I’ve posted a new page about the master cleanse side effects on the main site. With all the positive things like weight loss, increased strength and stamina, and smoother skin you don’t hear much about the negative side effects of doing the master cleanse. That article tells the other side of the story.
- 18 years ago
master cleanse side effects
Before You Try The Master Cleanse You Should Know The Potential Side Effects
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View Comments (8)
I not only getting burning, but I am getting stomach cramping. I think it's the cayenne. Should I reduce the amount of cayenne I am using? This seems to happen in the morning, but it pretty okay in the afternoon. Thanks for any suggestions.
I've been on the cleanse for 4 days now, I haven't eaten anything and been very faithful drinking the lemonade, but I haven't had not one bowel movement. I've drank herbal tea to help in the process and am now trying the salt flush. how often should you do the salt flush, and if this doesn't work should I break the cleanse.
To Vickie:
You say you ate "very little". Well, you're not supposed to eat ANY solid food while on the cleanse. That may account for the weight gain. It could also be fluid retention. It's better to always do a little something, but the fact is w/this cleanse, or any proper fast, the point is no eating! If you do it different than instructed, you will get different results. I used to fast or do the Master cleanse 2-3 times a yr, but in the last year & 1/2 I just couldn't last more than three days. I guess I needed something different. So I tried a raw food diet(luckily we have a few very innovative raw foods restaurants where I live) for 30 days & it was great! It works as a detox but much more slowly, and you do have to make sure to include lots of green leafy veggies & not just nut burgers, but you get to eat lots & lots all the time! I loved it so much I've gone 100% raw. I personally think the cleanse is the easiest & best way to fast & cleanse, but that's for me. Everyone is different, which is why I gave the raw food diet suggestion. Once you find what works uniquely for you, it will be one of the most exciting things that's ever happened to you, I guarantee it!
Reply to Vickie: You can drink peppermint tea in between the lemonade and water to ease your stomach. It works for me.
the lemmon is burning my stomach, can anything else be substituted? Like vinegar.
I am currently on the cleanse and I am experiencing weight GAIN. Since I started 4 days ago I began to ween off of solid foods and ease into the diet. Today will be my first day of my 14 day cleanse. I have eaten VERY LITTLE and been drinking the lemonaid as a supplement when hungry. I also have drank PLENTY of water. I have gained 6lbs since Monday. Why is this and if my body is storing the water then what is flushing out when the frequent BMs have been accuring? PLease advise.
I am ONLY suppose to drink the lemonade drink for however long I tend to be on the diet, correct? I know to drink water, and herbal tea or laxative tea, what about organic juices?
Can you use red pepper instead of cayenne pepper?
Also, if I loose weight on this program will I gain it all back once I start reintroducing food back into my body?