The following question was sent in by a reader concerned about the possible dangers of going on the Master Cleanse…

I really want to try the master cleanser. But I am petrified. I had one person tell me that she had heard of many people getting very sick off the master cleanse and that it is dangerous. That alone scared me. But I still very much want to try it.

I had gotten a read about the master cleanse from a health food store and it was from the book of Stanley Borroughs. It said nothing of the salt water flush or a laxative. But when the lady gave me the read she told me herself that if you start to feel cramping you should take a light laxative. So my question is… is it absolutely necessary for the salt water flush? And I very much want to get my health back in order. I’m only 20 years old and very overweight. Please give me some personal insight. Thank you very much.

First of all I want to say that you should always check with a health professional before doing the master cleanse if you have any health concerns. That said it’s likely that they won’t have a favorable opinion of the Master Cleanse, or any other natural approach to health but most doctors are good people and they do have your best interests in mind.

About the salt water flush, it is optional. It will help, but if you can do the Master Cleanse without it. I’ve written about some other techniques you can use to eliminate waster here  cleanse your body

73 Responses

  1. I’ve done this detox about 4 times now and have realized a lot. Things to remember, if your sluggishness stays around its because you are eliminating slowly. If you are eliminating slowly, drink more water and more juice to detox faster. Everytime you pee, or pewp you are eliminating, and any liquids you put in assist in that process. The lemonade breaks up goo in your intestines, and release toxins. Also, because you are fasting you aren’t getting too many calories, and are probably burning some fat just from being awake. Take into consideration that fat is the number one place the body likes to store toxins when it is in “coping” mode, where its no longer healing, and just trying to get by.

    So, stick it out through the first couple days, and make sure you drink as much juice and water as possible. To be entirely honest, it can be expensive if you’re a student like me, but it works so much better and faster to have it constantly going through you. Some might say its unhealthy or bad, but I drink between 15 and 25 glasses of this stuff a day while doing it now. I learned my lesson after my second cleanse where on the 5th day i quit and ate a bag of lays chips and dip, and then got chinese fast food. I felt so sick and constipated, and guilty to boot. I felt so bad I continued to eat unhealthy food and my body was in worse shape.

    Look at it this way, if you jump right back into unhealthy food in the middle of the cleanse without giving yourself some time to recoup after, you’re hurting your body more. You have to be committed to the exit process if you can’t do the cleanse. Know this before you start. Honestly, quitting mid cleanse like this is driving a car home form the mechanic before they put the lug nuts on after changing the tire. You just dont do it.

    As for health concerns and doctors “denouncing” it, the fact of the matter is that it works for some people. Maybe it doesn’t for others, but it works for me. I feel great after doing it. Maybe I am swimming in endorphins and my body is fighting bad things off “psychosomatically” because I am “challenging myself” and focusing on my health. Who knows… but I don’t know why any doctor would turn down such an inexpensive and natural method.

    And mel’s kinda right, the healthcare industry really has been changed into a business and no longer has your health as their primary concern. If you want to read about it from a doctor who doesnt support the master cleanse, or the healthcare system, read Alejandro Yunger’s book called “Clean”. It might be a more reasonable way to cleanse your body. It does so by balancing pH levels in your body, and using the different levels to their cleansing advantage. The master cleanse is still easier and cheaper imho.

  2. @P doctors are against it bc it doesn’t use their medicine or their drugs (like the ones with many side effects on TV but yet people are convinced its healthier than lemons and salt) the master cleanse consists at washing your intestines and YES you CAN eat fruits and veggie, its even encouraged. What ever BS you heard was probably brainwashing,
    Doctors wanting everyone to reliant on their drugs and cures. I’ve seen the results with my own eyes its a really great fast

  3. Day 1 was rough, Day 2 was GREAT, Day 3 I felt I needed to sleep all day, took a few naps, and today Day 4, I feel terrible. Mainly just feel the need to vomit. I haven’t done the SWF this morning, I planned on skipping it because of the way I feel…I hope this moves on. I find it weird that this far in, I am finally having awful side effects.

    Nothing sounds good, not even food…

    Anyone else have any similar issues this far in?

  4. Today is day 6 for me and I have never felt better. The first 3 days were a struggle to get through but now the only reason I want to eat actual food is because the thought of it sounds good but not because I’m craving it. It’s helped me break my smoking habit too. I’ve smoked cigarettes for the last 8 years and it’s amazing that I don’t even have the urge any more!

