I had some free time on my hands this week so I decided to give my main master cleanse website a makeover.
The old site was kind of plain and hard to navigate. For the new design gave it a fancy blue background, moved the newsletter sign up to the top of the page, and added some of the more popular links such as how to finish the master cleanse and detoxing your colon to the main navigation.
I’ve got some more design tweaks planned, but what are your thoughts so far?
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Last year I completed the master cleanse. After the fourth day my hunger pain went away but my blood pressure skyrocketed from not taking my blood pressure medicine. I stayed on the cleanse
with meds and finished after 10 days. I felt extremely empowered after losing about 18 pounds.
this year I have developed pre diabetes and wanted feedback from any experienced professional about doing the cleanse. I had set out to be medication free but the cleanse did not provide better health and well being.
I just lost some weight from fasting.
I am not overweight 6'1" 200 lbs
I am sooooo interested in starting the MC but I want to know as much as I can about it 1st. I want to do it successfuly!! I must know the dangers and the food/protien that is safe to eat while on the MC.. If someone can foward me that info ASAP that wld be Great!!
I ordered wheat grass supplements that you suggest on Master Cleanse SecretsProduct: Wheat Grass, Organic, 500mg (300 tablets)
from Whole Health Products. I read that they suggest 10 tablets per day, with meals. Of course I am drinking leonade only and wonder how I should take these supplements?
Thanks , Heidi