Here’s a very good comment left by a reader of this blog about what it takes to finish the master cleanse.
The Master Cleanse really works!!! (IF) you can stick with it…. trust me… the first 2-3 days are the toughest! My mind began playing tricks on me… I kept thinking to myself that this cleanse is intended to kill someone lol but after succeeding on my first attempt (14 days without the ease in phase) I actually didn’t ease out after day 14 which is something I should have done…. I was lucky not to have suffered from not doing so. Anyways… once you get to day 4 you’ll feel like you’ve overcome the hardest part…. day 7 you’ll begin to feel like you’ve conquered the world (as you will have already completed half of the journey) I lost a total of 22 lbs (almost 23)…. I would recommend The Master Cleanse to anyone. There are only a few requirements needed in order to pursue to cleanse.
1) Will power
2) DeterminationStick with it! I am more convinced that this truly does work. It’s amazing. I actually had to shop for a new wardrobe after I completed my cleanse (money well spent and very worth it)
I encourage anyone who needs a boost or a jump-start to do the Master Cleanse. I start again in the morning. I plan on going for at least 14 days but I want to try and go 21 this time. I always keep a 1-liter jug with me at all times and sip on it frequently…. this way you always stay full throughout the day.The first few days of the salt-water flush are kinda tough and a bit (painful- due to stomach pain while passing the waste) but it’s very worth it. You’ll start passing less and the days progress (meaning, less poop)
BE SURE TO DRINK A CUP OF HOT TEA (that contains Senna) every night before you go to sleep… this will get everything moving and ready for the following morning when you have to do the SWF.Good Luck to me tomorrow and to everyone else doing the Master Cleanse. It really does change your life (and your clothes size)
View Comments (10)
Do you lose arm fat in this diet?
Hi..I am on day 7 of the cleanse..I plan 2 go 16 days then do the ease out..its all a mind thing u can do it!!!
I just saw a comment saying that over 1mo is not healthy. When I was first introduced to the master cleanse I was informed that the first time should be 21-40 days (the longer the better the first time) and that this should be repeated 2 times per year for a shorter amount of time. Am I mistaken?
Clarification...I started on Tuesday December 1st, so today was DAY 5
I'm on day 4, 8-12 glasses of the lemonade mixture per day, did 12 day 1, almost 12 day 2, and progressively I am able to do less and less. I am not hungry--not that I wouldn't like to munch on something ;)...but I just cant swallow more liquid. Today (day 5) I did 6. Also, I am only having one BM in the AM --with herbal laxative tea each night (and it is a small/medium bm). Prior to cleanse I had problems and only had 1 BM every 3 days or so. Suggestions. Im aiming for the full 40 days!
LOL that last mg is not me... haha cant you find yourself an own nickname... lol.
Can you use agave nectar instead of maple syrup? or is there anything else besides maple syrup, I don't like the taste of the maple syrup.
Is it okay to use golden syrup as opposed to maple syrup, since i cannot find maple syrup where i live.?
I would never suggest a 14 year old do ANY sort of fast unless supervised by a doctor!
Hello, I was wondering if there is any agelimit on this diet? I am fourteen and my body mass index is at 26,5. I am concerned about loosing my period, so can you tell me what to do? and do you have to buy the book too? I live in europe and I am not old enough to buy one, since I dont have a visa card or something like that. I am about 163-4 cm tall and my weight is 70 kg. Can you please answer quickly because I am going on a vacation in 11 days. Thanks :