How Much Weight Can You Lose On The Lemonade Diet

Using the lemonade diet for weight loss is a popular trend these days. Even though the lemonade diet is not…


Last Day Of The Master Cleanse

I was with friends last night and had a lengthy discussion about New Year resolutions and how most people don't…


Master Cleanse Day 6: The Art of Not Thinking About Food

It's day 6 of the New Year Master Cleanse and today I wanted to share some tips to help you…


Day 5: Half Way There

It's day 5, half way through the 10 day cleanse. I woke up today had a small craving for a…


7 Motivational Youtube Videos

I thought I would make this post and share what I think is one of the simplest ways to snap…


New Year Master Cleanse Day 3: Breaking Bad Habits

I hope everyone's having a great weekend. It's day 3 of the New Year Master Cleanse. I like to call…


New Year Master Cleanse Day 2

Whew, what a day I had. Sorry I haven't been able to post sooner but I've been so busy I…


New Year Master Cleanse Day 1

I hope you all had a good New Years eve and didn't party too hard. Today is the first day…


New Year Master Cleanse Is a Go

Wow it looks like we got a bunch of people on board to do the New Year Master Cleanse! I'll…


Keeping Your New Year Resolutions

As 2008 winds to a close I was thinking about how I could help everyone who reads this blog start…
