Day 8 and 9: Sleeping Like a Baby

As wonderful as technology is sometimes it throws you for a loop. I made a day 8 update yesterday and apparently it didn’t get published to this blog. Oh well, these things happen.

Back to the Master Cleanse…

We’re heading into the final days of the cleanse and everything is going well for me. I’m starting to pass solid material during eliminations including some small gall stones. As gross as it sounds it’s actually motivating to see the waste come out of your body.

My sleep has also improved. I’m falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow and waking up about 1 hour earlier then usual. Some people think the Master Cleanse leaves you famished and drained, but as anyone who’s done the cleanse will tell you it’s the exact opposite, you start to feel light and energized as the cleansing process starts to work.

I’ve been reading through all the comments and I’m thrilled with everyone’s progress. To all of you who joined in to do this New Year Master Cleanse I want to congratulate you on sticking with it this far. We only have one more day to go – keep up the good work!



View Comments (27)

  • I have to agree with you. I feel great and have been sleeping really well. I don't even mind the salt water flush at all.

  • Day 7 of the master cleanse feeling very good I think this is the best tasting cleanse n it's super cheap I've spent $300 on other stuffs n it doesn't do as good of a job as this cleanse. If I didn't have such a big event to go to this weekend I've would stick to this diet for 10 days or longer but this is the end of my journey with the master cleanse maybe next time I do the cleanse I'll try and last longer

  • Actually I didn't try this product but I wanna try it the soonest because I was inspired by everyone who used it and experience the changes of their body. Hope you can tell me if where can I buy this book?

  • Day 5 - Gosh was day 1-3 so hard nearly gave in but with all the support online i've made it, still hard though. Toxins are exiting me finally, i'm sure it will get worse much before it gets better!

  • DAY 9: This has been a GREAT experience! Down 13 lbs! Blood pressure (top number down 20 points; lower number down 7 pts). Also, I can't believe the GOOK that comes out when I go to the toilet! It's simultaneously amazing and alarming! By the way, if you're having headaches, drink more water and lemonade and slow your activity pace a bit. I noticed that I'd get headaches before I went to the bathroom. After I'd go to the bathroom, the headache would go away. I guess the headaches are caused by the toxins "floating around" and "on their way out" of your body. Take it easy! Go slow!

  • I can't wait to try this the soonest. Having read the the good effects of master cleanse makes me wanna try this so so soon. Anyone where can i possibly buy the book?

  • Day 1 of the cleanse for me. It's 6:42pm, and so far I feel fine. I am worried about the fact that I have only had 2 glasses of lemonade and 1 glass of water... and I did the saltwater flush last night...and have not had a BM yet. Is that normal? Tips/comments are very welcome! This is my first time, so I've been reading as much as I can find about it online, but any tips or tricks you can share would be greatly appreciated! I figure if I can make it to Day 3, then I am golden.

  • On day 8 and feeling a lot of energy. Started out at 177 lbs and now at 166 lbs. I changed from organic lemons to just regular lemons 3 days ago and since then, no wait loss!! I think this is just a coincidence?? Or does it really matter a lot what type of lemons you consume?? Well I am not going to worry about it. Overall, this has been quite a great experience!!

  • Hey, I'm reading a lot of posts and people are 'drinking' wheatgrass and psyllium? That is NOT the way the cleanse was set out to be - Stanley Burroughs specifically says to follow the recipe - no wonder these people are starving! I'm on my 6th cleanse, each 10-14 days and feel amazing at day 5, but why slow or stop the process of the cleanse by putting something into your body that wasn't intended for the cleanse (such as vegetable broth, psyllium, decaf lemon tea, etc. etc. on this blog). If you're going to starve your body of food and cleanse, why waste your time and add in extra ingredients because you heard it from someone else who doesn't know what they're doing?

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