Categories: Monsanto

Boycotting Monsanto Made Easy With ‘Buycott’ App

A buycott is the opposite of a boycott. Buycott helps you to organize your everyday consumer spending so that it reflects your principles.

Are you tired of the dirty politics and corporate bullying from companies like Monsanto and Koch Industries?

I know I am, but trying to boycott their products is almost impossible because they have their dirty tendrils in almost every product on our grocery store shelves.

That’s where the Buycott app comes in.

The Buycott app (currently available for Apple devices and coming soon to Android) lets you know which corporations are involved with the products you buy. All you do is scan the bar code and Buycott does the rest. You can also create custom campaigns that let you avoid companies who don’t share your personal values, and support those who do.

To see the full list of features, and download the app (it’s free) please visit their website http://www.buycott.com


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