Tips For Eliminating Waste During The Master Cleanse

Purging your body of all the built up fecal plaque, phlegm, and other garbage is one of the best reasons to do the master cleanse. But it doesn’t always happen right away.

Sometimes you don’t eliminate solid waste until a few days into the cleanse. Don’t worry if you don’t see solid waste coming out right away. Remember your stomach will be empty after the first day of drinking only lemonade and water, and it will take a while for the hardened internal waste to start to break free and be eliminated from your body.

For me the best eliminations (if you can call them that) have come after the first solid meal I eat after I finish the master cleanse diet. It’s like that first whole meal just pushes all the junk out of your intestines.

But there are some things you can do to help the process along. Here’s some tips for better eliminations:

* Use a natural fiber supplement like phylum husk in addition to the other laxatives. You can buy psyllium husk in capsules or in a bulk powder.

* Do some light exercises. Don’t strain your self, but try to get your body moving.

* Massage you belly. This ones kind of silly, but it works. Sit ups are also good.

* Drink lots of water, or better yet drink warm water because it’s not so constricting and does a better job at flushing waste through your system.

* Practice deep breathing a couple times a day. You would be surprised at how much tension you carry in your body. Try to make a concentrated effort to breath deeply and relax the core of your body.

I hope this helps, and if anyone has some tips for better eliminations they would like to share feel free to post them.

If you noticed I haven’t been posting to this blog much it’s because I’ve been busy with a new master cleanse book I put together. It’s gotten lots of positive feedback from readers. You can pick up a copy by going to master cleanse book

If you had a chance to read it I’d love to hear what you think.


View Comments (186)

  • hello all, i finished day 3 yuhu...everyday with a nice workoutroutine... 30 min run, 30 min abs...yoga and then swimm in the ocean...i feel great, but still craving uhhhh but fresh not greasy food. Now BM none today eventough this morning SWF ...which worked on day 2. But i noticed today i mixed differently , since my boyfriend told me to do the proper measure( 10 oz 2 teaspoons salt)....yesterday when it worked, i did the concentrated way....with just 4oz water...yuk...but its send me straight. So since i m a bit frustraited... i just did the concentraighted SWF again tonight...and my body reacted straight away...i guess...i need the kick...rather than the smooth version...thank for all the comments btw...they help:)

  • you can also use chia seeds ..just add them to your lemonade it works perfectly and it's only fiber so it won't ruin your diet

  • Hi,
    I would like to order a copy of your Master Cleanse book however I do not have access to a credit card. May I pay using a bank draft?


  • This is the second time I am doing the Master Cleanse. The first time I did it I felt amazing. I was glowing. Everyone was asking what I was doing! For Rebekah, the first day was ok, the second day I was saying can I really do this, after the third day was over I figured I can't waste what I have already accomplished. I than felt really strong. I was not hungry and I felt better. I also started thinking a lot about food. and cravings. Than where I was working they were passing around jellybeans . I grabbed a handful not even thinking! Than I am realizing that the food thing is really all in my head! I got over it and moved on. I didn't eat the jellies. This time around there are no food trips going on. I had to really get myself in the mood to do it the second time. Sometimes I get light headed, a little weak , I am not sure about the heartburn, If you can get past the first three days I am sure that your symptoms will go away. Make sure you are doing a flush or the tea, it is extremely important. Try to keep active or make this time about other things. Like take your focus off food. Know you will feel amazing! I know you can do it!

  • just finished the master cleanse for 14 days and lost 11.5 pounds very happy with my results, only have 25 more pounds to go and I will be at my goal weight where my bmi is in a healthy range...

  • I am 55 years old and this is my first cleanse ever. Day two was the worst. I think I had every possible symptom-felt sick, entire body ached and the headache was beyond description. Woke up day three feeling if e and have felt better and better every day since. I am a hopeless insomniac but have been sleeping great for 4 nights. I'm on day seven now. I'm not having bowel movements but I'm peeling A LOT. I'm thinking of staying on the cleanse a few extra days. I wish I were having more BMs but I know it's working because I feel better than I have in years!

  • Please someone help , I did tea las nite n had like little little balls this afternoon but that was it , would the cleanse be pointless if I'm not eliminating ?

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