  5. I tried the Master Cleanse diet in 2007 and I am still suffering from the effects of it. I followed the directions from the book and did it for 10 days. I walked around with a large bottle of the lemonade mixture where ever I went, and it was the only thing I consumed during that time. On the diet, my hands and feet became cold. I think it was due to an electrolite imbalance and your body making sure that enough circulation went to your vital organs. After I got off the diet, my hands and feet became hot and swollen, and this has been happening for the past 4 years. Becuase of my circulation problem which I never had before trying this diet, I am suffering from muscle loss, and dry aged skin. I have gone to the doctors a few times, but they just gave me high blood pressure medicine. Now I might be facing an ongoing problem that I’ll be suffering from for the rest of my life just because I wanted to lose 10 pounds. In order to cleanse your body and lose weight, all you need to do is eat right and exercise. You don’t need to try a fad diet for that. Also, what type of nutrients does cayenne pepper and lemons have? Nothing. Because of this experience, I will never try a fad diet again. Please use my experience before trying this diet. It will do much more harm than good.

  6. I see very few of you are capable of following directions, and reading the proper material. If you are peeing blood, then You do need to see a doctor. Thats not from the MC. That is something else previously wrong. If you are hypoglycemic, or diabetic, then You would figure out a way to get the nutrients you need in a natural way. Like maybe upping the amount of Grade B! Maple syrup and increasing the frequency of drinking the Fresh squeezed or juiced Lemonade WITH cayenne pepper! They arent separate drinks! As for going on with your regular life, if you are SUPER ACTIVE, then you ARENT regular. Im sure you can fast from extreme sports for 10 days if you think you are feeling woosy. Drinking the salt water flush IS mentioned in the MC book. Its recomended at least once, but if you cant stomach it, then dont do it! If you are losing body fluids, then the mix of SEA SALT and WATER isnt right. You shouldnt be losing fluids except what is in the salt water because your kidneys wont filter fluids that have the same characteristics as blood! Think about it! When you have a stomach ulcer, you dont urinate blood, it comes out in your stool! The salt water flush is like drinking a quart of IV fluid, a fluid designed to mix with blood without problem to relplace fluid loss and be able to add nutrients to. Drinking it is not a way to absorb it into your system, or it will just pass right through your intestines. The headaches and bodyaches are normal for people ridding themselves of toxins or denying themselves of toxins. The longer you have them while you fast is a good indicator on how addicted your body was to those chemicals. Caffeine alone is the perfect example. A lot of people dont think they have addictions, but the hypocrits are seen every morning and all day long with their beloved coffee! Just because its legal doesnt make it healthy or even right. Tell me who doesnt start acting like a heroin addict with the DTs when they are quitting tobacco or alcohol. Toxins are toxins. This cleanse is a CLEANSE! Not a weight loss program, not a fad diet, its a detox therapy, and we all have plenty of toxins to escape from.
    This separates the strong from the weak. If you are weak, then get stronger. i have a friend that was diagnosed with diabetes in the early stages. Insulin production in her glands was slowing to a stop, and all she did was change her eating habits, a detox cleanse and her glands kicked right back into gear and she pulled herself out to cure her diabetes. She is no longer diagnosed with diabetes! This is the power of Strength. People with progressed diabetes need to find a different way, but I believe that there is a way to jumpstart those insulin pumpers, and most of it I believe requires proper diet and excercise.
    As for our health system, if our doctors really wanted us to be happy, they would push for legislation to outlaw grain fed cattle, because their meat is too fatty and is carcenogenic when cooked. Vaccines would dissappear and doctors would push people to live more sanitarily. Instead of trying to CURE death, doctors would teach people how to live happier while we are still alive.

  7. Oh and one more thing, when I weighed myself last night on Day #1 I was 146.8. I won’t be able to really weigh myself until Monday when I get back to my scale, but hoping for 144.

  8. Today is Friday May 13th, Day #2 of the Master Cleanse! Day 1 was harder than today, a good sign! Yesterday I ate half a mango and a 1/2 tsp peanut butter in the morning because I was packing boxes and stuff into my car since 4am and felt a little faint. The biggest thing I miss so far-Coffee! The Cayenne Water stuff isn’t so bad. I finished the night with some tea that aids in digestion. This morning I REALLY missed my coffee as I was driving 3 hours from NY to Boston. I did the Salt Water Flush before I left. STAY SOMEWHERE SAFE FOR AN HOUR! Or, until you can not have to use the bathroom for over 30 minutes it should be fine. IF you pass gas during the day, try not to! It may not be gas after a Salt Water Flush, even if it was hours ago! Anyways, I did not have any Lemon Water Mixture yet and I am so hungry. I got to Boston and immediately dumped all my boyfriend’s cookies in the garbage, however I did sneak 1 small bite-my only terrible thing. I also had some sort of organic apple fruit bar…not a big one, and a 1/2 glass OJ. I am making a drink now and am off to my first test…my boyfriend’s high school reunion. I am REALLY missing coffee and to just not drink any for 10 days I will be shocked and impressed!

