Day 5: Half Way There

It’s day 5, half way through the 10 day cleanse. I woke up today had a small craving for a piece of whole wheat toast. Whenever these cravings surface, and they will surface, it’s important to just grab a glass of lemonade or water and not dwell of food. That’s what I did this morning and my toast craving was quickly wiped out.

Other then that I’ve been cruising through the cleanse without any trouble.

If you have any questions I would be happy to answer them.

Keep up the good work everyone!


View Comments (11)

  • HI,

    Day 5 on the Mater Cleanse. The SWF is another story all together. I will never adapt to that and I am sure everyone else is with me on this one. Nasty is an understatement, but hey has to be done as its part of the MC... I did my first SWF in the morning and I ate 5 lamb chops, whole bag of steamed Spinage and Grilled Asparagus the night before and guess what ,I elimated no problem on the SWF I had 2 glasses of warm water with 2 heap full of Maldon Sea Salt..

    So the SWF worked for me after eating all that and I had a large bar of chocalate and smoked 12 cups of tea and 12 ciggies to go with it....

    Good luck all

  • Was skeptical about cleansing because I suffer from chronic heartburn. I am doing well on the clease and have not suffered at all. I am on the 9th day and has lost 10 lbs so far. I would like to stay on clease for at least 30 days or more. Wish me luck!!!!!!

  • Day 5 and I don't feel anymore urges to quit. At work we are always celebrating something or someone, and even though the food tonight looks and smells great, the fact of knowing I will be healthier and thinner really settles my cravings. Coworkers are also noticing some weight loss, that’s an extra bonus.

  • Its my 3rd day on the MC and my first attempt at it. I would have NEVER imagined I would feel fine without food! Yes, I miss it and when I see it my mouth waters, but I'm not hungry i just WANT food!...Hope the smooth sailing continues and I too ahve been going to the bathroom @ 4am & such...really can't wait to start seeing "old" elimination but not yet. Let's DO THIS fellow MC friends!!

  • Hey fellow cleansers.
    It's 2 a.m. on Day 5 and I can't sleep because I've been in and out of the bathroom for the past hour. And it's true - things start getting really hot down there. The coating on my tongue is a brownish white but seems to be going down a little. I have felt pretty good during the cleanse - way more energy than I expected to have. However I miss food and coffee dearly! I don't know if I'll last 10 days but I'm cleansing til my tongue is pink and happy! Good luck everyone and thanks for sharing your experiences!

  • Day three for me and going great. This is my second MC. The first time I experienced severe headaches during the first few days and am glad to say that I don't have the headaches this time. I've lost four pounds so far and hope it keeps coming off!

  • i can’t get hold of wheatgrass, fresh or powder, can i use alga spirulina powder instead? (i'm aware of the taste)

  • I started the cleanse yesterday, so this is Day 2 for me. So far so good. This is my first Master Cleanse, and it's easier than I expected. Hope it stays easy!

  • i've been sleep deprived in the last 4 nights....any tips? i keep active hoping i'll tire myself out.

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