Here’s a question from Sophia about how long should you wait after finishing the Master Cleanse before going back on it:

I just finished the Master Cleanse it was absolutely wonderful for my body. I lost 11 pounds and it felt wonderful because I did not feel bloated at all I felt so clean, it was amazing. I plan it carefully I work in my journal everyday and that helped motivate me.

I was determined to finish and I did. I told my friends what I was going to do and they were like a support group for me. I understand you cannot stay on it for more than 10-days but I do want to do it again and I was wondering I can do it. I finish Feb 9th so I was thinking if I can do it again the last 10 days of April. Please tell me if this would be too soon. The only side effect I would say I had was a bad headache and I am not sure that came from the cleanse I think it was because my office was so hot one day I had a headache, but I really enjoy being on the cleanse and I did not miss food at all.

Thanks for the great question. I’m thrilled to hear you were able to go the whole 10 days! As a general rule I like to wait 2-3 months before going back on the Master Cleanse. Of course you’re the only one who can really know if you’re ready. If the current cleanse didn’t leave you fatigued then you should have no problems going back on the cleanse after a few weeks off. Of course you should be following a clean diet in the mean time to keep your body cleansed and healthy. Here’s a post I made with some tips for what to do after the master cleanse.

5 Responses

  1. I suffered from stomach pain and burning mostly, couldn’t sleep well and just hated those extra pounds I couldn’t get rid of no matter what I did. Now I stumbled upon this system that is easy and it doesn’t require expensive medication or difficult exercises.

  2. I have been on the Master Cleanse for 6 days and taking the Psyllium and Tea as instructed. Also making the lemonade exactly as the recipe follow and drinking water as instructed. I have not had any results is that normal?

  3. I take a ton of vitamins. Can I still take vitamins while on the Master Cleanse? Also, can I drink black coffee?

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