The Master Cleanse for Fat Loss

Obesity is a worldwide epidemic that’s plaguing just about every developed nation in the world. In America and Canada, obesity affects 1 in 3 adults. In Europe (traditionally thought to be significantly healthier than the USA), some countries are affected to the tune of every 1 in 4 adults!

Some people say, just exercise, eat little and you’ll be thin. This attitude discounts some very important issues in the fight against obesity: the correct kind of exercise, the correct kind of food, and the correct mindset for weight loss. And besides, if staying thin was as easy as exercising and eating little food, why is obesity still a problem?

Getting thin isn’t just about getting to a certain weight on the scale. It’s about losing fat that’s stored in your body due to the poor diet that’s poisoned your metabolism. It’s also about forming and keeping the proper mindset about your body. Forget what the media defines as idea The Master Cleanse for Fat Loss is all about forming your body into what it is naturally:


View Comments (24)

  • So does the master cleanse actually remove fat from your body? It's my understanding that first we lose water, then some muscle and then fat as the last resort.


  • Today is my first day and it's the middle of the afternoon and I wanna take a nap... Is that okay ?

  • I am doing the master cleanse diet not just to lose weight but to detox my body and live a healthier lifestyle. I was just wondering if I did the insanity workout along with this diet plan if I would have a greater chance to lose weight? and if it will speed the process up or make the grand total of weight loss will be greater? I plan to post again on the end of my journey to tell everybody how it worked out!!

  • keninla, How long did you do the cleanses for and how often! Your results are inspiring!!! I am 18, and I am sick of standing next to my stick thin friends. I am tired of always feeling sluggish and crappy. Mentally an Physically I need to get the weight off! Any tips??

  • P.S. If you need willpower, just imagine how much more enjoyable life can be as a thin person and stick with the Master Cleanse. For me, the results were dramatic... I lost 50+ lb. in 6-months doing a series of 3-MC's... words cannot express how pleased I am with the results.

  • I lost over 50 lb. using the Master Cleanse and have kept it off for over 6-months. The majority of the pounds came off while fasting and I was able to drop the additional weight because the fast eliminated my cravings for junk food. I am now at my ideal weight and feel great. I am so thankful for the Master Cleanse. It's given me a whole new life.

  • i am on day 4 and i think i got the hang of it. i have added an extra flush in the evening since i do not like tea. i can't tell if there has been any changes,but looking forward to day 10. i will determine at that point if i should continue to day 14,21, and 30. love the challenge it has been very rewarding. :)

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