You’d never guess a fermented, vinegar like drink could be this good

If you were given a jar of Kombucha and didn’t know what it was, you would dump it down the drain. Kombucha is made by fermenting tea using a colony of bacteria and yeast called a SCOBY. Sounds gross right? Surprisingly no. Kombucha’s an acquired taste, but most people come to love it. It’s sweet, but […]

The Government Will Pay You To Start a Local Farm

Here’s a couple of resources that will help you get government grants to start your own local farm. Local farming is something I am passionate about supporting, and I hope you are too, because if we don’t support local farmers our food supply will be completely controlled by companies like Monsanto. If you have any […]

The Joy of Juicing: Here’s the full movie (FREE)

The Joy of Juicing by Gary Null, is a wonderful film that explores the many benefits of juicing, and exposes the evil and greed of the junk food peddlers and pill pushers. Use the Facebook & Twitter buttons below to share this with your friends.

“I am on Day 6 and down 11 pounds”

Here’s a comment left by a reader. Let this inspire everyone getting in shape for the new year by doing the master cleanse… I am on Day 6 and down 11 pounds. I feel amazing and have so much energy. I have gotten so much organizing and cleaning done since I started, to keep my […]

10 Uplifting Reasons Why You Should Start The Master Cleanse Today

With so many diets, systems, and expensive fitness gadgets available it might seem like a decades old cleansing program could be outdated. As you read the following list I think you’ll understand why people like myself, other natural health experts, and many celebrities, still choose the trusty ol’ Master Cleanse over the latest gimmicks that […]

Why Earthships are cheap, sustainable, and awesome gives us 10 reasons why Earthships are awesome. Here’s a snippet from the article and a few pictures… When people hear about sustainable, off-the-grid living, they usually picture primitive homes divorced from the comforts of the 21st century. And rightfully so, as most sustainable solutions proposed until now have fit that description. Earthships, however, […]