Master Cleanse Weight Loss

A reader asked about gaining back the weight you lose on the master cleanse…

in your story you said you staved yourself and in return it lowered my metabolism, so when I starting eating a normal diet I still ended up gaining weight will i am doing the MC now and from my reading the MC does this to and you will gain at least half the weight back is this true?

I think you’re talking about my experience with going on a long term starvation diet which I did gain the weight back when I started eating a normal diet. As long as you don’t plan on doing the master cleanse for a very long time (30+ days) your metabolism shouldn’t be an issue.

As far as the weight you lose on the master cleanse as I’ve mentioned a few times on this blog and in my book the master cleanse is not a weight loss diet, it’s an all purpose health enhancer. While you can lose a lot of weight on the cleanse much of it will be water and internal waste. It’s simply not possible to lose a large amount of fat in a short period of time.

If, and how much weight you gain back depends on what you do after you finish the cleanse. If you follow a light and healthy diet you can keep off most of the weight you lose. I’ve written a detailed post about diets to follow after the master cleanse.

That doesn’t mean you won’t lose weight on the master cleanse because you will, but the real weight loss benefits come after the cleanse, and from the new healthy habits you’re likely to adopt after you finish the master cleanse.


View Comments (22)

  • So , i just started my master cleanse today. My goal is to make it to day forty.but since this would be my very first cleanse .im not getting my hopes up.i will try but I feel I should do it ten days at a time. I'm 164lb 5'2 . After my pregnancy I gain a total of 35 pounds . I haven't been able to lose the weight . So far is hard because my husband is not very supportive because he thinks I'm starving my self.

  • i have been doing the master clense and i am on day 2 and cant believe i have not cheated, by the end of day 1 i had lost to my surprise 2 whole pounds. i am amazed just how quick this works i am going for 21( days 3 weeks). will power is definately needed this diet really works i will say it again IT REALLY WORKS.

  • Well Tyra That's Actually an great idea maybe you should try it and see but on the other hand i don't think you would lose much weight but it may detoxify your body and you will still feel hungry

  • I just finished 25 days of the cleanse. I feel amazing and have lost 25.2 pounds. My bad eating habits were not eating anything all day, and then coming home and cooking a large meal, then sitting on it for the night. Maybe having a snack or two in the evening as well. I have decided to keep drinking the juice for most of the day, eating a small meal near the middle of the day and finishing up with lemonade at night. If I feel a need to snack, I make myself some herbal tea. I have still been doing the SWF in the mornings to clean out any junk. This is probably the best thing I have ever done for myself, and I will do it again in January. I was smart to do it on Nov. because now I will not overindulge in food and alchohol over the holidays. I don't want that junk in my body!!

  • Hello all,

    Am doing the cleanse again, i did it in July and lost 22lbs in 20days. i gained all of it back as i tried other silly diets like protein(Dukan) and when stress run to food.
    the best thing about it, i was able to get a regulated monthly cycle. so am staring today

  • Tiffany, as the initial blog stated this really shouldn't be used for weight loss alone. When you start eating again, you will gain back some of what you've lost. The weight loss is a great side effect, but the true goal of the cleanse is to expel internal waste. Because of your age, make sure you talk to your parents before you do start. If you really want to get the weight off and keep it off, you gotta do it the old fashioned way. Change your eating habits, and commit to working out. Good luck to you, and have faith! You can do it!

  • Im 17 years old, 5'2 and weight almost 180lbs. I look forward to doing the master cleanse process but im a little scared that once its over I will gain all the weight back. My ideal goal is lose at least 30lbs in 30 days, but it would be great to lose more.. Will someone please help me?! Will I gain the weight back? Is it possible to lose that much weight in that little time? Will I lose my curves? Is it healthy? Does it really work?

  • I am on day 6... I read all your materials Raylen. My husband decided to do this with me, but he was out of town and came back when I was on day three and had already had breakfast, but decided to start that evening, so he's doing the 8 days and I am going for 10.

    So far I feel great! I think day 3 & 4 were the hardest because it was Saturday and Sunday... Monday I was home too, but by then, it wasn't too bad. Today on day 6, I'm back to work and I even went walking for a couple of miles, and felt pretty good. Will go back excercising tomorrow as well. I usually work out, but have slacked for about two or three weeks and didn't want to overdo it while on the cleanse.

    Good luck to everyone out there doing this and keep it up for clean, healthy bodies!!!

    By the way, weight loss was not my reason for doing this, although I do need to lose weight, I wanted to do this as a fresh start for my body. I lost 5 lbs by day 3, but ever since day 3, I've weighed the same. Maybe I only had five lbs of junk in my intestines... lol.

  • Im on my second day of the cleanse and I feel good...going to do it for 10 days...will post again.

  • The master cleanse is a healthy diet but all my friends think that I am anorexic. How should I show them that I am not anorexic? This is my 10th day on the cleanse and I am planning to do it for 40.

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