Yearly Physical After Doing The Master Cleanse (Results)

Here’s an inspiring story from one of our readers about visiting the doctor after doing the Master Cleanse…


Yes, I finished the master cleanse! I followed it to the letter for all ten days! I’ve done it 3 times so far. Each time I felt invigorated, so full of energy! I was curious about what was going on with my body when I did. So, I did the cleanse around the time I knew I’d be going to the doctor for my yearly physical. To my surprise and delight, my numbers came back great! Not one single element was off: blood pressure, fine (although I do take bp medicine); vitamin levels, fine!; ldl-hdl, fine!; iron stores, fine!, etc. I’d recommend this cleanse to any and everyone!

Thanks so much for following up!

Cathy Jo

I always love to hear stories like this.

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