Master Cleanse Day 6: The Art of Not Thinking About Food

It’s day 6 of the New Year Master Cleanse and today I wanted to share some tips to help you not think about food.

When you go through this process you can be sure the urge to eat will pop up from time to time. For some of you that nagging desire to eat will occupy your every waking thought. My experience tells me that if you need to use every drop of will power you have from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed just to stay on the Master Cleanse you probably have some trouble with overeating.

That’s not always the case, but many times it is.

The good news is the Master Cleanse can help break your dependency on food and train you to eat a healthy amount food.

So today I want to give you some tips for keeping your mind off food:The first tip is to avoid anything that would trigger your desire to eat. This means staying away from food, and not being around people who are eating.

You should also avoid TV because food commercials are designed to trigger your hunger.

This next tip is simple. Whenever you feel like eating you drink water and lemonade until your hunger goes away. It’s easy and it works.

Breaking the pattern. A lot of times your hunger will start out as a pesky little urge, but as you dwell on it, it quickly grows into a massive uncontrollable craving. It’s important that you break this pattern by recognizing your hunger early and stop it before it gets out of control. There’s any number of ways you can do this. You could go for a walk, take a shower, take a nap, sing, dance, whatever works.

Have lots of things to do. Before I do the Master Cleanse I have a list of low stress activities planned. Books and movies are good choices. I also like to go to the museum. Bars and comedy clubs are fine as long as stick to drinking water.

The most important thing is not to dwell on food while you’re doing the Master Cleanse because that almost always leads to quitting the cleanse.


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  • Resuming Master Cleanse!!! I did this last year for 10 days and lost 15 lbs. I am committed to doing this for at least 30 days. I want to lose 30 lbs.

  • I am on Day 6 and down 11 pounds.
    I feel amazing and have so much energy. I have gotten so much organizing and cleaning done since I started, to keep my self occupied. I am really hoping to lose 20 and then only gain 5 back once I slowly start eating and exercising again. This has been a great experience for me thus far!

  • Day 6 of the MC and I started out strong, had so much to do that I almost didn't have time to make the lemonade. I downed the 32oz SWF in about 1 min. I hate it that much that I just rather get it done and over with. Also, I had to drink an additional 6oz of water just to get rid of that horrible salty taste. Anyway, it took much longer today for the SWF to kick in 2hrs, usually I'm up and literally running in 1/2 to 1.5 hrs. I had food urges today only after a "friend" who knew I'm on the MC send me a text of a pic of cake and pie. Needless to say, that put a damper on my motivation to continue throughout the day but knowing that there's no turning back after day 1 I here submitting and praying that I have the strength and determination to continue to day 10. I am having some serious cravings but I'm gonna reach for the lemonade and water and ride this out, even if it mean turning in bed now (3:47pm). Maybe a good nap will invigorate me to stick it out further. Good luck to all! And good night :-)

  • I started the cleanse this morning and the not eating part is a bit easy but not smoking is very hard!! :( but reading about the success stories is making me feel a whole lot better

  • I'm on day 6 and when I weighed myself yesterday afternoon, I had lost just about 10 lbs. So hopefully next time I weigh myself I'll have lost 2 more lbs and I'll keep going from there! My goal is 14 days, I started with a buddy, but I think I'm on my own from now on. Just 8 days to go after this!

  • Well Day 1 of MC ended well. Completed a total of 60.oz by 8:00pm. Drank my Tea @ 8:45pm. Slept well. Around 3:45am this morning had some slight stomach cramping, and by 4:00am had a BM. Made myself another cup of Tea @ 4:30am, and drank 1/2 of a 1L bottle of Evian Spring Water. I had a 2nd BM @ approx. 6:00am. It is now approx. 7:30am, and I have already made breakfeast for the family, and it did not phase me in the least. I cooked up a KINGS meal and did salvate over it. :) I'm not enjoying my first 20.oz MC of the day! My energy level is normal, but I feel happy. I think I'm excited that I got past my first day, and made it into my 2nd day still alive!!! Will check in later!

