
My name is Raylen Sterling,

Growing up I was not in the best of health. I was raised by a single mom who did the best she could, but often was so busy that at least one meal a day was take out or fast food. For snacks I would eat chips and soda.

As a result I was overweight as a kid. Actually I was obese. I remember my pediatrician telling my mom that if I kept gaining weight at my current pace I would likely not live to see 35 years old. As a result I was put on a diet, but after a few weeks of trying to keep me on a healthy diet eating in our house went back normal.

I was about 100 pounds overweight by the time I was 19 when I decided to take massive action, and finally lose weight. You might be wondering what was it that would drive a 19 year old to finally go on a diet. Was it good health? No, it was girls. It might not be the most noble reason, but for a teenager it was a powerful motivator.

I did the thing everyone tells you not to do to lose weight. I slashed my food intake to about 600 calories a day, and boy did I lose a lot of weight. 11 pounds in the first week. Close to 70 pounds after 3 months. But it was taking it’s toll.

I was famished, sleeping about 11 hours a day, and I was light headed.

My current 600 calorie a day diet was not good for me so I decided to eat a healthy 2,500 calorie a day diet, which for a guy like me who likes to workout, and lift weights should be perfect. But the only problem was the 3 months spent starving myself had lowered my metabolism, so when I starting eating a “normal” diet I still ended up gaining weight (about 35 pounds).

That weight loss attempt taught me a valuable lesson. I learned to never jeopardize my health in pursuit of good health. It sounds like common sense, but every day I see people taking drastic, even dangerous measures to achieve good health. Even with the Master Cleanse there are people who stay on this restrictive diet for longer than a month!

Today, I’m proud to say that I have lost weight, and I am healthy. By using the Master Cleanse for what it’s intended for – to purge unhealthy waste from my body, and help break my junk food addiction I was able to get my weight under control and finally feel good about myself.

The Master Cleanse is not easy, and if you want lasting results you’ll need to eat healthy after the cleanse, but the beauty of the Master Cleanse is how much improvement you will see in a short period of time.

If you’re curious about the Master Cleanse take a minute and read some of the comments below which are left by people from all walks of life, and feel free to add your own comments – I would love to hear from you.


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  • I'm at the end of the 9th day. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be...the first four days were the most challenging. After, that it was ok. My biggest issue was my stomach cramping from the laxative teas Smooth move and Gentle Ease. I have lost some weight and noticeable inches. I'm not sure how many pounds because I no longer have a scale. But, I intend to weigh soon. I don't think I eliminated as much as I should have. I drunk as much water as I could usually around a 64 - 80 ounces. I just couldn't do anymore. I'm actually going to do 12 days. I will report back on my 12 day. Thanks for all the information it was helpful in getting started and getting me through the cleanse.

  • I just have one question, before doing the Master Cleanse I have been on low carb, and I have been on the cleanse now for 10 days now and have 4 more days to go. What I am most concerned about is the first day after the cleanse, I know it states to drink OJ and lots of water, I dont have a problem with the water as I do drink plenty throughout the day, is their something low carb I can substitute for the OJ?

  • I started my ease in day today day one, I did not get a water filter as of yet I purchased purified water will this work? so wish me luck I have fasted before but this will be a new level for me!

  • what are the proportions for the salt water flush. from what ive read the am is the best time to take it. i am thinking about doing the MC.

  • Hi I just wanted to say that after staying on the MC for ten days and Thirteen pounds lighter I want to continue think the MC drink during the day, and have one healthy meal at dinner time. Id liked to do this got a few months. Is this a healthy idea?

    Please advise if you think this will ok to do: drink the MC during the day and have one healthy meal in the evening for at least 30 days?

    Thank you,

  • Whats a blog without interaction?
    Lot of questions no answers..should be a reply button for each comment.
    I'm now on day day 10 and have dropped 16 lbs
    My problem is that I can't sleep well on this fast??? Wake up at 3am wide awake.

    • Hi barry,

      I'll typically answer the questions with a separate blog post.

      You can use the search box on the left quickly find what you're looking for.


  • WooHOOOOOO!!!!! Today is my last day, the tenth, of my 1st ever cleanse. I had to try it and I'm glad that I did. It has given me the opportunity to show my discipline. There were a few moments that I had to run away from the kitchen, but over all it's not as tough as I was led to believe. Instead of the tea, I made the really big mistake of taking Metamucil. I stopped it a few days ago, but I'm sure it's effects will linger for a while. Jesus and Moses went into the desert for 40 days and forty nights without food or drink, and I can see myself doing this for that long, just not this time. Maybe next lent....

  • Hi there I am starting the MC cleanse today .... I am going on vacation in 14 days so I really want to loose weight and change my diet to healthy eating :) good luck to all

  • Denise,
    OK here's my story. I am incredibly psyched to start the MC. Must wait until after Super Bowl Sunday for obvious reasons! My plan is to begin with the pre-start for 3 days and then start the MC on the 4th day in earnest. My goal is to complete 10 days. For the past 4 months, I've completely changed how I view what I put into my body once I saw the positive changes. It started with the Heart & Body Extract from Healthy Hearts Club (a tincture taken under the tongue 3x a day) and then I followed that up with a very simple protein/green food meal replacement drink (recipe from a holistic cardiologist). That smoothie is my breakfast every morning. With just those two changes, I've managed to avoid this dreadful flu going around the office even though everyone around me has gotten sick. The swelling in my joints has gone down substantially, all my numbers are where they should be, high blood pressure gone, sleeping through the night, so much more energy than I've had in a long time and my skin has cleared so much that my co-workers have even complimented me on it. I've followed this up with trying to alkalize my diet more so that I'm less acidic because sickness and disease love an acidic environment. I've already experienced my craving for caffeine lessen dramatically. I was a tall thermos of java drinker every morning and now, I can only drink about half of that and feel like I'm not even enjoying it so much. So I feel like the next natural progression is to do this Master Cleanse. If I can stick with it, I'd like to do this once a quarter. I love reading everyone's experiences! All I can think is that I'll be spending a pretty penny on all these LEMONS!!! Just wondering if I can switch it up with a lime every now and then? BTW, lemons and limes are considered an alkaline fruit. Although they're citrus and so naturally, they go in acidic, after your system digests it, they leave behind an alkaline ash which helps to balance out your body's ph level. How cool is that? Anyway, I'll blog again once I'm underway - I hope my experience will be as good as the ones I've read here!

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