  9. I have had many a false starts on the Master Cleanse, and the most I’ve ever made it is 5 days. I was doing so well and then my grandmother passed away. Tomorrow I will start again. I too, am getting married. I am 148 lbs, but I don’t look it! I have ran half marathons, work out regularly, and eat fairly healthy although working in the city I have a thing for a weekly slice of NY pizza. Everything in moderation right?! I basically want to do this cleanse to whipe out the toxins. I sort of do buy into the whole MC concept, however LISTEN to your body. COmbine elements of other cleanses if you have to like drink a full glass of fresh squeezed oj or have a grapefruit if you absolutely have to, IE feel faint/sick/light headed. HELLO! You dont’ want to pass out. Then next time, adjust your maple syrup intake. I’ll let you know how Day 1 goes!

  10. I am a 35 year old man, who decided to do this cleanse with my fiance before the wedding. We are into the 4th day and I am not sure what to think about it yet. We read the info from the original creator of the MC diet, and I understand that I will feel like crap while the toxins are being removed from my body. My problem comes from a strong feeling of low blood sugar. I am what most people would call skinny but I say athletic build. I have been hypo glycemic my whole life, and have had a pretty regular eating habit of 4 to 5 light meals a day. I eat relatively healthy, ie. lots of fresh fruits every day and my required daily allowance of vegetables, drink water, exercise and stay active through work (construction) and alternative sports (biking snowboarding walking/hiking) In the info I read, it stated that I could continue to live my life the way I normally would, although I do not feel as if I have the energy to do so. As well it informed me about heart burn being one of the things this cleanse would fix, of coarse I did not expect my problem to go away instantly but it did lead me to believe that I would not have to worry about the heart burn while on the MC diet. I have started to have heart burn today on the 4th day of MC, and have had a lump sort of feeling in my throat when I swallow. Is this from the cayenne pepper or is this something wrong? Is this cleanse the best idea for someone like me or does the personal characteristics of peoples body types have any thing to do with its effects while on the cleanse? Any info would be helpful as I do want to cleanse my body but do not want to damage it.

  11. I have done the master cleanse in the past for 30 days. I have to say after a few days on the cleanse, I felt great. I’ve suffered with GERD or Acid Reflux to the point of tears and after reading the Stanley Burroughs book I decided to give it a try. It took away the pain I had been suffering with for quite some time. I am making the cleanse from this point forward part of a 5 day monthly habit just to keep my body in line. It helped with weight loss but most of all it helped rest my stomach and gave it time to heal. I believe the Master Cleanse, done properly, was a blessing for me.

  12. You can, indeed, go without eating for 10 days. I went without eating for 40 days. Yes, I did the Master Cleanse for 40 days and I felt great! I lost 37 lbs during that time and it knocked the cravings for meet, processed foods and junk out of my system. That is bordering on miraculous for me. After the cleanse, I went on a raw / vegan lifestyle. Altogether, I lost nearly 70 lbs. in 3 months. Never felt so good in my adult life!


  14. Day 1…Monday Post Superbowl XLV Saltwater flush—-Nice, Lemmonade #1 Feel Great, miss my coffe, but dont worry I got this. I am fairly healthy, I swim, bike, run almost as much as I should… I do eat some rather greasy foods from time to time, but mostly I just love FOOD. I am a bored eater. I am doing this to prove to myself that I have the will power to go through with it. I am not terribly overwieght but could stand to lose 15 Lbs for sure, mostly I’m testing my will power here. Belive me; if I can go through with this for 10 days pretty much anyone can.

  15. I am on day 7 of the master cleanse and i feel just fine. I can’t believe I can even say that, but I do I feel really good. I thought I would be starving or have the shakes or something, but I feel fine. I have kept a journal about this so I can look back at it to see were I am. I laugh because I just read day two and I was ready to quit…I love chewing, LOL! But when I woke up on day 3 and wasn’t hungry and felt pretty good, I thought “well let me see how i feel by the end of the day” and that was that and now I’m on day 7 and feel really good. I’m getting so much more out of this other than the health benefits. Mentally I feel like if I can do this, I know I can obtain/sustain a healthy lifestyle. This isn’t easy…well at day 7 it is, but when I finish this cleanse I know that I can reach other health goals for myself. That’s me putting in my half penny. Good luck to anyone that tries this cleanse.

    *Side note and I don’t know if it made a difference or not but i drink tons of water. For every 8-10 oz of lemonade mix I drink I drink a 20 oz bottle of water. So I’m pretty freakin hydrated. And who ever thinks the lemonade is hard to swallow…how the heck are you making it? I cut how much maple syrup I was using because it was too darn sweet. So I only use 6 -8 tablespoons per mix and I really kind of like the kick the cayenne pepper gives the mix. Don’t have a heavy hand with it and drink it super cold. I use 6 pinches and keep the mix in a cooler full of ice while I’m at work. The cayenne becomes an after thought…but that’s just me. My sister does this cleanse once or twice a year.

