When You Should Stop The Master Cleanse

Hi all: Here is a reader’s Master Cleanse experience. It will help you know when it might be a good time to stop the Master Cleanse.

I began the Master Cleanse Sunday, after reading about it two days previously and I got to day 3! I set out with a goal of 6-7 days, being petite and a healthy god weight, and everyone telling me “But, you’re tiny, “DO NOT lose weight, yada, yada. yada, I still wanted to do this just for a few days to see how I went, and test my will-power and inner strength ???? And obviously as I really wanted a cleanse! I gave up smoking January the 17th , so this was another reason, for wanting and feeling the need to rid my body from extra filth! Here is my progress. I apologize now for the crude content, but feel it is beneficial to others to know what to expect! Anyway here is my diary I kept on a daily basis.

Day one: Woke up late (11:30am) being a Saturday. Took the salt water flush at 12 noon, waited 30 minutes, then had a lemon drink. Feeling OK so far. Another lemon drink an hour later, and no hunger pangs. Got through the day keeping myself occupied researching, reading loads on cleansing. Went to bed after taking 2 X Senna tablets. Only one solid bowel movement all day.

Day Two: Woke up 7am, took the salt water flush (harder today, made me gag) got it down, waited 30 minutes, took the lemon drink. Took another an hour later, no bowel movement yet. Lunch time came, another lemon drink, feeling OK, trying to get my hands on some grade 2 Maple Syrup, as I only have 1/4 of a jar of it left (mine is Pure Canadian grade A, I am told that’s fine). Rang the health-food store, the woman is kindly keeping one aside for me to collect tomorrow.

Get to 6pm, family home, I cook my daughter jacket potato with chicken and cheese and everything else, my son had hot-dogs with lashings of ketchup and American mustard, then chicken, bacon and cheese toasties, I then made my daughters friend thick toasted bread with thick cheese melted on top, made them both chocolate milkshakes, and took it up to them, hell!

My partner asked how I could possibly bear to make all this food when I cannot eat myself! Well it keeps me busy and it is the closest I am going to get to food The smell was enough to curb my temptation, and I think: ‘Is it really worth sticking a chunk of this cheese in my mouth for 1 minute of loveliness, and therefore undo all I have done on the MC so far? Quite simple – NO! Quite chuffed with myself for not surrendering Went to bed at 10.30 hungry and salivating over a Double Whopper, Cheese Burger, some crisps, or even some Marmite on toast! But I slept well.

Day Three: Woke at 7am, took the salt water flush (this time added more salt as of not having had one loose bowel movement so far, only a slightly solid motion) I then sat on my laptop for Approx: 45 minutes, felt an urge and broke wind unexpectedly, and “Oops!” soiled my PJ bottoms – I know…..gross! :/ I race to the shower! Then I go and sit on the loo, and have my first proper bowel movement – feeling the urge again now………..BRB!

2 minutes later: That was serious bum-pee! Sorry to be crude, but I feel this is totally necessary and a lot of people may want to know this, I know I did! I was getting concerned that I hadn’t had a bowel movement in two days from starting the MC, and wanted reassurance So here it is, reassurance, bum-pee galore on day 3! Now I am having my first lemon drink of the day – oops another urge!…….

3 minutes later: Well another huge bum-pee! I wonder how much more is left in me! 0_o I will sit here for a while and wait for the urge again! They were right when they said not to go out within the first 2 hours of drinking the salt water flush, and to make sure you are right by a loo! Oh dear, off I go again………..

2 minutes later: Another huge bum-pee, it reminds me of babies poop! I have never pooped this much in my life (except when I had Norovirus) so my body is certainly having a great clean out! Feels pretty good! And now another urge!…………….

1 minute later: Still the same amount coming out :/ I hope this is not going to go on too long as I do kind of need to pop out and get that maple syrup, and some more lemons soon!

Went out an hour later (after no toilet stops in that time) and bought my maple syrup, another load of lemons and some lax-tea and came straight back home! Had one more slight bowel movement an hour after I got home, but very small, so I think that is the majority out, “Alleluia!”. Had my third lemon drink, 3-5 more to go – depending on how I feel, as it can be quite bloating :/ Off for a nap now!

Day 4: Woke up 7am, decided to have one last salt water flush at 8am, just to clear out any final matter. I am now just waiting for happenings! I have decided to call it a day with the cleanse (which I have read lots on and take on board it is not really a cleanse as of consuming approx: 944 calories within 24 hours as of the Maple Syrup and lemon juice combined). So I think my body is telling me that it has had enough already, and I listened to some good advice that this is the best time to stop if I am going to stop early,,,,as if I am to gain anything from the MC, it would only be in the first two or three days anyway:)

So I am happy with that! Muscle loss and lack of fiber and all that worried me! Just so some are aware, you DO NOT lose fat, you are losing water and muscle! Seriously it may feel like you are losing fat, but it is really not, which is why you may see some sagging in areas after a while. Anyway I knew this from the word go, and as I wanted to cleanse, more than lose weight, it wasn’t an issue whether it was fat/muscle/water I was losing! In fact losing some water-retention was good with me!

Anyway, I do not feel (like some have mentioned they feel) a loser, or disappointed in only making it three days, I think that is good going! It took determination and will-power at it’s strongest and I know I have done some good, and it is more than doing nothing.

I have broken the cleanse gently by having some All Bran with just warm water, and “WOW” it tasted mighty fine! I then some orange juice later, some raw veggies and then tonight some home-made veggie soup, and organic brown rice, nothing added! I have had some spoons out of the pot and my taste buds have come to life again and my poor stomach is thanking me! ????

I am proud I made it this far and in the future I plan on doing a 24 hr ,every other day proper fast, no Maple Syrup, just lemon water Following this advice:

Half of the calories consumed are from fructose (a poison) without its antidote (fiber).

With all that sugar, there’s no rest for the liver, no period of catabolism without anabolism. Studies of fasting have shown tremendous benefits from zero calorie intake for sustained periods, ideally 24 hours.

There’s no fiber in the intestine, especially after 10 days of only sugar water, to bind toxic chemicals like PCBs and dioxins released from fat cells. Fiber escorts toxins out of the body and prevents the bad guys from finding targets and creating victims.

Glutathione is depleted after about 24 hours of fasting. Without its replenishment, the body’s natural ability to detoxify is seriously hampered.

Speaks volumes and makes a lot of sense to me. Anyway the end result I do feel better, much more energized and have also lost about 4Lbs in the 3 days – that is way enough for me! Plus. I have never had spots and today my cheeks are covered in a rash with pimples :/ Also I have leg pain, I guess muscle loss, and a horrid white tongue :/

Best of luck to anyone else doing the MC, I am glad I tried it, but when your body is saying “Enough” , then it is time to stop the Master Cleanse!

In the future I am doing a proper fast, 24 hours fasting and then 1 day of eating healthy, and so on… my parents do this and they have lost 2 stone between them in a month – but in a much healthier way!

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