Transitioning Off The Master Cleanse
Transitioning off the master cleanse and sticking with a healthy eating plan after you finish has been giving this reader some trouble…. Hi ! I’ve tried this cleanse a couple times before and always felt great and inspired, my only problem was properly transitioning off of it, i would eat something yummy, then go wild! […]
Doing a Cleansing Diet To Lose Weight
About half the people who post comments on this blog and purchase my book want to do a cleansing diet to lose weight. Even though weight loss is a wonderful goal, and going on a cleansing diet like the master cleanse can certainly help you lose weight fast it’s important to realize that there’s are […]
3 Tips For Doing The Master Cleanse
A reader named Kerriann posted this in the comments section and I though I would share it with everyone.. Hey guys!! Congratulations to everyone who has initiated/ is doing the cleanse. This is my second time. I’m on day 5 and Ive lost 7 lbs!!! I’m used to eating fatty foods and my desire for […]
Headaches On The Master Cleanse
When you first start the master cleanse you can sometimes experience some unpleasant side effects like this reader who’s experiencing headaches… I’m on day one of the MC. I started to get a headache around 7pm and it’s grown steadily worse. It’s now 1am and I’m off to bed. I added 1/2tsp. to the 1/2 […]
Supplements While On The Master Cleanse
Here’s a question about taking vitamins and other supplements while doing the master cleanse… Hi, I am intrigued by your fast/diet plan. I intend to do it (just as soon as I can find a friend or two to commit to it with me). I am currently doing the dual-action cleanse, but am not getting […]
Eliminating Waste On The Master Cleanse
Today someone wrote in asking why they’re not eliminating as much waste as they thought they would on the master cleanse… I have written several times on this site for your help, as it said to do in your book, and it has been 3 days with no answer. I bought your book and spent […]