    As for the 13 year thinking of doing this please talk to your parents so they can get you with your primary physician and maybe all of you can come up with a plan to jump start your eating lifestyle. I really don’t think anyone under 18 years of age should try this, especially if you’ve just heard about this and haven’t read about it…researched it.

  16. So I’m 13 and i’m sick of being fat, I know this “diet” is not just to lose wieght but there are lots of people who feel less cravings for junk food so I think I’ll do the cleanse lose 10 pounds and start eating right and getting lots of exercise just like jumpstarting a lifestyle change..for more motivation to succeed and get healthier, not just to lose weight but to feel better too. Post another comment in 3 weeks to tell you if I died or not.

  17. I haven’t ever tried the Master Cleanse, or any other cleanse yet, but just wanted to point out that there are other ways to give your digestive system and organs a break from regular eating habits, and other ways to clear out your system. I know lots of people have done this cleanse and many of them thought it did them good. It sounds like there are lots of positives to it, but it can be harmful, too– I don’t just say this because doctors say it, but also some natural healthcare doctors do not condone it. There are other “cleanses” out there that consist of restricting your diet to fruits and vegetables and fresh juices and water, for example, that accomplish much of the same. There’s always fasting on water for a day or two– which more doctors support. What I’ve read that sounds very reasonable is that you can accomplish the same thing that the MC does, but more sustainably and more healthy, by simply permanently changing your diet– to eliminate junk food, unhealthy fats and chemicals, drinking plenty of water and live an otherwise healthy life (regular exercise– which also helps your organs out with elimination of waste.) So, it’s not like MC is the only option. I may try it sometime, but am a bit hesitant because of some pretty convincing arguments I’ve heard (from natural doctors) against it– and in favor of gentler, safer ways to cleanse. Just something to think about…

  18. So because your body is getting rid of bad things you blame it on the master cleanse? The American medical associatiation is part of an establishment that condones overworked nurses . How messed up is that?. Just because someone is smart enough to not need the medical establishment and has the good sense that mother nature gave him deosnt mean he is “just out to make a buck” I leave thAT to the insurance companyies and HOSPITALS!!

  19. I just finished my first day of the Master Cleanse and something is horribly wrong. My urine is bloody and my body feels sick. I am a healthy person who hikes at least three days a week and I work in the gym as a personal trainer as well. My diet has always been very balanced and healthy but I had heard that this cleanse should make me feel even better. I’m very in-tune with my body and I can tell that this is an electrolyte imbalance that is dangerous. This cleanse is too extreme and flushes out what our bodies need to function properly. I would not recommend this to anyone.

  20. Here’s the problem with the master cleanse.

    1) Many of you are claiming to have done “research” on the topic. Typing in “master cleanse” into Google and reading the blogs that pop up is NOT research. If you wanted to read credible studies on topics like this, browse medical journals like PubMed. You will see actual studies from individuals who know a thing or 2 about the human body.

    2) The American Medical Association has denounced the Master Cleanse.

    3) The person who invented the master cleanse is not a medical doctor. In fact, the person is not well educated at all.

    Take it for what it’s worth. Real scientists who devote their lives to medicine, or an uneducated pseudo-dietitian out to make a buck.

  21. cynthia def has some good points… and you DO need the book, really. many of your questions here are answered there. a few more IMPORTANT points to remember are… 1) drink plenty of purified or spring water on top of the juice throughout the day, as this IS a cleanse. 2) the salt water flush MUST be done on an empty stomach (no juice for an hour or two), preferably UPON WAKING as your stomach is usually empty. the FULL liter or quart (warm spring water w/ 2 tsp uniodized sea salt) should be consumed within minutes to FLUSH the system. if nothing happens within an hour or so, you need more salt. i’ve a tablespoon+ before, but it’s harder to drink. you need AT LEAST 2 tsps. 3) BE SURE to drink an herbal laxative tea each night before bed to help with elimination in the morning. LEAVE TIME for this in your schedule (2 hrs+). 4) be sure to do this cleanse when you have time off or some serious down time from your job. it’s best to relax and let this process work without appointments, meetings or social engagements. again, buy the book. and good luck.

  22. I am on my 2nd day of the mc. I feel really sluggish and have had a headache off and on for these past 2 days. Will I feel better after tomorrow? Do I need to drink more lemonade? Also I am drinking the Smooth Move Tea every night and had a bm the following morning but not this morning. Is that normal? My food cravings are pretty basic. If someone around me eats then I get that hungry feeling, but mostly I am able to tell myself no. If anyone can give me any feedback (good or bad) I would appreciate it.

  23. It’s funny how people will second guess health advise and not think twice about drinking gobs of coffee, soda’s or eating fast food several times a week. Should be the other way around, don’t ya think?

