A reader wrote in asking if it’s okay to use cayenne pepper capsules instead of mixing the cayenne pepper directly into the lemonade…
“Hi, I am wondering if I could take pure cayenne pepper capsules instead of putting the powder directly in my lemonade……. Please let me know! Thank you.”
While the master cleanse recipe says to mix cayenne pepper in with the lemonade, it’s okay to use cayenne pepper capsules if you have a hard time drinking the lemonade with cayenne pepper mixed in.
Just make sure you’re taking the capsules at the same time you’re drinking the lemonade, or a few minutes before and you should be fine.
I personally have never had a problem with spicy food, but for some people mixing cayenne pepper in the master cleanse lemonade makes it very hard to drink... I am on Day 1, and not feeling too bad. I am also curious to know if the Cayenne capsules are effective?…
 A reader writes in about making the lemonade ahead of time, and dealing with cayenne pepper. Hi. I was wondering if you could help me with a couple of questions. Can the lemonade mixture be made up a couple of days before starting the cleasne? The cayanne pepper burns my…
Michelle left this blog comment about making the master cleanse lemonade taste better that I thought I would share... For One gallon: 8 lemons 2 C maple syrup I see people saying the taste is terrible, and it is if you add the cayenne. Instead of adding cayenne to the…
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Mmmmm well first of all acid type substance weaken or kills capsaicin power. These include lemon, lime, orange, tomato juice. If you eat or drink an acid as above it helps stop the burn and weakens the capsaicin absorbed. Medical fact, sorry you are basically wasting most of your efforts on this cleanse. I am an herbologist just passing you something to consider. If you take capsaicin you should wait 30 minutes to one hour before taking these acid type substances for it to actually work. God bless you
if you do not plan to do at least 10 days on the master cleanse....do not even waste your time! It takes that long for the ingredients to start to melt away the mucus and toxins.....and the salt water flushes are to expel the toxins (extremely important and dangerous if they are not expelled).
Hi! The MC cleanse recommends you use one tenth of a teaspoon per glass of drink...perhaps using a full capsule is just too much for your tummy to handle! Im assuming you are ingesting one capsule per glass but adding the cayenne directly to the drink is what is called for. Its really not that bad, just make sure you mix it in and dont let it sit too long because it does seem to get "spicier".
When i go to work i prepare my lemons & maple syrup in my drinking bottles and add half a capsule to it when i am ready for it, along with the water.
I dont know if this will help anyone experiencing the discomfort from the cayenne but i hope so :-)
Btw, im on day 17 of my planned 21...I'm killing this detox! LOL! I feel great!
Good luck!
I purchased the "Cool Cayenne" caps that were 100,000 units and when I took two prior to my lemonade it created extreme nausea. I did it twice, but won't do that again. What unit value is recommended when you take the caps each drink? I can promise you it's not 100,000!!! Please let me hear as I am starting day 3 tomorrow!
Hi, i have ordered the cayenne capsules and was wondering if i could take the capsule apart at put it in my food like regular cayenne pepper.
I hav been drinking plain cayyene pepper in hot water will that also work as a detox
I am on day 3 of the diet and I have been experiencing stomach irritations about 1-2 hours after I take the cayenne pepper capsule. I bought the capsules in the store called "Wild by Nature" and according to the bottle it says that it is 100,000 heat unit, serving size 2 capsules, amount per serving 600 mg. I take 1 capsule per mixture of 10 oz water, 2 table spoons organic grade A maple syrup, 2 table spoons of fresh squeezed organic lemons. As I mentioned above that I am experiencing stomach irritations about 1-2 hours after taking the capsule. Other than that, I have trained myself to stay on this diet for 30 days as I am liking it. Am I doing this right? Please help, how do I avoid these stomach irritations?
Gastrointestinal Side Effects
Although people use cayenne pepper to treat gastrointestinal problems, the substance can cause stomach irritation in some individuals, according to PDRhealth.com. Anyone prone to heartburn should talk to a health care provider before taking cayenne pepper capsules. Individuals with irritable bowel syndrome or stomach or intestinal ulcers may not be able to safely consume cayenne pepper supplements.
Moisture Effects
The body may react to effects of capsaicin stimulation by producing extra moisture, as noted by the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC). A person taking cayenne pepper capsules may experience sweating, flushing, watery eyes and a runny nose.
Allergic Reaction
Some individuals may experience an allergic reaction to cayenne pepper. This is more likely in people allergic to avocados, bananas, chestnuts, kiwi or latex, according to PDRhealth.com. Signs include difficulty breathing, chest pain, tightness in the throat or chest, a skin rash, hives, and itchy or swollen skin. An allergic reaction to cayenne pepper capsules should be considered a medical emergency.
Kidney and Liver Issues
Consuming too much capsaicin can cause kidney and liver damage, according to the UMMC. People should not exceed recommended doses, and anyone with kidney or liver problems should not take cayenne pepper capsules.
Breast-Feeding Considerations
Breast-feeding women should not eat cayenne pepper or use cayenne supplements. The MSKCC notes that some babies have developed a skin condition called erythematous dermatitis after their breast-feeding mothers ate food flavored with cayenne. Erythematous dermatitis causes skin scaling and peeling.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/121540-side-effects-cayenne-pepper-capsules/#ixzz1bkegAXoI
cuantas veces al dia puedo tomar la clasula de cayenne
I am completing day one and I have tried the diet before but could not do it with the cayenne pepper. I went to whole foods this time and bought empty pill capsules to put my cayenne pepper in! I take one full capsule of it with each drink. I am not hungry but the thought of eating something is always there! I can't wait to be done! I love food! I already eat very healthy but miss food already! I will do 5 days max and 3 minimum if it comes down to it.