Not many people know this, but you can do the master cleanse for candida like one reader has decided to do:

I am on day one and it is part of a Candida yeast cleanse. I am so thankful to find all of you because I was not sure but now have the strength to do it after reading all your post. I am at the end of the day and feeling a little weird but all is well. I weigh 122 pounds and am only 4?10 so need to be no more than 110. If any of you have any suggestions I would love to hear them. Thanks for sharing…. it really helps lift me up and over the hurdle.

Another reader asked about using the master cleanse to help with candida albicans overgrowth issues…

I am wanting to try the master cleanse for my candida albicans overgrowth issues, but I have been told and read it many places that consuming any kind of carbohydrates and sugars will only feed the candida already present in my intestinal system. My question then is that can this cleanse still work for candida sufferers, or does the maple syrup in the drink only end up feeding the candida, and therefore the cleanse is not suited for this specific type of intestinal issue? If so, should I be using stevia instead of maple syrup in the detox drink?

This is a good question, and you’re right about wanting to avoid sugar when dealing with candida. The problem with replacing the maple syrup with stevia is that you’ll be removing 90% of the calories from the lemonade which could lead to trouble if you plan on doing the cleanse for more then a few days. My advice is to make the lemonade with stevia and to also eat lots of fresh vegetables. You can also take 3 tablespoons of ground up flax seed mixed with water 3 times a day which filled with fiber and healthy fats to help give your body the fuel it needs.

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