  24. Personally, I think a cleanse is a great idea if you have a goal. I’ve been an on again, off again cigarette smoker. I’m trying to stop taking OTC sleeping pills. I look at the Master Cleanse as an opportunity to start getting rid of the man made garbage I’ve been ingesting and to start adopting some healthy habits. I began the cleanse early this morning with the salt water wash…I purchased enough ingredients to get me through 2 weeks so I wouldn’t have an excuse to sabotage myself. I could stand to lose weight (like alot) but that’s not the objective.

  25. well i want to start this mc but im worryed
    just of the bad things that can happen if i start
    is 8 glasses a good start ?
    should i every day do the salt water flush and tea ?

  26. today is day 6 on the master cleanse yesterday i tried the tea at night and in the morning it did not work well at all hyperactive peristalsis feel the urge to go but only had a few small movements of soft dark stools with a distinctive smell /foul odor. This morning i did the sea salt with good result still smelly with floting subtances kind of look like phlems . Otherwise im doing very well a litlle ache here and there at times. My tongue is coated my teeth never feel clean no matter how much i brush and floss. By the way im schedule for a dental extraction on day 9 under anesthesia and 12hrs fasting. Is it safe?, please reply.

  27. I successfully carried out this cleanse a few years ago. I have to admit I felt absolutely wonderful. I felt happier and also thought more clearly. The hunger was really not there–it was mental. More the result of seeing others eat and longing for the taste and feeling of satisfaction.

  28. is the flush a major part? because i hear the laxitives can hurt your insides. im a little worried about that, is it worth it tho ?

  29. Day 6. Surprisingly, no hunger, but longing for junk food today. I am following the cleanse very accurately and my energy has been good. Lots of body aches, though, and I have had no bowel movements–just the yellow liquid everyone seems to get. Going this long without a bowel movement is starting to concern me

  30. I read the book and started the cleanser diet yesterday because I’m having severe pain in my lower back and physical therapy is not helping. I am also depressed after the deaths of my husband in Jan. and my mother in April. I lasted until night when I blew it and ate supper–vegetables and cornbread.

    Got up today and started again and plan to go 9 more days. (The stuff about the parasites grossed me out and scared me.) I am SO hungry! I’ve had 4 cups of lemonade and 2 cups herbal tea so far and it’s 6 PM here.

    I’m interested in the book, lamp, and filters but the website says the book is not available. Should I order the lamp anyhow?

  31. I am on my 3rd day of the MC. I have been following all instructions. The SWF seems to take like 3 hrs to finish, is this normal? Should I use less saltwater?

    I am also having major problems focusing at work. I just feel like napping or just not thinking period! My head feels cloudy, is that normal?

    I am also exteremly emotional. When I feel happy or laugh it is a lot, which is good, but I can be laughing one minuet and crying the next. I am not even close to “the change” lol so I don’t think it is hormonal. Has anyone else experienced this?

  32. I have read through a lot of the comments, and it seems that many people have not read the book, and are not following the cleanse rules. I have done the cleanse several times, and have tried to tweak it, but quickly learned that it did not work the way it should have. It worries me that some of you are trying out this “diet” without knowing the specifics. The MC itself is not dangerous, but trying to make your own version of it is. Please, Please, Please read the book, and follow the guidelines. I promise the salt flushes and the rest of it will work a lot better and make more sense that just trying to glean the recipes from random blogs.

  33. I decided to do this cleanse after a friend lost about 20 pounds on it. I wanted to do it of course for the positive health factors, but just like everyone else I was also excited about the weight loss. I’ve been following the diet correctly and drinking salt water once a day but I’m getting frustrated.
    I’m 25, and I started out 5’4, 132. On day 5 I was down to 126, but the next day I went up to 128, now on day 7 I’m at 126.6. What should I do to see better results? Run and bike, or do the salt water flush twice a day?
    I’m afraid I’m just going to gain the 5 pounds back once these 10 days are over. Plus it’s been painful not to eat or being able to go to dinner or drink with my friends. I’m also missing out on mountain biking, swimming and running during the final nice days of summer. Yesterday I felt sick and laid in bed shaking because I was so cold, I am also having chest pain. Not sure if this is worth it …

  34. Just finished my third day: swf in the morning, 6-8 glasses lemonade and senna tea in the evening. Lots of urinating all day and yellow translucent bowel movements only after the swf or laxative tea. Light headaches, some cramping with the laxative tea, joint and body aches are my only complaints. Have a little more energy than usual but nothing amazing yet, my skin is clear and bright and my tongue is turning very pink. Per Tom’s book I am using Para-free herbal compound for any possible parasites & also Oregano oil extract for candida. I intend to do the full 10 days, but stories about kidney/liver/electrolyte problems do concern me so I am prepared to do it for 5 days then switch to a modified cleanse with vegetables added in if I feel any weakness or sickness, etc.

  35. I tried the swf and went to the bathroom successfully, but that whole night and the following morning I got really bad cramps. My body ached all over and any sudden or sharp movements set off a cramp in my stomach. Is this normal? It kind of has me worried and I feel like crap. Should I stop or does it get better?