  • Well I'm keeping myself busy so I won't think about food. Just made lunch for the boys. My 13yr old had me make him a sub sandwich with all the extras on it. Yes my mouth drooled while making it, but I stood strong!!! My 8yr old wanted chicken nuggets and fries which are still in the oven. I can smell the aroma in the air, so I take out my MC mixture and began to drink my 2nd dose of 20.oz. My day thus far as been good. I'm not sure if I'm hungry, or if I think I'm hungry since I know I can't/won't eat! Well I di chew a piece of gum @ 12:30pm. I chewed it for about 20min. Extra Dessert Delights Sugerfree Gum Mint Choc. Chip Flavor....:)

  • CORRECTION CORRECTION....I DID NOT DO 1/4tsp (2x).....I did 1/4tsp(1x in my 20 oz mixture). 1/10 is like 1/2 of 1/4 , so 1/10(2x) is = to 1/4(1x) :)


  • Ok...So I thought I would give the MC a try. I have looked at many posts/blogs/conversations regarding the MC, and what I found out, is that I need to try for myself, since everyone's body different. Here is the beginning of my MC Journey:

    Last night(9:45pm EST) I drank 1 cup of Organic Smooth Move Senna Herbal Stimulant Laxative Tea($5.25 for a box of 16 wrapped Tea Bags)purchased @ a local health foods store.

    Slept as normal. Woke up this morning felt normal energy, and less hunger(normally, I wake up with my stomach growling, but not this morning). Did not hop right out of bed, just the normal moving around while watching the AM news. I think about 6:00am I had my first BM. Nothing crazy, no cramps or sweats, just felt like I had to go. Not a loose BM, but it did come with a nice sound effect! :) It felt good, and made me start to look fwd to the 1st day of My MC. I started walking around the house doing some small task, when I felt slight stomach cramping. I waited to see if it would be gas or if I need to move towards the bathroom. Well I had to run fast to the bathroom! = 2nd BM of the morning(approx. 7:00am). Felt even better after that.
    Now it was time to face my day. 2 kids & hubby, all awake and ready to eat. I'm excited about My MC, however I was already thinking in my head, what foods can I eat while on the MC!! It's hard to not think about food, when your cooking and watching everyone around you enjoy it!! But I stayed focused.

    I stared drinking My MC @ approx. 8:30am(DAY1) So this is what I'm doing. I purchased a Rubbermaid 20.0z water bottle with filter ($8.99) Thus allowing me to have 2 servings at once.

    4tsp(doubled since I'm using a 20.oz water bottle)Santa Cruz Organic Pure Lemon Juice(16oz bottle $4.95) *think I might switch to fresh lemons once I finish this bottle.
    4tsp(doubled since I'm using a 20.oz water bottle)Coombs Family Farms Organic Maple Syrup Grade B(12fl oz. $13.69).
    1/10tsp Ground Cayenne Pepper(umm so yeah, did not have a 1/10tsp, so I just did 1/4tsp 2x) LOL...just seemed like it would work!(I'm going to increase the amt of Cayenne Pepper in my next batch. I like the spicy taste). McCormick Ground Cayenne Pepper(1 oz $4.99 @ local grocery store)
    10.oz filtered water(doubled since I'm using a 20.oz water bottle) Poland Spring Distilled Water(1gal. $1.89) I will be using regular tap water when I finish this bottle, since my water bottle has a filter in it.

    It's 10:25am right now. I'm not hungry, my kids and hubby ate food in front of me, and I was good. I have about 5oz left in my 20.oz bottle. Not hungry at all, but I did open the cabinet to get something out, and eyed a box of flatbread wheat thins I just bought!! WILLPOWER...WILLPOWER....WILLPOWER!!!!!! I'll check in tomorrow!!

  • I have only lost .5lbs and it's day 8!! How is this possible. I have exercised every day but the last 2 because of travel.

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