You Don’t Have To Be Perfect To Benefit From The Master Cleanse

The following is a post from a reader of this blog which I thought would benefit those of you who think you have to follow the master cleanse to the letter in order to reap any benefits…

I started the MC right after Ash Wednesday as a form of Fasting, little did I know that it benefited me a lot:

1) My painful knee got diminished

2) My cholesterol level was normalized

3) I could zipped up my jeans without trying hard and

4) I finally realized that I am a person with good discipline…even though I am the one preparing meals for my family I could control my appetite because I have always Jesus in mind “He wasn’t been tempted by Satan to turn stones into bread”…but I know this MC could not be perfectly realized without asking for the Divine intervention of God…I lose only 10 lbs for 10 days because I couldn’t tolerate the salt water flush in the morning..the first day I drank it I vomited and felt really sick inside..the following days I just used organic peppermint tea..and just like the others who experienced “no bowel movement for three days” I also experienced that…After the 10th day, that was the chance I moved a lot after eating apple and lettuce…I felt refreshed after that…to date, I am not taking rice but only bread or sweet yam as substitute and found out that I am beginning to gain weight again…my food consist of fruits and vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, zucchini, spinach, pechay, broccoli (steamed), tomatoes, sweet pepper) and I also go for fish….I am planning to go for it after 3 months…if I did it the first time, I could the next time..by the way, my daughter, Dorina, was on MC, again and she felt great…but she discard the maple syrup since she presumed that maple syrup, itself, is fattening…


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  • Hi,l'm starting my detox tommorrow and l want to find out if lhave to do the salt flush everyday for ten days,can l use green tea as a substitute

  • Hi, I'm ready to start the MC. I went to the supermarket and bought the lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup but as I was reading on the label and searching for grade b syrup I couldn't find it! It doesn't say if its grade a or grade b, but I bough it anyways, how do I know if it's grade b? Also can I use water from the filter I have at home instead of buying it? One more question I'm drinking 2 pills for Tb every single day for four months, can I still do the MC without affecting my treatment? OHHH and how much is 60 oz of water exactly? How many times a day should I drink this?

  • Hi, today is my first time and first day starting the MC. I plan to do it for 10 days. I used 100% lemon juice instead of fresh squeezed lemons and pure nestle bottled water instead of filtered water. Is that okay??? Tomorrow i plan to use non organic fresh squeezed lemons and continue with the pure nestle purified water. I read somewhere that purified water and non organic lemons was okay to use. Is it? At what intervals should i drink the concoction? Also, I've read somewhere that this MC can strip the body of good bacteria so is it okay to take a probiotic supplement following the first day of ending the MC? or Yogurt? Should or will i see parasites during a bowel movement? Someone put a pic of his bowel movement online with parasites in it... I know EWHH Nasty and Scary Right??? Is it okay to exercise or walk on treadmill while on the MC? Will I have loose skin along with the weight loss provided by the MC? Help Me Please Someone!!!! Thanks.

  • Hi I started the master cleanse today,
    i'm curious as to why grade a maple syrup and not grade b?
    also I've heard that eating lettuce, celery, and clear broths with no fat or salt are fine , b/c its mostly water ... is it true and will it have much affect to the cleanse or weight loss?

  • Is MC ok for Gastric Bypass patients? I had my GB 5 years ago and wanted to do the MC to re-charge my body. Also, can stevia be used instead of the maple syrup?

  • Hello, I have done extensive research on MC prior to starting it. I started 2 days
    ago officially but before then I had been taken herbal laxative tea and even capsule capt. Did that help any? And my BM is almost completely liquid. Is this a good sign? I do feel a certain level of discomfort but nothing too severe. I hope this is also a good sign. I am grateful for this blog because I will need lots of guidance on my MC journey...

  • It is worth it no matter how long you can do it for. Optimum would be to go 2 to 3 days past the time you stop pooping but any amount of time you can give your body a break is good Do not use Aunt Jamimas maple syrup, order it online or use unpasturized honey.

  • I was wondering that too, Im in a marching band were at the begining of the season so we only meet up once a week, and to do the MC between practices and the four days to get off of it, I'd only beable to do it for three days at the most, is it still worth it?

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