  36. Its my 2nd day I finally went 2 the restroom…but now I have a splitting head ache. Should I drink motrin?
    I also trew up a lot of yellow liquid is that normal. I feel sick.

  37. I just finished my first day of Mc but have not gone potty once…I did bothe the swf and the tea and nothing what could I possibly be doing wrong. I had 2 liters of the lemonade today about 5 cups of water and 1liter of water w/ a teaspoon of sea salt. And a cup of senna tea. Does that sound right? Help!

  38. p.s.s. in response to TNA and his comments on ketoacidosis, ketoacidosis can be a problem for diabetics, however acidosis is a normal bodily function during fasting in which the liver creates the enzymes that the brain needs to survive while there are no food enzymes entering the body. This is absolutely normal, and since the master cleanse program actually has lemon pulp, juice and maple syrup (600 calories worth each day minimum) the liver will not need to completely take over this function. However TNA is right, this is not a diet plan as your metabolism will actually slow down from fasting since the saliva does not trigger digestive acids (all citrus and sugars are absorbed into the body directly from the small intestine, not the stomach) so you will gain weight quickly after you leave this plan while your metabolism is sluggish. This program is about cleaning toxins, the gym and pavement are the places for cleaning out fat cells. x

  39. p.s. curious to know if anyone has passed large black rubbery mucus strands in their movements, the kind that normally come out after a few daily colonic irrigations? As of yet I have not and these black rubbery mucus strands tucked in the folds of the colon are where the real nasty toxins from decades ago are stored and doing the most damage to us all. These are what I am really looking to rid my body of most, so curious if anyone is passing these in large amounts? xx

  40. Hey all, great to see you all getting detoxed and healthy! A few words to those who are putting the salt in a smaller shotglass and then chugging the water (salt water flush)…this is dangerous! The reason it is 2 LEVEL MEASURING TEAspoons to .95 liters (1 U.S.) quart of warm water is that it matches the SPECIFIC GRAVITY of your blood, so that the kidneys cannot absorb the water and the blood cannot absorb the salt! If you take a lump of salt in a shotglass full of water it will sit in your lower stomach while the rest of the water you chug down will pass over it and you will have big problems! Remember, your stomach is neither a mixer or a blender! The salt water density MUST match your blood gravitational density! Try using a straw or plugging your nose while you chug…you can also try the Russian vodka drinking method of expelling all air from your breath before and after the chugging to take away the taste…Good health and good luck all!

  41. I’m on my second day of my cleanse. So far so good. No caffeine or sugar withdrawel. No cramping. I eat pretty good and have cutoff red meat for a few months. I’m just getting started but feel better already.

  42. After reading these posts I feel it necessary to bring up the point that many of these bloggers are looking to MC to lose weight primarily. The true purpose of a cleanse is to eliminate the buildup of toxins in the body with TEMPORARY WEIGHT LOSS as a side effect. If you want to lose actual FAT, then GO TO THE GYM and do the work! Also eating fresh not canned, processed, or frozen foods…and cooking at home, not eating out daily, will help with weight loss. Everyone is looking for a quick fix to weight loss but there isnt one. It takes more discipline to eat right and work out then to do the MC diet.

    Oh as a side note, MC has caused a few serious health problems, kidney failure due to ketoacidosis, and hindering liver function not improving it. No medical doctor will back up this diet due to the dangerous risks associated with it and many people end up in the emergency room.

  43. I’m on day four of the MC. I had heard of it before, but had never given it a try, until, four days ago a customer walked in to my store and told me about his experiance. He said he was on his first day going off the cleanse after 10 days and that he felt better than he could remember feeling in years. It showed too. He comes in all the time and I’d never seen him look so vibrant before.

    So I tried it!

    Honestly, I have not had too much trouble with it. My energy has been good, no headaches, a few food cravings but I just have to drink some lemonade to make them go away. I even went out to diner with some friends last night and was perfectly fine. On the whole, I feel perfectly normal, but a little hungry.

    My friends and family are a little worried about me and keep trying to convince me to eat something, but I have been reading a lot about this cleanse the past few days and as far as I can tell, as long as you are a healthy individual and don’t do it too often or too long, your chances of kidney or liver problems are not too big. I’m still doing research into variations of the diet. I’m currenly taking it very stricly. No food or suppliments. Only Lemonade, tea and saltwater.

    A solution I have for difficulty of swallowing the saltwater is to mix 1/2 the salt with a very small amount of water, swallow that and chace it with 2 cups warm water. Repeat.

    One problem I have been having is that I have only had one BM since about two days before I began. That was last night and not very much. I do not usually have one every day, if I do they are small, but I was expecting to have more because of the laxatives. Any suggestions?

    Also, does anyone have experience with kidney or liver flushes?

    ** For Franklin**
    Doing the MC will make any medications you are taking useless. You should go off the pill while you are on it, just save them for later.

