To get through the day without the crash and burn that comes from eating a big meal you should try snacking on smaller meals throughout the day. Foods like almonds, fruit, vegetables, or half portions of your regular meals will keep your hunger at bay without weighing you down.
Another benefit to eating 5 or 6 small meals is that it keeps your metabolism running high.
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I want to lose weight so Im trying to graze through out the day. So far today i had a cup of cereal (260), an apple(50), a pint of skim milk(90), and a serving size of almonds(200).. all totaling up to about 600 calories. i want to keep the calories to no more than 1500 a day..My question is if I am doing this right? (if Im eating too much or too little). Also im kind of questioning what i eat for dinner, if i even eat dinner for this type of meal plan?
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