Chadinha

  13. hi, i’m just wondering.. can i use distilled water instead of filtered water? are they the same?? thanks πŸ™‚

  14. Kroger sells the grade B Maple syrup. It’s on the same isle as the other syrups and it almost 7 dollars. It’s worth every penny for the Master Cleanse.

  15. The easiest way to do the cleanse is to read the instructions. not someones interpretation or opinions. There are instructions for diabetics written by Stanley Burroughs, he tells you exactly what to do. BlackStrap Mollasses.

    I am not familiar with spectra 12 and do not endorse them in any way, but this is the link to the protocol that I found. It is the same as the printed copy I own aside from the spectra 12 crap @ the beginning and a few spelling errors.

    Happy Cleansing

  16. Hi, I just found your blog and I love it! I am writing for a little guidance. I am on my 7th day of the Master Cleanse with 6 servings a day. I sadly have only lost 3 pounds. Is this strange? This is my third time doing the cleanse in about 3 years – the first I lost 13 pounds and the second I lost 10. My plan is to go for 14 days – do you think more weight will come off? I am very sad about this and I am not sure why this is happening. Thanks so much for your guidance! – Jane

  17. I am a diabetic and trying to get together the items for the lemonade and other supplies needed.
    I have been told that I should use molasses instead of Maple syrup.
    Are there any other things I need to be aware of before I begin.


  18. I read the book written by Stanley Burroughs and decided to hop on the detox train…. then found the secrets to being successful. In the book it tells you that honey has certain benefits but not to this diet (think about it, bees take the nectar… then regurgitate it into honey state with their own additives). The replacement for syrup if not available is molasses…..

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