  44. I am on my 7th day! I am experiencing burning around my eyes…and puffiness and dark circles…which I never have. Any support you can offer is greatly appreciated.

  45. I am on day 9. I do have more energy than normal, but I have to admit I am looking forward to eating something (even raw veggies). There are times that were very difficult, but I just kept telling myself that I could do this and that I wasn’t going to let the other days of not eating go to waste. ( Besides I was trying to get rid of the waste:))
    For everyone out there who is either doing this or is wanting to do this I believe it’s one of the best things you could do for yourself and your family. You will be much healthier and have more energy.
    You do need to follow the steps one way or another to get the maximum results, but something is better than nothing. I didn’t care for the Smooth Move tea so I would sometimes drink an 8oz. glass of metamucil psyllium fiber instead which is an all natural laxative ( you may need to hold your nose while drinking and drink fast, it’s not pleasant either but for me better than the smooth move. Beside the tea may also stain your teeth, so if you do like the tea I suggest maybe drinking through a straw.)
    I wish you all the very best in this and all that you do, and should anyone want support I would be happy to help you through this.
    Remember you can do anything you set your mind to. So keep telling yourself that you can do it and that you will be better for it.
    God Bless

  46. hi this is day one of mc for me ill post each day. i m 33 have smoked drank beer eaten like crap for the last 10 years. i used to be in comp. sports so i know how a healty body feels. im going to see if this works tto get me back on the right track

    gender; male
    hight 5 5
    weight 156 lbs
    gut 36″
    waist 32″

    im done my first day! it was tough but not as bad as i thaught. ive had some headaches but the no caffinee in my body well take some getting used to. little grumpy but over all rdy to see what happens in the am.

    see you on day 2

  47. I am in my 6 day and I am having a lot of acid reflects. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
    I did the salt water the first day, but vomited it. Nevertheless, I went to the bathroom many many times that day. Then the second day after a cup I started feel funny and stopped. But I did also went to the bathroom a couple of times. Now I’m being drinking the laxative tea at night. I go to the bathroom in the morning but that’s all.
    Do you think that may have something to do with the acid problem or something else.

  48. hi, i was wondering if the salt water flush was necessary i go to school every morning and i dont want any accidents to happen if i take it .. can i just take the laxitavi tea every morning and at night too and the salt water flush when i dont have to go to school

  49. Hi all
    today is day 10 for me and i am feeling healthier than ever. i feel rejuvinated and so full of energy. i am one lady who loves to nap and while on the MC i found that napping was not an option. after my 7.5-8 hours i was like the energizer bunny, lol.
    i am looking forward to my freshly squeezed orange juice tomorrow and my broth later on. my partner has been very supportive of me during this time and is making me diner on friday night (my first ‘real meal’). he is health conscious too so it will be along the lines of brown or red rice/steamed veggies and a very light fish. see i love meat, but i know to choose healthy nutriscious meats that are not hard on my digestions, no steak for a long while, lol.
    i have to confess that after what will be almost 12 days of no solids i am a bit aprehaensive about swallowing. i was doing the herbal laxatives, couldn’t stomach the salt water bath, but even swallowing those was not comfortable, so i guess i shall start really soft.
    i have noticed clearer sking. my tongue is pinker than i can remember. i am more in tune with my body – pilates. i will be taking my post MC meansurements tomorrow and am excited to see my results.
    i wish all of you well on your journey. i have enjoyed this and plan of doing my MC 3 times a year, Jan, May, Sept.
    God Bless you and yours 🙂

  50. I am on day 3 of my first Master Cleanse and doing as expected.

    I actually did a 7 day cleanse prior to the MC eating only raw fruit and raw or steamed vegetables with supplements and supplemental drink to aid in healing and cleansing. I was planning to do a water fast next, but after reading The MasterCleanser with Special Needs and Problems by Stanley Burroughs I changed my mind to do the MC.

    If you do not have the book I suggest reading it first (small 50 page paperback book only $6.50) because it addresses a lot of your questions and more. I think going on a fruit, vegetable and low protein diet for at least a few days prior to the cleanse is helpful to transitioning to the MC.

    Grade B is better (darker then A, so more rich in vitamins and nutrients). The book by Stanley Burrough’s will explain what ingredients to use and why as well as all the steps to completing and coming off the cleanse. It will tell you what to expect during and after the MC.

    Your body is detoxing from the toxins and excess waste that have built up over the years, so the symptoms are your body reacting to them being released through your pores (suggests bathing 2x day), bowel movements (herbal laxatives to aid in cleansing), sinuses (cayenne) and so on, so do not get discouraged. My sinuses are clearing up and my skin that has broken out for over 20 years is almost all clear (very soft) and the urge to pick (anxiety that caused me to do up to 3 hrs a day, no joke) is no longer there. I have also had some swollen gland and lymph nodes that I was getting concerned with that are almost gone too!

