What It Takes To Finish The Master Cleanse

Here's a very good comment left by a reader of this blog about what it takes to finish the master…


Keeping Weight Off After The Master Cleanse

Here's a question about keeping the weight you lose on the master cleanse off... Its my first day on the…


The Salt Water Flush

I got a question today about making the salt water flush more palatable. Today is my first day on the…


Can’t Find The Maple Syrup For The Master Cleanse?

*UPDATE* There's a new grading system for maple syrup and you should no longer use Grade B maple syrup. This…


Share Your Master Cleanse Story

It's always fun and inspirational to read about other people success with the master cleanse. Here's a success story a…


Lose 20 Pounds In 30 Days

Most people know Tim Ferris as the author of the best selling business book called the 4 Hour Work Week,…


How To Lose Ten Pounds Fast

All people have the ability to lose 10 pounds fast by doing two simple things; cut 500 calories from your…


Getting Off The Master Cleanse

A big concern with the master cleanse is keeping off the weight you lost after you finish the cleanse... Hey…


Cayenne Capsules For Cleansing

I personally have never had a problem with spicy food, but for some people mixing cayenne pepper in the master…


The Master Cleanse and Weight Loss

The most common questions I get on this blog are about the master cleanse and weight loss so I thought…
