Disclaimer: Before we continue, the government requires me to tell you (under threat of imprisonment) that I’m making no claims as to cannabis’s ability to cure cancer, or any other disease. I’m merely sharing interesting information


I have lost faith in my government. I no longer feel the government is acting on our behalf, but rather serving a select few who hold the most money and power in this country. Maybe that makes me a conspiracy theorist? I don’t know. But I do believe that sick people have the right to explore alternative treatments without getting thrown in prison, especially when those treatments have helped others who suffered with the same disease.

That brings us to today’s blog post about cannabis oil.

First lets talk about the difference the between cannabis oil that is illegal in many places, and hemp oil that you can buy at most health food stores. The short version is, the hemp oil you can buy in stores doesn’t contain the stuff that gets you high. That “stuff” is cannabinoids. It’s cannabinoids that many people feel fight cancer and other diseases.

How Cannabis Oil Helps Fights Cancer

Bio-chemist Dennis Hill explains on his wonder website, cureyourowncancer.org, how the cannabinoid THC helps fight cancer…

Very simply, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it causes an increase in ceramide synthesis which drives cell death. A normal healthy cell does not produce ceramide in the presence of THC, thus is not affected by the cannabinoid.

The cancer cell dies, not because of cytotoxic chemicals, but because of a tiny little shift in the mitochondria.

Can You Get The Same Benefits By Smoking Marijuana?

According to Dr. Wai Liu, an oncologist at St. George’s University of London who studied marijuana’s medical uses, the answer is no.

When asked if smoking marijuana has the same or similar effects as ingesting the pure cannabinoid compounds he studied, Liu said he thinks it’s unlikely.

“Smoking cannabis introduces a number of potential problems,” Liu said. “First, the complex makeup of cannabis that contains about 80 bioactive substances means that the desired anticancer effect may be lost because these compounds may interfere with each other. Second, we see that delivering the drug either by injection or by a tablet would ensure the most effective doses are given. Smoking would be variable, and indeed the heat of the burning may actually destroy the useful nature of the compounds.”


Rick Simpson

Rick Simpson is a champion for the medicinal use of marijuana, and expert on cannabis oil (which many call “Rick Simpson oil”). Here’s Ricks process for making the oil yourself:

Resources To Help You Learn More

Marijuana inhibits VEGF pathway required for brain tumor blood vessels

20 medical studies done on the treatment of cancer using cannabis (be sure to read the comments on that page. There’s some very inspirational posts)

There’s two sides to every story, and using marijuana to cure cancer is no different. You’ll find some very rational skepticism in this article by Cancer Research UK


This site shows you how medical marijuana helps those suffering from Mesothelioma https://mesothelioma.net/medical-marijuana-mesothelioma/

One Response


    My husband Reuben has been suffering from stomach cancer which was confirmed to be stage 4 and the doctor told me there was little she could do since he was not responding to treatment after many rounds of chemotherapy. We were helpless and in pain. I cannot watch my husband die. I started researching for alternative natural treatment and a friend in America told me about the cannabis oil and how it cured her father in law lung cancer. I was inform to contact Medicinal Marijuana Resources through email to get the cannabis oil. I obtain the cannabis oil and my husband started using it for treatment as directed. It was easy to dose and it worked effectively. My husband stomach cancer and pain was gone and we were surprised. We went for MRI scan to be sure and it was proven by the doctor that there is no cancer cells and my husband is very healthy and free from cancer. I felt its necessary I let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a cannabis oil it can give a second chance of living.

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