    Cleansing has been around for years for spiritual and medicinal purposes. I think that it is something we should do regularly more than ever due to the environment we live in and food we eat.

    I hope that I have been of some help and wish you all the best in life and health.

    Lastly, if you have a Whole Foods near you they currently have the book with all the ingredients put out in its own display right now.

  51. i am on day three and feel great…i was drinking my sea salt to fast so and getting very nauseated. this morning when i drank my sea salt water mixture i drank it very slow…2 hours and i didn’t become nauseated. starting on day one and continuing on day three i have increased energy level. i feel a little hungry at times but have been told that will go away soon. i am excited to see how i feel after a week, then after 10 days….thinking of going two weeks. woo hoo!!!

  52. for Michael- you would get sick as your body would be physically unprepared for that. you would also shock your digestive system and that could be uncomfortable, ie bowl movements. trust after you start the cleanse and can survive a day, you will not want to shortcut it, you will feel it a waste of your time.

  53. i have the book and the author said to send questions to (tom woloshyn). you are meant to stop all medication on the cleanse or else the laxative ruins it effects. you might be ruiningyour cleanse. your body is cleansing so you have to let your symptoms pass. if they are not over by day 10, he suggest you stick with it till they pass, or redo the cleanse … i know tough ha? 🙂 hang in there.

  54. hey i am on going on to day 5 – 5 more to go uness i decide to continue at this point. this morning day 4 my head hurt as well as my sinus. the book by woloshyn said to expect sinus pain when they start to clear up, mucus in the throat as well as symptoms of ailments that plague you to appear. do you get headaches often? perhaps it was your sinus…did you drink enough lemonade – dehydration? also you should start with the laxative in the morning or the salt bath before taking the lemonade.
    good luck and hang in there. today was the hardest for me so far but i’m sticking with it. 🙂


  56. I am on day 3, but yesterday I had a headache ALL day. Today it seems better, so I figured it must be my body adjusting to the lack of caffenie.
    I want to be strong, too! Let’s do it!

  57. I am really hoping someone can give me some guidance. I am on day 2 of the MC and I woke up with a splitting headache at about 5am. I drank a glass of leomade and tried to sleep it off. I still have this annoying and sometimes extremely intense headache. Is this normal? Please tell me that it will go away and please, if anyone has any tips I would sure appreciate them. I really want be strong and finish this cleanse. I am all ears……. thank you!

  58. I am taking Phentermine 37.5mg for my diet but I want to try the Master Cleanse, is it safe to take my regular diet pill and the Master Cleanse at the same time?
    Is Cayenne Pepper bad for us in the long run?

  59. I’m on the Master Cleanse now end of day 8 and I have a cough and my asthma keeps making me use my inhaler. I’m doing everything the diet is asking of me as i have the book. Aside from my inhaler because I sound fluidy when I exhale I have a natural product called respiratonic that is supposed to aid in everything from bronchitis to pneumonia……I cannot stand the feeling of flemy breathing…….am I ruining the diet? I wanted to try and stay on it 30 days….

  60. I haven’t started the Master Cleanse yet because I’m still reading up on it, first. I’m more worried about coming off the diet than I am about the diet itself. What is the worst that could happen to you if you don’t “exit” the diet the right way?

  61. Im thinking about starting the master cleanse, but im missing some information about it. First, do you have to drink a laxative tea or is regular tea ok? secondly, is it a must you use uniodized salt vs. iodized? and thirdly woll it cause severe health problems to use Grade A maple syrup vs. Grade B

  62. I’m currently on the 5th day and I experienced the same type of elimination. I think it is normal since there isn’t any type of food in my system at all. The only thing that i’m eliminating is the remains of all the buildup.(This is how I rationalized this)
    When I first heard of the MC I heard it as the Lemoade Diet and thought it was crazy to actually starve yourself for 10 days! I researched it more and found myself anxios to begin! I love it and have much more energy than before. I will definitely do this clease at least twice a year! I’m starting this year off right!

  63. I am in the 5th day of the master cleanser and am not passing the fecal matter everyone is talking about.I only pass a dark yellow translucent liquid with no smell. Is this whats supposed to happen.

  64. I am not passing the fecal matter everyone is talking about.I only pass a dark yellow translucent liquid with no smell. Is this whats supposed to happen in the 5th day of the master cleanser.

  65. I’ve been on the master cleanse for 6 days. I’ve been loving the results. However today I started having a cough. My cough has been very productive. does anybody know if this is a normal part of detoxification?

  66. I am a MCer 4 life, yes life. I take the smooth move and swf, am and pm. I think it is very important in the detox matter to take this twice aday. Some state they want to MC but then want to change or eliminate some of the process, when that happens it is not the MC and that’s when I believe a person should find their way to detox and leave the MC out of the picture…..

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