Is The Master Cleanse Easy? H#LL No! But It’s So Worth It

A passionate reader has a few encouraging words about the Master Cleanse…

Please don’t believe the hype, people. Just when the “official” medical associations “denounce” something, THAT is the point of which you need to do your own research INTO that something.

The medical industry is all about MONEY. If they can keep you sick, it not only means more money in the pockets of all who work in the field, but even more money to the big wigs who make the real decisions on how the tables turn.

I, personally, along with several friends have been doing the Master Cleanse for over a decade, and I don’t care if Stanley Burroughs (creator of the Master Cleanse) himself told me it’s bunk because let me tell you… IT WORKS AND WORKS WELL.

I could give a hoot less on the PR of this thing. I am only speaking out on this because I am living proof that it works and I’d hate to see someone who could truly benefit from this pass it by because of bad advise.

Just because your body passes some undesirable stuff does NOT mean the fast is making you sick.

You must remember that during the fast (IF YOU ARE DOING IT CORRECTLY TO BEGIN WITH) your body is passing/eliminating toxins. You will probably FEEL sick during this passing, but you will feel better once the toxins have been fully eliminated.

In fact, the effects of what you are ingesting travel to your problem areas and begin to heal them. For instance, I had a tender problem area in my upper back. I felt pain in my upper back (in that one, particular problem section only) on the second day of the fast. On that third day, the pain was gone. After the fast was completely over, I had no more pain, period.

That is just how the fast operates. MOST people DO NOT follow directions carefully and end up complaining that the fast doesn’t work. No…your FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS skills don’t work. With anything of THIS magnitude, you have to be disciplined. If you are not, plan to fail. It is just that simple. Isn’t that with ANYTHING important, though?

Success is NOT for everybody in the first place. If it were, everyone would be rich, healthy and prosperous and there would be no difference in the masses.

This is something YOU have got to get up off your buns and WORK at – actually CARE ABOUT. It takes effort. You are human. You are NOT a machine. Therefore, there are days you want to give up, HATE the Master Cleanse and desire food. However, only those who press on and complete the goal will succeed with this!

This cleanse is NOT for the weak-spirited.

It is HARD, because you are doing something to your body that it is not used to. You have been programmed by the masses – advertising and big business (medical industry, etc.) that you only need food to survive.

Are you kidding me? You should SEE all of the food, medicine and beverage recalls I get in my Inbox on a daily basis. You don’t EVEN want to really know what this stuff is doing to us!! OF COURSE the Cleanse is denounced because if you are healthy, then you have no NEED to visit the doctor’s office every other week, shelling out in excessive co-pays, in addition to hefty medical costs for services and prescriptions you probably wouldn’t need if you weren’t on the ridiculous food laced with chemicals and medicine they prescribed for you to BEGIN with.

Same reason the products of many natural health experts are denounced and put to shame. It would mess up the money of SO many greedy individuals.

Is the Master Cleanse easy? H#LL NO, this cleanse is not “easy”, but it is SO worth it

I’ve lost weight, my skin is flawless, I am an active vegetarian now and I’ve remained healthy with no problems for over 15 years of doing this cleanse.

Think what you want. The world is chocked full of educated fools. Let me clarify. I am speaking on people with degrees and book smarts but no d**n common sense. So WHAT Stanley Burroughs may not have had fifteen degrees? What he DID have, was a recipe to help people with health problems and people who wanted to improve their overall quality of life that doesn’t cost you over $30 to complete.

Deal with it.

Do your OWN research. Go and physically talk to those who have actually DONE this cleanse – not those only providing opinions on what they think because they don’t have anything else better to do. Go and talk to those NATURAL health experts who are 70 years of age, but still LOOK 46 because of what they know to be true. SEE the proof YOURSELF. Talk to those who HAVE the experience – not just plaques on the wall from umpteen years of school.

THEN make your decision.

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